b'22American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comBad news and good news forWith a favorable wind,New Yorks offshore wind industryCarver Companies One project was cancelled but others are going forward; redevel- moving ahead opment of the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal is a centerpiece.By Peter Buxbaum, AJOT By George Lauriat, AJOTTheCarverCompanies,still moving along in a positive Earlier this year, the opera- strategy officer. New York Citysystem, according to Teddy Muhl- based in Coeymans, New York,direction withotheropportuni-tors of Empire Wind 2 announcedis the owner of SBMT. felder, vice president of Equinoris located up the Hudson River,ties in offshore wind. theterminationofthatproject.Also in March, the FederalRenewables Americas, the Stam- near Albanyaround140milesAnd among the positives was Empire Wind 2 was an offshoreEnergyRegulatoryCommis- ford,Conn.-basedsubsidiaryoffromNew YorkCity. Andthea Sunrise announcement in March wind project in New York waterssion (FERC) approved an inter- the Norwegian energy company.company is very busy and busyoftheRecordofDecision off Long Island that could haveconnectionagreementbetweenTheprojecthadearlierin a lot of different ways. The(ROD) from the U.S. Department generated1,260megawattsofEmpireWind1andConsoli- receivedapprovalofitscon- companyisbasicallydividedof the Interiors Bureau of Ocean electricity per year. dated Edison Company of Newstructionandoperationsplanintothreeoverlappingoperat- EnergyManagement(BOEM), TerminationofoffshoreYork,thelocalelectricutility.fromtheBureauofOceaningarms:Construction,Mari- which was a critical milestone in windprojectshasnotbeenFERCsapprovalallowstheEnergy Management (BOEM).time and Materials, as Presidentthe federal environmental review unusual in the current environ- EmpireWind1offshorewindTheBOEMpermitallowsof Sales Steve Kelly explainedprocessforthe924-megawatt ment. Last October, rsted, theproject to connect into the citysEmpireWind1tobegincon- in an interview with theAJOT.offshore wind project. A signifi-worldslargestoffshorewind- electrical grid through the SunsetstructioninitsfederalleaseAmong the higher profile proj- cant part of the project was a $86 farm developer, abandoned twoPark Onshore Substation, whichareaoffthesoutherncoastofectsforCarveristheSunrisemillionsupplychaincontract projects in waters off the Newis located on the site of the SouthLong Island later this year. TheWindproject.Althoughmanywith Riggs Distler & Company Jersey shore.Brooklyn Marine Terminal. Thatprojectisscheduledtostartoffshorewindprojectsontheforsteelmanufacturingand In the case of both the Newdevelopment marks the first FERCdeliveringelectricitytoNewEastCoasthitheadwindsinadvancedfoundationcompo-York and New Jersey projects,approvalforanoffshorewindYorkers in 2026. 2023, Sunrise was able to pushnents with work to be done at thedecisionsweredrivenbyprojecttoconnectdirectlyinto(NEWScontinued onforward.AsKellysaidofthe(WINDcontinued on unanticipatedmacroeconomictheNew YorkCitytransmissionpage 38) offshorewindprojects,Werepage 38)conditions such as higher infla-tionandinterestrates.Com-mercial viability is fundamental forambitiousprojectsofthis sizeandscale,commented Molly Morris, president of Equi-norRenewablesAmericas,the EmpireWindoperator,with respect to the cancellation. Despite bumps in the road, Empire Wind 1, an 810 mega-wattprojectlocatedon80,000 acres15to30milessoutheast ofLongIsland,isproceedingThe Pioneer of Integrative Solutions on Land and Seaapace under Equinors auspices. AroundthesametimeEmpire Wind2wascancelled,the former Empire Wind 1 partners, Equinor and BP, announced they were going their separate ways as part of a swap. Equinor took full ownership of Empire Wind 1, while BP did the same for the assets of another New York off-shore project, Beacon Wind. s ouThB rooklyn Port of Coeymansr eDeveloPmenTMost notably for Equinors activities in the New York area, the redevelopment of the South BrooklynMarineTerminalas astagingandassemblysiteof offshorewindturbinecompo-nents for Empire Wind is about to begin. The redevelopment of the 73-acre terminal starts with thedemolitionofoutbuildings, excavation of the site, and prep- North Shore Terminal - Staten Islandaration of bulkheads.The South Brooklyn Marine Terminal redevelopment project received a boost in late March, when Empire Wind 1 and a local laborgroup,theBuildingand Construction Trades Council of GreaterNewYorkandVicin-ity, signed a project agreement. Theagreementensureslabor harmonyduringtheconstruc-tion of SBMT, establishes uni-formwagesandbenefits,and ensures a steady supply of NewStevedoringYork labor throughout the proj- Maritime & Logisticsect, said Morris. The agreement also promotes engagement withQuarry Owners & Operatorsbusinesses owned by minorities,Tug & Barge Marine Towingwomen, and disabled veterans.TheNewYorkCityEco- Property & Port ManagementnomicDevelopmentCorpora- General & Marine Constructiontion expects the South Brooklyn MarineTerminaltobetrans- 518-756-2164formed into one of the largestConstructionMaritimeMaterialsoffshorewindportfacilitiesininfo@carvercompanies.comthe nation, according to Ceci- www.carvercompanies.comlia Kushner, the agencys
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