Grant Will Provide Funds for “I-40 Smart Fiber” Project
The Tennessee Department of Transportation has been awarded an $11,200,000 federal Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant. The grant money will provide partial funding for the I-40 Smart Fiber Project, which will expand Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies along I-40 between Memphis and Nashville.
The expansion of ITS in rural areas of the state will allow TDOT and partner agencies to continuously monitor roadway conditions and will dramatically improve response times to incidents and weather-related emergencies. It also greatly increases TDOT’s ability to communicate vitally important information to motorists. It will also help prepare Tennessee’s roadways for connected and automated vehicles.
Over the past two decades, TDOT has installed ITS and communication infrastructure consisting of nearly 400 miles of fiber optic, 551 CCTV cameras, 183 dynamic message signs, and four Traffic Management Centers. The I-40 Smart Fiber Project is currently under development, with construction expected to begin in late 2021.