b'may 25 - june 21, 2020maryland Ports 15(OPENcontinued fromfourth quarter. LarryHogansadministra-page 14) Perhaps more importantlytionsubmittedanapplication duringsuchaseveredown- withaneyetothefuture,for a federal grant in March to turn. As Scher remarked, thiskey projects are still movingassistwiththeproject.The has been an extremely difficultforward. Amongthemistheapplicationsought$228mil-time for the maritime shippingdredgingtoa50-footdepthlionfromthefederalgovern-industry.Theentireinterna- alongsideattheSeagirtTer- ment. In turn, the state would tionalsupplychainhasbeenminals, which handles nearlyspend $147 million and CSX impacted.Manyportsaroundall the Ports box traffic. TheCorp., which owns the railroad the U.S. are experiencing lowerdredging will enable the ter- tracks,wouldcontribute$91 cargovolumes,andwe[Portminal to handle the mega-box- million. The importance of the ofBaltimore]arenodiffer- ships and is part of the $32.7tunnel project is hard to over-ent. However, our numbers somillion project to construct aestimate as Scher notes, The far have been better than somesecond 50-foot deep berth atsecond,50-footdeepberthat otherports,particularlyWesttheterminalaprojectthatSeagirt and the Howard Street Coastports.ThroughMarch,couldopeninahopefullyTunnel projects are still moving ourgeneralcargowasdownpost-pandemic early 2021.forward.Wereveryexcited 5.2%, autos were down 13.2%,Andtheterminalexpan- aboutboth.Thenewdeep andcontainersweredownsion works in tandem with theberthwillallowustohandle 7%.We expect to be down forlong awaited and much antici- twosupersizedshipssimulta-the second quarter, followed bypatedHowardTunnelrecon- neously.Were already one of a gradual flattening in the thirdfiguration.BackinMarchofthe only ports on the East Coast quarter and improvement in the2019,MarylandGovernorable to handle big ships.The tunnel is a huge game changer Port of Baltimore export by ocean carrier in tEUs for us.It will get us over a long-Ocean Carrier Q1 2020 Q1 2019 time hurdle, the lack of double Mediterranean Shipping Co.15,130 16,212stack rail.This will grow our containersby100,000annu-Maersk Line11,776 9,525ally, generate thousands of new Evergreen Line 10,468 7,524jobs, and allow us to be more(VERSATILITYcontinuedcoming through.Hamburg Sud 6,348 5,372competitive with our containerfrom page 14) The TPAs already become competitors.uncertaintywhereassomeamajorjob-producerand Hapag Lloyd AG2,790 2,740WhilethePortofBal- ofourneighboringjurisdic- an economic engine for the Safmarine Container Lines 1,790 896timore,andindeedportstionshaventbeenquiteasarea.AccordingtoAaron Grimaldi Deep Sea SPA1,687 1,450around the world, will likelyfortunate. Were finding thatTomarchio,SeniorVPof Atlantic Container Line AB1,624 1,423seethenumberspostedincontractorsareexcitedtoCorporateAffairsforthe 2020lowerthaninrecentkeep going and keep workingTPA, the facility right now, CMA-CGM1,336 952years,theexpansionpro- so weve been able to actu- hasabout8,000permanent COSCO 1,327 1,341gramsnowbeingputintoally accelerate on a couple ofjobsandwereclosing Others2,588 3,098place in Port may well lead tofronts, particularly as it per- inonthe10,000jobsthat Total56,863 50,533a more robust recovery andtains to preparing land for thewere projected to be on the perhapssomenewrecordsnextsetofdistributioncen- site. And we think we may at Source: Descartes-Datamyne for the Port of Baltimore. ters and warehouses that aresome point exceed that.'