As the 2024 marine shipping season on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway progresses, statistics show that movements of potash (an agricultural fertilizer) remain up for 2024 when compared to the same period (i.e. March to June) last year. Specifically, potash traffic was up 281,000 tonnes, for a total of approximately 506,000 tonnes moved to date.
Key members of the Chamber of Marine Commerce (CMC) include Fertilizer Canada and several of its members. Fertilizer Canada represents producers, manufacturers, wholesale and retail distributors of nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur fertilizers, which collectively play an essential role in Canada’s economy, contributing over $42 billion annually and employing 100,400 workers throughout the supply chain. As the foundation of Canada’s agri-food sector, the association and its members are playing a key role in driving the economy and supporting food security.
“Looking at the volumes of vital materials moving across the continent, and all the benefits that result, we see how marine shipping and its partners move what matters to maintain a strong economy, job market, and quality of life,” noted Bruce Burrows, President and CEO of the Chamber of Marine Commerce. “With respect to marine shipping specifically, almost 360,000 jobs and more than $66 Billion in economic activity are supported by our industry annually, and our members and partner associations make similar and substantial contributions. We are about to enter the busiest time of the marine shipping season, and CMC members across the supply chain are standing together to deliver for businesses and customers at home and all over the world – living up to our responsibility to deliver as consistently as ever, and expecting our partners in government and elsewhere to support us in doing so.”