WASHINGTON – The Department of Commerce announced the termination of the 2013 Suspension Agreement on Fresh Tomatoes from Mexico, and that negotiations will continue regarding a possible revised agreement acceptable to the Mexican signatories which also addresses the concerns of the U.S. industry to the extent permissible by U.S. trade law. During the negotiations, Commerce will continue with the investigation and instruct Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect cash deposits or bonds based on the preliminary determination by Commerce, which was issued in 1996. Any deposits collected will be refunded if a revised agreement is reached, or the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) determines there is no injury based on its own independent investigation.
“The Department of Commerce remains committed to ensuring that American domestic industries are protected from unfair trading practices,” said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. “We remain optimistic that there will be a negotiated solution.”
Termination of the Agreement will result in the continuation of the suspended investigation. Commerce will continue with its investigation and notify the ITC of its final determination. If Commerce continues to find sales made at less than fair value in its final determination, the ITC will then complete its own investigation and make a final determination with respect to injury. If both Commerce and the ITC issue affirmative final determinations, an antidumping duty order will be issued.
Commerce opened negotiations with the Mexican signatories in January 2018 and is continuing the discussion to reach an agreement that is satisfactory to both Mexican growers and producers, as well as U.S. industry. Should an agreement be reached, Commerce and the Mexican signatories could enter into a new agreement, subject to the 30-day notification period as outlined in the statute.