Port of Oakland Commissioners said today their Board meetings would be conducted by phone while state and county shelter-in-place orders are in effect. The Governing Board of Port Commissioners said its order would extend to Port employees that usually attend the meetings, as well as the public. The Board said all participants would be required to dial in to take part in its bimonthly meetings.
The seven-member governing Board sets policy and provides direction for the Port of Oakland, a public agency that is an independent department of the City of Oakland. The Port Board historically meets in open session at Port Headquarters in Oakland. The change to telephone meetings results from an executive order by the Governor facilitating virtual meetings and shelter-in-place orders issued by the state and Alameda County, the Board said. The county’s order was announced March 17 to limit the spread of coronavirus.
The Board said observers would still be able to follow the phone-in Board meetings. It invited the public to click this link to observe proceedings or find written materials: https://www.portofoakland.com/port/board-of-commissioners/board-meetings/. Members of the public can email comments to the Board at this address: [email protected].