b'10American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1(BLUEPRINTcontinuedformingmoreresearchintoOfrom page 8) sustainablefuelsandtech- ONNEESSHHIIPPvehicle and equipment targets nologies and incentivize U.S. commercialvesseloperators a Viation to move towards lower GHG 11% of transportation emissions emissionsWorktoestablishspecificWorkwithcountriesintheC onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggootargets InternationalMaritimeOrga- Reduce aviation emissionsnizationtoadoptagoalof by 20% by 2030 when com- achieving zero emissions from paredtoabusiness-as-usualinternational shipping by 2050scenario r ailt ranSportAchievenet-zeroGHG emissions from the U.S. avia- 2% of U.S. transportation emis-tion sector by 2050 sionsWorktoestablishspecific o ff -r oaDV ehiCleS targets.10% of transportation emissionsFocus resources to develop Worktoestablishspecifictechnology pathways and set targets. efficiencyandzero-emis- A SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE RORO Customer Service877-918-7676 Focus resources to developsions vehicle targets. Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday Export Customer Servicetechnology pathways and setEncouragegreateruseforFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO 800-225-1235efficiencyandzero-emis- passengerandfreighttravelTO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Export Documentation ANTWERP 1620 18 sions vehicle and equipmenttoreduceemissionsfromDUBLIN 12888-802-0401targets. road vehicles. BELFAST 13Import Customer ServiceGTEBORG 21888-802-0403p ipelineS M axiMiZingi nfraStruCture HAMBURG 13 17 15 22 Logisticsi nVeStMentS LE HAVRE17 866-821-74494% of emissions LIVERPOOL 9 13 Credit & CollectionsWorktoestablishspecificTheBlueprintadvocatesLONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747targets Before2030TurningtheROTTERDAM11 20 By 2036, repair or replaceTide on Transportation GHGs: 1,000milesofhigh-risk,Research and Investments to leak prone, community-ownedSupport DeploymentReduce national transpor- implementationplanstoto ensure the U.S. can manu-legacygasdistributionpipe-Partner with local commu- tation cost burden by at leastencourageinternationalship- facture enough clean vehicles lineinfrastructure,aswellnitiestodevelopanddem- 5% by 2030. pingandaviationtorapidlyandfuelstomeetrapidly as an estimated reduction ofonstrateeffective,equitable, Invest in rail, public trans- decarbonize. growing demand.1,000 metric tons of methaneand scalable local or regionalportation, and active transpor-Invest in research and inno-emissions land-useandplanningsolu- tation infrastructure to providevation to further develop andr eDuCee MiSSionSEliminateleakagesandtions to increase conveniencethe option to use more afford- demonstratecleantechnolo- C auSeD Byr oaD , B riDgeenableuseofpipelinesforandreduceemissionsbyable and energy-efficient formsgies(e.g.,achievebattery,& r ailC onStruCtionclean sustainable fuels making it possible for peopleof transportation. hydrogenelectrolysis,andTheBlueprintproposes to take fewer or shorter trips. Provideincentivestosup- sustainablefuelcosttargets)reducing GHG emissions from M aritiMeProvide best practices, data,portgreateruseofefficientand enable seamless integra- fuelproductionandprocess-3% of transportation emissions tools,andtechnicalassis- travelmodesandvehiclestion with energy systems. ing;vehiclemanufacturing Continuetosupportthetance on system-level designand reduce the transportation Continue and expand fund- and disposal; and construction, Zero-Emission Shipping Mis- solutionstoincreaseconve- cost burden on disadvantagedingandmarketincentivestomaintenance,anddisposalof sion (ZESM) goals to ensurenience and reduce emissions communities acceleratetheuptakeoflow-transportation infrastructure.that5%oftheglobaldeep-Work with public and pri-Continue to strengthen stan- orzero-emissionvehiclesandThereportnotesthat sea fleet are capable of usingvate sector partners to iden- dards to improve vehicle effi- invest in supporting infrastruc- transportationsystemscon-zero-emission fuels by 2030,tify and advance solutions forciency ture(e.g.,vehiclerebatesandtributetoclimatepollution at least 200 of these ships pri- a more equitable and health- Setclear,ambitiousbutEVcharginginfrastructure),atavarietyofpointsand marily use these fuels acrossiertransportationsystemachievabletargetsacrossallespeciallyinlow-incomeandfulllife-cycletransportation themaindeepseashippingincluding support for transit- travel modes (e.g., sales sharesoverburdened communities. GHGemissionsneedtobe route, and 10 large trade portsoriented development ofzero-emissionvehicles, Develop a robust workforceconsidered and addressed.covering at least three conti- Supportland-use,streetvolumesofsustainablefuels,includingbyengagingresi- For example, according nentscansupplyzero-emis- design, and development pol- emissions reduction targets) dentsandbusinessesindis- to Americas Cement Manu-sion fuels by 2030 icies that make walking andWorkwithinternationaladvantagedcommunitiesandfacturers,overthenextfive SupporttheU.S.domes- biking easier, safer, and morepartnerstodefinetargets,securedomesticandinterna- years, spending from the BIL ticmaritimesectorbyper- convenient infrastructurestandards,andtionalsupplychainsolutionsalonewillresultintheuse of 18.63 million metric tons (MMT) of cement for roads andbridges,5.78MMTfor airports, 2.99 MMT for ports andwaterways,and0.31 MMTforrailandtransit. About 0.5-0.6 tons of carbon dioxide(CO2)isemitted per ton of cement produced, socementusedinprojects funded by the BIL will result in about 15.2 MMT of CO2 emissions.Thisisequivalenttothe emissions from about 3.3 mil-lion gasoline-powered vehicles driving for a year.Reaching the goal of net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 requires addressing the GHG emissionsassociatedwiththe productionandend-of-life phasesoffuels,vehicles,and transportationinfrastructure andsystems,bothdirectly through procuring lower carbon customs brokers&freight forwarders materialsandindirectlyby employingmoresustain-www . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041 ableconstructionpractices, including leveraging digitali-zation and e-construction.'