b'14American Journal of Transportation ajot.comBaltiMORE Contrecoeur project at Port of Montreal moving forward(THREATcontinued from page 12) the Contrecoeur project.thepublicprocurementprocesstoHowever, before the Contrecoeur prepare for the terminals design andproject enters full construction mode, construction, and the winning biddersMontreal port officials are anxiously will soon be announced. awaitingaresolutionofthepro-Onthecriticalenvironmentallonged,bitterconflictbetweenthe front, the outlook has been markedlyMontrealEmployersAssociation boostedbythequitefavorablelateandtheunionrepresenting1,125 autumn report by the Impact Assess- dockers.Theexistingcollective ment AgencyofCanada.Thelatteragreement expired on December 31,WELCOMEopined that the Contrecoeur terminal2018. A series of work stoppages last wasnotlikelytocausesignificantsummer provoked substantial vesselto the Port of Baltimoreadverse environmental effects, takingandcargodiversionsandsupply intoaccounttheimplementationofchainbottlenecksacrossmuchof key implementation measures. eastern Canada. And a seven-month Then, most recently (on JanuarytruceendedonMarch21withthe 12), the Quebec government pledgedtwo sides still at loggerheads, againOn-dock railC$55 million in financial assistance toinducingshipperstobeginmakingRobust real estate growththe Montreal Port Authority towardscontingency plansSecond 50-ft deep berth under construction(CHASINGcontinued fromcommission also selected McFarland- Double stack rail coming soonpage 11) Johnson Inc. of Binghamton to assistLess than two miles to Interstate 95plant project. with engineering, bid review and con- Access to 2/3 of the U.S. population within 24 hoursThe Port of Albany hit high gearstructionadministrationforthepro-on wind power when on January 13thposed wind tower manufacturing andmarylandports.com | 1.800.638.7519 |the port was awarded a bid to be theassembly plant. The contract calls forGovernor Larry Hogan MDOT Secretary Gregory Slater MDOT MPA Executive Director William P. Doylesite for New York States first windMcFarland-Johnson to be paid up to powermanufacturingandassem- $1.59milliontoprovideinfrastruc-bly site. The New York State Energyture designand engineering services ResearchandDevelopmentAuthor- anduptoanother$3.1millionfor ity (NYSERDA) selected a joint bidassisting with engineering, bid reviewoffice space. more welcomed than the state house in fromenergycompanyEquinor,andandconstructionadministrationforPerhaps lost in the offshore buildTrenton, New Jersey. Contained within wind industry manufacturers Marmenproposedwindtowermanufacturingout is the fact that the Port of Albanythe announcement of the commitment andWelcontobuildtwooffshoreand assembly plant. is also a destination for onshore windto wind power [see above],the Interior wind farms with a combined output ofWhencompletedtheBethlehempower equipment.Departments Bureau of Ocean Energy nearly 2.5 gigawatts of electricity. Thefacilitywillbuildsome350windManagement[BOEM]saidthatthe Port of Albanys selection for the proj- towers for deployment.nJ P lanS to Bem id -a tlantich uB New York Bight, an area of shallow ect was part of the Equinor bid [Equi- WhencompletedtheBethlehemFoRo FFShoReW indP oWeR waters located between New Jersey and nor holds two lease areas, the Empirefacility will include up to five build- PerhapsnowhereelsewastheLong Island, would become a priority Windleasearealocatednearly20ings,totalinganestimated600,000BidenadministrationannouncementWind Energy Area. Further, Secretary miles south of Long Island]. The portsquare feet of assembly, storage andofsupportforoffshorewindpowerof the Interior Deb Haaland explainedtheareaencompassessome800,000 acres. BOEM now will identify poten-tialsitesforwindfarms,including an environmental review with public comment, and decide whether to sell leases for development as early as the end of this year. Thisisallverygoodnewsfor Single Source Solutions S3 New Jersey.NewJerseysGovernorPhil Learn how our S3 can empower your intermodalMurphy has become a major advocate transportation program. Its the Single Sourcefor offshore wind power, first announc-Solution that will pay dividends for you fromingplansinJune2020ofaplanto ports and rails to warehouse and distributionbuild a wind port on an artificial island solutions nationwide. in the Delaware River and then upping LETS CONNECT. 855-4ROADONEthe ante with the December announce-One Kellaway Drive(855-476-2366) ment of a $250 million investment in Randolph, MA 02368www.roadone.com awind-relatedmanufacturingfacility in the Port of Paulsboro to be operated by EEW Group, a company based in Solutions That Connect Erndtebrck,Germany.Thecompa-Corporate Headquarters nys EEW Special Pipe Constructions Domestic Intermodal Trucking Solutions Regional OfcesService Centers subsidiary, based in the Rostock Port International Intermodal Trucking Solutions Northeast Region on the Baltic Sea, manufactures foun-Container Terminal Solutions Midwest RegionSouth Region dation structures for the offshore wind Regional Dedicated Truckload Solutions West Region and oil and gas industries. National Transloading, Warehousing and Distribution Solutions ThePaulsboroMarineTerminal ReliabilityTenacitySafetyIntegrityLoyalty isa190-acrefacilityinauguratedin 2017, primarily to handle breakbulk (CHASINGcontinued on page 20)'