California Harbor Trucking Association’s Schrap says zero emission mandates don’t work

California is going to need thousands of chargers and charging stations and electric trucks in order to meet its zero emission truck goals but the capacity of energy, charging stations and electric trucks is not currently available according to Matt Schrap, CEO for the Harbor Trucking Association.
Panama Canal’s low water delays could last 10 months impacting U.S. Gulf/East Coast ports

The Panama Canal’s drought induced low water problems are causing vessel traffic jams that could last for the next ten months according to the Athens-based shipbroker Intermodal.
Port of LA’s Seroka sees “muted peak season”

The Port of Los Angeles expects “a muted peak season” according to Eugene Seroka, Executive Director, Port of Los Angeles.
Port of Tianjin recovery from storms & floods may take 2 to 4 weeks

Severe storm-related flooding in Northern China has disrupted operations at the Port of Tianjin and returning to normal operations may take 2-4 more weeks according to...
PASHA cites “Teamwork’ in delivery of newest Jones Act container ship

George Pasha, IV, President and CEO, Pasha Hawaii welcomed the arrival of Pasha’s second LNG-powered container ship, the Janet Marie, at a christening ceremony...
Navy League proposes Jones Act & Marine Highways for marine highway & military sealift

The Navy League of the United States is proposing a major new investment in building dual use ships to transport commercial and military sealift cargoes.
PMSA Analyst warns of continued decline at Port of Oakland

The report went on to state: “in part because of labor slowdowns ... Inbound loads (66,295) were down by 18.0% from June 2019...
U.S. Maritime Administrator Phillips faces challenges to U.S. shipbuilding, mariner safety, crew shortages & U.S. naval security

In an exclusive interview with AJOT, Rear Admiral Ann C. Phillips, U.S. Navy (Ret.), the 20th Administrator for the Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD), discussed challenges facing the U.S. maritime industry.
GSC announces acquisition of Pacific Northwest Transloader Macmillan-Piper

GSC, a nationwide provider of 3PL services, is acquiring MacMillan-Piper, one of the largest trans loaders in the Pacific Northwest, David Arsenault, President, GSC told AJOT.
Port of Hueneme’s Decas sees 24% auto resurgence in 2023

After a decline in auto shipments during the pandemic, there has been a 24% increase in Port of Hueneme auto shipments during 2023, according to Kristin Decas, Executive Director.

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