Due to the ongoing and rapidly escalating security situation in Ukraine, MSC has introduced operational contingencies and, as of today 24 February 2022, has stopped accepting new bookings for cargo to/from Ukraine. 

The container ship MSC JESSENIA R was required to deviate during voyage XA207A and the vessel will omit calling Odessa. 

For the time being MSC ships will not call at Ukrainian ports and we are implementing various other operational changes to other vessels in the region to make use of our wide Black Sea port network. For cargo destined to Ukraine, we will declare the voyage as ended in the last port prior to Ukraine.

MSC is also reviewing how best to manage cargo for transit to Ukraine that is currently lying at ports in the Black Sea and Mediterranean. We will communicate directly to customers any relevant details of additional contingencies and will endeavor to treat shipments of chilled and frozen cargo in reefer containers with care.

Stacking areas at hubs in the region are already very full and we expect the impact of the Ukraine situation to present additional challenges on top of existing global supply chain disruptions. 

MSC will continue to monitor the impact of the security situation and geopolitical its service network accordingly. Our services to and from Russia are maintained.