b'18American Journal of Transportation ajot.comFeeding chickens is so costly its changing global trade flowsFeeding the worlds chickens, pigsgetbloatediftheyeattoomuchof and cows has gotten so expensive itsit. Researchers at North Dakota State upending global trade flows. Universityrecommendthatwheat As grain prices surge, Americanmake up no more than 15% of an ani-chicken giant Perdue Farms Inc. tookmals diet when its being introduced. the rare step of buying soybeans, anThecolorofabirdsskincanalso Americanstaple,fromrivalBrazil.vary depending on what it eats, with BRFSA,Brazilstoppoultrypro- corn-fed chicken looking yellowish, a ducer,turnedtoneighboring Argen- trait shunned in some countries.tinaforcorn,whilefeedmakersinYou cant switch a cattles diet, or China and the U.S. are buying wheatany animals diet really very abruptly, more commonly used for bread. said Tyler Beaver, a founder of broker-Thesetacticsandothersbytheage Beaf Cattle Co. in Arkansas. They worldstopfoodcompanieshigh- stagnateontheirgrowthwhenyou lighthowtighttheglobalmarketchange anything very much.has become. A gauge of grain pricesPerdue is importing 31,450 metric isataneight-yearhigh,boostingtons of Brazilian soybeans as U.S. sup-the cost of feeding animals and sig- plies dwindle, with vessel Four Turan- The MPP, AAL Dalian, lifts a barge onto its deck. nalinghighermeatpricescouldbedot set to sail from the northern port of(TIDEcontinued from page 14) phenomena, So far, the shipping mar-coming for consumers. Still, keepingBarcarena next month. Concerns abouta complement to their main businesskets keep on surprising us. The boom upwithrisingmeatdemandasthea smaller corn crop in Brazil known asof moving wheeled units.in the bulk markets has also come as world recovers from the pandemic hassafrinha has sent prices surging in theThemarketforMPPsoftenisa surprise to most market participants. industry executives saying the rally isSouth American nation, opening up thetiedtoprojectsandifinvestmentFew owners actually positioned them-far from over. opportunity for BRF to purchase twoisnt being made in projects then theselvesstrategicallyforthecurrent The meat and chicken industriescargoes from Argentina. sector has a tendency to bump alongboom.TheMPP/Heavyliftmarkets stillhavegoodmargins,sohigherWhen prices get high and sup- with relatively low returns comparedare also really accelerating and finally prices are yet to curb their appetite,plies are tight you tend to get out ofto other dry bulk sectors that are influ- starting to provide healthy returns. saidBrianWilliams,aseniorvicetheordinarymoves,saidStephenenced by other economic trends. ButToepferalsopublishesaunique presidentatMacquarieGroupLtd.Nicholson, a senior grain and oilseedthis time is different. indextracking(seechartpage14) in New York. However, corn pricesanalyst at Rabobank. Importing soy- The demand has been so perva- daily charter rates for MPPs. And in have risen enough that in some partsbean into the U.S. is a psychologicalsivethroughnearlyeveryclassoftheirMay20 th index,ToepfersTMI of the U.S. wheat is being dialed in. blowtothemarketandsometimeships that the freights for MPPs havewas $8,984, up from $6,441 a year ear-Itmayallseemsimple,butbacks price down. been lifted like ships in a high tide.lier. The rise in the TMI has been con-changingthedietofanimalscomesChina is buying wheat from sev- Hamburg,Germany-basedship- sistent since June 2020 ($6,381) and withsomerisk:wheatshouldntbeeral countries as corn prices rise, andbrokerToepferTransportintheirreally started to accelerate in January. fedtoyoungercattleandcowscan(COSTLYcontinued on page 19) March market newsletter explained the(TIDEcontinued on page 20)DEPENDABLEPERFORMANCEEVERY SHIPMENTEXPRESS SERVICE FOR OVERSIZE CARGOFeatures: Benefits: Lump sum, all inclusive rates Attractive and predictable pricing Weekly frequency & expedient transit timesDependable and consistent service Port to Port / Door to Port / Door to Door serviceFlexible service Attentive, responsive, and respectfulThe AIL experienceContact us today for your oversize shipment needs!New York:Chicago:San Francisco: 516-829-0647
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