Q-Free, a global leader in mobility solutions for smart city infrastructure, announced the full integration of software as a service (SaaS) deployment across its entire Kinetic® Mobility platform. Created from inception to take advantage of cloud-hosted, SaaS modeling, Kinetic Mobility is a real-time, holistic, user-centered, advanced traffic management platform (ATMS) that enhances mobility across local, intercity, and regional applications. The user-configurable system unites video feeds, signal input, event notifications, maps, and other aspects of intelligent transport under a single, user-friendly interface. Adopting a SaaS delivery model makes Kinetic Mobility more accessible and affordable than ever for agencies of any size, budget, or project scope.
Holistic traffic management
“We’re delivering a holistic approach to traffic management, where information is shared across all agency departments,” Mager added. “This unique approach allows agencies to leverage information happening elsewhere in their area that historically they didn’t have access to. Best of all, this can be done using existing field devices regardless of manufacturer.”
The most immediate advantage of using the cloud-hosted software as a service model is the low initial investment. It uses flexible, subscription-based payment options to eliminate the high upfront cost of purchasing or licensing traditional on-premises software; while offering a safe, scalable solution where users only pay for what they need.
Ensuring user & data security
System security and data storage are significant worries when investigating cloud-based SaaS software. Q-Free offers robust data storage with customizable storage terms and adheres to a strict policy of safe data storage that conforms to SOC 2 security requirements to keep data protected and private. The best in modern IT and cloud services means your data is secure when transmitted or accessed. In addition to security, low initial cost, ease of use, and modularity, a Kinetic Mobility SaaS system is:
· Easy to scale larger or smaller as needed
· Quick to implement and deploy
· No long-term commitments
· Eliminates maintenance costs and worries
· Always up to date
Reduced burden on limited agency resources
Finally, a traditional headache of legacy systems is server maintenance and software updates, requiring many person-hours on an ongoing basis. With Q-Free's SaaS deployment, Kinetic Mobility servers, databases, and software updates are handled by Q-Free rather than the end user or government agency, slashing IT budget requirements and reducing downtime while improving overall system security.
“Working with critical infrastructure, data security and privacy are of the utmost importance,” said Q-Free America COO Whitney Nottage, P.E. “SaaS programs that leverage large-scale cloud services provide a level of security, reliability, and scalability not easily achieved by on-premises systems.”