In response to the Senate Budget Committee's announcement of an investigation into potential illegal coordination between U.S. oil producers and OPEC, Cassidy DiPaola, spokesperson for the Make Polluters Pay campaign, issued the following statement:

“The Senate Budget Committee's investigation into suspected collusion between Big Oil and OPEC is a crucial step towards exposing the fossil fuel industry's deceptive practices. Following revelations about former Pioneer CEO Scott Sheffield's coordination with OPEC, this probe could uncover widespread anti-competitive behavior that has harmed American consumers.

The allegation that illegal price-fixing may have contributed to 25% of pandemic-era inflation is deeply troubling. This means that potentially illegal activities by oil companies could have been responsible for a quarter of the price increases that strained American households during an already challenging time. The impact on family budgets, from groceries to transportation costs, may have been significantly exacerbated by these suspected illegal practices. This warrants a thorough and urgent investigation.

For too long, oil companies have publicly blamed government policies for high energy prices while potentially engaging in backroom deals to limit supply and inflate costs.

We commend Chairman Whitehouse for demanding answers from 18 major oil producers. This investigation, coupled with recent hearings on the industry's climate disinformation campaign, signals growing momentum to hold polluters accountable. We call for full transparency in this process and urge the Department of Justice to pursue any illegal activities uncovered. "