The Mission to Seafarers (MtS), a leading international seafarer welfare charity, has announced the winners of its annual Seafarers Awards in Singapore. The ceremony highlights the value and importance of seafarer welfare and honors individuals and organizations that have significantly improved seafarers' well-being.

After a two-year hiatus, MtS’ prestigious Seafarers Awards ceremony and gala dinner returned in person to Singapore on October 6, 2022. The maritime industry thrives on social contact and throughout the evening, guests mingled excitedly, sharing smiles, handshakes, and embraces as they reunited with their peers. Attendance was high and it was clear our guests’ priority was to show their support for seafarers’ welfare.

Honoring the commitment and contributions to seafarer wellbeing made by the crew, shore staff, and shipping companies around the globe, the award winners for outstanding contributions to seafarers' welfare are:

Seafarers Award: The seafarer who made the most significant contribution to seafarers’ welfare.

Winner: Captain Rohit Minocha, Hafnia

Highly Commended: Captain Seul Gu, BSM

Shoreside Award: The shoreside person who made a significant contribution to seafarers’ welfare.

Winner: Capt Oleksandr Litvinov, BSM

Cadet Award: The cadet or trainee who made a significant contribution to seafarers’ welfare either at sea or ashore.

Winner: Van Alfred Villanueva, AMOSUP/Columbia

Innovation Award: An individual or a company who embraced a new program, project, or training which enhanced the welfare of seafarers.


Highly Commended: Wartsila Voyage

Rescue Award: The captain and crew who have coordinated a successful rescue operation to save lives at sea.

Winner: Capt Sergiy Tatarenko and crew of the CHITTAGONG, BSM

Highly Commended: Capt Erwin Bondoc of the PELICANA, Zeaborn

Secretary-General Award: The person or company who has shown sustained efforts to improve seafarers’ welfare at sea or ashore.

Winner: Eastern Pacific Shipping

Highly Commended: Ms Tracy Gao Wen, Pacific International Lines Marine Personnel Department

In addition, Ms. Akshhaya Mondkar, Campbell Shipping, received particular recognition from the judges for being nominated in multiple categories for her contribution to seafarers’ wellbeing as a nutritionist.

During the evening, the Mission presented its inaugural Adventure Race Japan, taking place on the Izu Peninsula in May 2023. Running or trekking, depending on your fitness level, this event is open to teams of 3, gathering 250 people from across the shipping industry for a two-day very exciting, networking and participatory event. We are pleased Tom Bonehill, Norstar Shipping, who was present is one of our Volunteer Committee members.

The Revd. Canon Andrew Wright, Secretary General, The Mission to Seafarers, said:

“I heartily congratulate all the winners from another very strong field this year. The last two years have given rise to many incredible seafarer welfare projects, providing vitally important services. In addition, many individuals have achieved extraordinary things in going the extra mile for seafarer wellbeing. It was great to see this reflected in the awards in such diverse ways. These remain disruptive and challenging times for us all, with seafarers and their families often acutely impacted. The lack of shore leave for example has continued to severely impact many seafarers as well as The Mission to Seafarers’ traditional services.

“To combat this, we have taken a number of steps, including the launch of new digital systems of support, building on the Chat to a Chaplain initiative. The industry has made significant progress in responding to seafarer need in these last three years but must continue to tackle the perennial problems of shore leave and connectivity and provide extra support to manage the impact that unprecedented world events are having on seafarers’ wellbeing and mental health.”

Captain Robert Walker, Chairman, The Mission to Seafarers Singapore, said:

“It was a privilege to welcome everyone back to Singapore with its strong maritime culture for our fifth seafarers’ awards program and third dinner – especially after a two-year ‘virtual’ break. It was great to physically celebrate the event with everyone, including our friends and supporters at MPA. The nominations were, as always, all very strong, which made it hard for the judges to select the winners. My congratulations go out to them all.

“The recognition of individuals and groups who show special effort and dedication to the welfare of seafarers both at sea and ashore is particularly rewarding. It highlights that the more work the industry does in collectively raising awareness and concern for seafarer welfare, the more productive and safer the industry will be for all. Our vision is to expand and change in line with Singapore port growth and continue to reach out to as many of the seafarers that visit Singapore as possible. However, none of this would be possible without the support of our volunteers, sponsors and partners and we therefore take this opportunity to thank all.”

Rashpal Bhatti, Vice President Maritime & Supply Chain Excellence, BHP, said:

“Very thankful that the maritime community was once again able to come together to celebrate the inimitable work that seafarers perform day and night to keep our economies progressed. Our congratulations to all the winners and worthy shortlisted recommendations. BHP would like to sincerely thank the MtS for their continued dedication to this tangible and noble cause. We are indebted to you.”

Nick Potter, GM, Asia Pacific Middle East, Shipping & Maritime, Shell, said:

“Shell is delighted to continue to be a sponsor of the awards which recognize the importance of seafarers’ welfare, which reminds us to not lose the momentum, and to continue with more efforts to better the physical and mental wellbeing of our seafarers.”