Commerce Secretary Gina M. Raimondo released the following statement following Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s announcement of expected Senate conferees to the Bipartisan Innovation Act conference committee.

“It’s not every day that Democrats, Republicans, industry, and labor all agree on the need to pass a piece of legislation. It’s time to take advantage of that consensus and get a final bill to President Biden’s desk,” said Secretary Raimondo. “Leaders in both chambers and both parties have worked diligently to craft legislation that brings home manufacturing jobs, secures our supply chains, and helps America stay globally competitive. The announcement of expected Senate conferees by Leaders Schumer and McConnell bring Congress one step closer to resolving the remaining differences and passing this critical legislation. I look forward to working with conferees from the House and Senate to get the Bipartisan Innovation Act across the finish line.”