Q-Free, a global leader in mobility solutions for smart city infrastructure, has announced the receipt of a clean System and Organization Controls (SOC 2) Type II attestation report. The rigorous, independent audit of internal security controls validates Q-Free’s ongoing efforts to maintain the highest security standards for safely handling customer data.

“Data security is critical for SaaS and cloud-hosted applications. Adherence to the rigorous SOC 2 standards demonstrates the lengths Q-Free is willing to go to protect the public and our customers’ personal data,” said Q-Free Director of Software Operations Mitchell Terry. “We believe we are the only ATMS vendor that has achieved this level of compliance for their cloud-based software.”

Robust data security

A growing amount of data is collected, transmitted, or stored in advanced traffic management systems (ATMS). Ensuring that this data is safe, is paramount for both Q-Free’s clients and the communities they serve – especially for cloud-based ATMS services, such as Q-Free’s Kinetic Mobility.

“Q-Free is driven from the top down to build smarter, safer communities in a secure and sustainable manner,” Terry added. “There is a large amount of user-related and internal data transferred and stored on ITS systems daily. Our proactive approach to data security and protection resulted in a clean audit without exceptions.”

The highest level of data security

SOC 2 compliance is widely recognized as a robust criterion for cloud-based data security and protection. Developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), SOC 2 compliance requires service organizations to establish and maintain a comprehensive set of policies, procedures, and practices to protect customer data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction.

By achieving SOC 2 compliance, Q-Free assures its customers that their quality data is protected by industry-leading security measures and best practices.