b'JUNE 20 - JULY 24, 2022WAREHOUSING & DISTIBUTION 29(PROFILEcontinued from page 28) Ive seen real collaboration and a sin- (HEATINGcontinued from page 26) ing 47.1 million buildable square feet network evolved from a less-than-effi- cere desire to get to a solution. Its beendecisions aligns with our broader strat- of logistics space. Link Logistics also cient drop-ship model to the compa- bothrefreshingandexciting.Iloveegy to position our customers closer toacquired5.6millionsquarefeetin nyscurrentCastleGatedistributionhaving this opportunity to serve and totheir end-consumers, said Sensing.18 buildings in strategic markets and center network, and how is this prov- represent Wayfair. Its been an honor.Besides positioning inventory closersigned465newandrenewalleases ingbeneficialinthelow-value-to- How is coaching youth football,toconsumers,Ryderalsooffersfourfor 18.3 million square feet during the weight-ratio home goods business? asyouhavedone,likeleadingatiers of service, including white-glovefirst quarter of 2022. CastleGate Forwarding is focusedsupply chain operation? delivery,whichprovidesassembly,We continue to benefit from the on providing value-added global logis- Its all about team. I havehandshook-up, and installation. Ryder is alsoacceleration of e-commerce, the need tics services to our suppliers in orderdownthe best team anyone can askinvesting in visibility technology such asfor increased inventory, and emerging to lower costs and increase reliabilityfor. And, just like coaching any sport,RyderView, which enables consumers tolong-term trends such as nearshoring of service.itsaboutempoweringtheindividu- schedule deliveries and track orders.andonshoring,saidLukePether-In an environment where procur- alstodotheirjob,supportingtheirl inko n theh untF orl ogistiCs bridge, Links chief executive officer.ing reliable space on vessels is akin togrowth, giving them all the glory andLink plans to deliver nine-million buying ammo in a zombie apocalypse,just letting them play.p roperties square feet of infill logistics real estate using our size and negotiation abilityIf it isnt fun, why even do it?ThatsWith demand for last-mile facili- bytheendof2023inLos Angeles, to bring well-priced and reliable spacemyjob.Supporteveryone,makeaties on the rise, Link Logistics, one ofSouthernCaliforniasInlandEmpire, is a key tool.game plan with my leaders and drivethe largest operators of logistics realSouth Florida, and New Jersey. These We have a surgical focus on our sup- results but make it fun. I think we doestateintheU.S.,continuesonitsproperties, said Petheridge, will meet pliers and our business. It allows us toa great job of that. Im getting older,hunt for suitable properties. A recentheightened demand for prime logistics create tailor-made technology and pro- slowerandcrankier,butImsur- company update reported that it owns,facilities,creatingadditionalsupply cesses that suppliers simply cant findrounded by young geniuses who makehas interests in, or has under develop- and providing Links customers space from other forwarding solutions. Its ame skip to work every day. Ive neverment, properties totaling 559 millionto grow their businesses. real partnership. We are a small part of abeen happier to be on a team in my life. square feet, 98% of which is leased.As with many aspects of todays very large solution that is obsessed withWhat is your favorite supply chainLinkexecuted18.3millionsquareeconomy,thecostsassociatedwith efficiencyanddrivingopportunityforjoke? feet of leasing during the first quarterinfillrealestate,locatedinbuilt-suppliers and our customers. Its inspir- ThecurrentdraftoftheOceanof2022andexpandeditsdevelop- up urban and suburban locations and ing, to be honest, that we care this muchShipping Reform Act Its gotta bementfundingby27%to$9billionprizedaslast-milefacilities,areon about a supply chain. a joke, right? through the end of last year, represent- the rise. Iseetheforwardingindustryin atimeofsignificantchange.Larger companies like Wayfair have the scaleE B R A T I Nand the insight to do much of the workE L Gthat we would have outsourced before.CBecausesomanylargeforwarders havecommoditizedthemselves,its become a race to the bottom. Those of0-2020us in e-comm and large BCOs [ben- 192eficial cargo owners] will be forced toOF ICEbuild our own platforms in order to getSERVthe value we and our suppliers seek.Moreimportantly,thetechnol- SUCCESS STARTS WITH A WINNING TEAM!ogy many of the forwarders are build-ingisextremelyself-servingand rightfully somost especially in the universe of this new phenomenon ofSince our establishment in 1920, we haveWE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS:digital forwarding. been providing our global customers a On-site Storage and Multi-modal Whytrytofitinwithsomeonepremier level of service through superiorDistribution Serviceselses technology road map when wehandling and performance, technologicalCustomer Access to 24 hour Inventory Trackingcandesignwhatoursuppliersandadvancements, and a perpetual eyecustomers have told us they want? Weon customer satisfaction. Also, we offer one Standard Berths and Ro-Ro Ramps are available dont have to make a digital solutionof the most cost effective and reliable labor Specially engineered Lifting Gear for the entire industry and market, justforces in the North Atlantic. Container Transloading from / to Rail or Truck ours. This is why I sincerely believe On-site service provided by 2 Class I we will beat everyone else to punch.We have the ability to accommodate aRail CarriersAnd do so handily. variety of automobile, breakbulk, bulk,Efficient Distribution to Two Thirds of theHow is Wayfair responding to pres- container and forest products. OurUnited States and Canadian populations within ent global supply chain challenges? distinction, is based on our ability to closely48 - 72 Hours Technology-enabled,process-drivencoordinate your Stevedoring, Warehousing solutionsbackedupbyincrediblyand Distribution Logistics. smart and hard-working people who dive in hard and commit to the cus-tomer. You know, forwarding! We are doing what Im so proud of this indus-try for doing for decades: Improvising in a brutal situation and finding ways to make it work. Since the days when the pandemic blew a hole in the global economy, ourFOR MORE INFORMATION industry has been out-thinking prob- CONTACT US AT:lems and outworking the issues, like wealwayshave. AtWayfair/Castle- JH STEVEDORING, INC. Gate, we are continuing that tradition.2147 South Columbus Blvd. I think we are just doing it with betterPhiladelphia, PA 19148TEL: 215-218-3060technology and a lot fewer people. FAX: 215-218-3078WhatrolesdoyouseetheU.S.WEB: www.jhstevedoring.comMaritime Resource Center, of which you are longstanding vice chairman, and thePENN WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION, INC. Federal Maritime Commissions newly2147 South Columbus Blvd. formed National Shipper Advisory Com- Philadelphia, PA 19148mittee, of which you are a member, play- TEL: 215-218-3000ing in improving the international oceanFAX: 215-218-3043freight delivery system? WEB: www.pennwarehousing.comIm a big fan of NSAC. The com-mittee has taken on the big issues of congestionanddemurragehead-on. TheFMCistobecommendedfor reaching out to the people closest to the problemshippersand asking them how they see a solution forming.'