The Port of San Diego invites the public to attend the latest Board meeting during the drafting and discussion of the Port Master Plan Update, which has been a priority project this past year, with extensive public outreach. 

Often referred to as “the future of the Port,” this agency-wide initiative will guide the future of approximately 6,000 acres of land and water within Port of San Diego jurisdiction along the San Diego Bay waterfront. Launched in 2013, Integrated Planning will ensure a holistic, thoughtful, and balanced approach to future land and water uses for generations to come, codified in a Port Master Plan Update. The Port has been actively seeking public input and engagement during this process.

Details of the upcoming public meeting:

Wednesday, March 28, 2018: The Board of Port Commissioners will hold a workshop to discuss topics including a baywide land and water use designations table and a glossary of commonly used terms; and policy concepts and updated land and water use maps for the North Embarcadero, South Embarcadero and Central Embarcadero Sub-Districts, which are located on the San Diego waterfront. The meeting begins at 10 a.m. in the Port of San Diego Administration Building, 3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego 92101.

The Board workshop will include opportunities for public comment and Board feedback on each of the topics.
The Port of San Diego has prioritized community outreach and engagement since the beginning of its Integrated Planning initiative in 2013, with numerous public events, stakeholder involvement opportunities and public meetings of the Board of Port Commissioners. The Integrated Planning initiative will culminate in a Port Master Plan Update, which is currently being developed. Continuing the award-winning outreach associated with this initiative, in 2017 the Port hosted 12 public Board Workshops and Open House events, where members of the public and stakeholders engaged with Port staff and Commissioners on the goals and policy concepts related to the Port Master Plan Update.

Agendas will be posted in advance of each Board meeting. Click here for agendas.

The subjects of discussion at each meeting are projected based on current information, and may change. Agendas will be posted in advance of each Board meeting. For more information, including future public open houses and workshops, or to submit an online comment, visit

Contact: Tanya Castaneda O: (619) 686-6330 C: (619) 871-5871