The Texas North Western Railway Company (TXNW), a subsidiary of TNW Corporation of Dallas, has been awarded $7.3 million for rail line improvements from the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program. TXNW will provide matching funds for the project.
The funding enables TXNW to upgrade 5.5 miles of track with new rail, public grade crossings, and bridges to bolster the local supply chain and ensure safe, reliable services to a growing number of cattle feedlots, dairies, and grain elevators in Moore County. The improvements allow safe movement of industry standard 286,000-lb. railcars and larger locomotives to transport unit trains that serve customers located on TXNW’s line. These upgrades will improve loading and unloading times and provide a significant emissions benefit.
TXNW is a short line railroad that operates approximately 30 miles of mainline track between Cactus and Sunray, Texas, as well as more than 180 miles of storage and switching tracks. The railway is located about 50 miles north of Amarillo.