b'may 25 - june 21, 2020 BER 11, 2020 breakbUlk qUarTerly 9SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTO project cargo bi-annual15BBC Chartering launchesPort of Redwood Citys Zortman saysmember (PROJECTcontinuedMore recently, it has come to(SUPERcontinued fromusage.Accordingto2018ences exist between from page 11) ourattentionthattheProv- page 9) EUstatistics,the27coun- states in the number of proj-thefirst190,000-tonunitsinceisawarethatahighimports are down but construction demand new Caribbean Service areByandlarge,theelec- triesrangefromSweden,ects,overalllevelandpace thatare80%excavatorsofpercentageofcarrierstricitygridsinEuropearewhichnotched55%ofitsof investment, wrote an EU various sizes. bringsmoving remains strong energy needs through renew- studyonsmartgrids.Not BBCCharteringCaribbea loadsn mar kine tthe, a cprovincecording inmuchbettershapethan reliability flexibility to without a permit. ables,totheNetherlands,surprisingly,Germanyleads Looki nandg back at the posi-to Per Petersen, President ofthose in the US. Europeans in with just 7.4%, although it isin all categories. Malta trails. tive Caribbean BBCThetruckingUSA.associationWe generalaremoresupportiveBy Stas Margananis, AJOTthe s,MadillSeaind iwithcate danewthat Charteringservice has called for a comprehen projected to reach 14% thisEU money can only provide over asailing3-4 mo twicenth pe ari monthod, we havecustomersalloverthe-ofenergyconservationand had athe35% inc rofea sHouston world who trust of the ustoregulatory perform moreT hcommitted lta, fwrohmos Ce asnhaadreathataasrem uaslle dp rboyp obratticohnpolaf natsllatnhdefrom port e in volu mtoe sive review ePortoftoR ae dgreenerwoodCityy, eCara,l aifnodrn Miaa Cartagena, framework consider which i mbothport s sofan and a ggarereg ateso ffo rre tnheew Sailbi-les wraesa d8y% m. iAxs t oaprodfuucned cs onneccreestsea froyr. construction.of breakbu lkPoint carg oLisas,-orien taandted on a globalbasis,andandto now we future, dwhichGeor s. ThiswWasen t canthe tan-general authorization con Valle yin c nstructionindu-stry, wrehpoolret,stthhea tEUon track major projectsmovegetown. scall can offer them regular servicefor reflectedoelectricity gen was Zortman saysNational regula torylike envithe- many uother Caribbean termpermitsandexpeditetonnages for 2020 are down compatroe d rteoa 2c0h1 92, 0% Facebookrenewab lexpansionesronment:dard r le inour industr yports. We to the Caribbean. eration and consumption.andotherRegulatory SiliconframeValley- on an inducement basis. BBCiscommitting he lifting oftoC othevid United-19 rest rictitohnissyoena cr.o Bn-y conexpansionstrast, the U Shaveworks major consumersofwere, in fact, fortunate to bethe development of an onlineto but tCompared been vary widelyfrompermit system. structio nEurope by theShastateoafCdevelalifo-rnia cwoausl d1 1al%le vini- 2019concrete.projects, may now.in theC pliigeneotsnahroel elo aotk thineg t ifmore .along-term growth in the Carib- States,but thesecountry to countrybe sub-finanBcCia lplye rsmtriotntign ga nsdy sdteempe nlidk beanMeiatnhwh oped itselectricjecttoof change and weRed don tapet know andlocalwhatoppothose- w reigleu,l anro ts heirdviinceghtios ate th e visiondownt uforrn.Herearesome the a exasperation,Madillcom- rtman, e xwithinecutivedireotherctor,Porchallent ofgesEuropesition:Evenincountries ebnleedtooc ehaonr sec-aanrrdie-br ugigny etrhaekey ports.powerKr issectortine Zohoused changes are.Butlikemanyofhisments:WearenotintheR wood C istrategic plans:Btoycomfacesparis owhenn, we itcomesShetoaTheredevoted is alatenttorenewables anditse dbroader ty told AJOTsaidimpact that wepeersinBritishColumbia,horse-and-buggy era. The restadvance environmen- smartergrids,resistance are about1an5- ener20%gy lo wunioner tha nthat thesamsmartere period,lamorestexpect to see in the next couple of months.year, how esecure,ver as the cargo is stil l comtally friendly grid:ing into thethe good newsisIn that public,Madill is up in arms over theof North America, includingprovides sustainable, However,canbestrong. GermanyCruz seeks to end dependencecompetitive,Wind powerforexample,windpower existing permitting system inAlberta,WashingtonState,rs improGeography: infrastructure projects have continuedPort we will s eande ifthafofordablese numbeve now the province. have gone to electronic per- ener o tion is allow andtheis S taobviouslylocationShe cited:spe- isgeneratedinthenorth, on China for rare earth metals that agyll c ton salltru cEuropeans ed inte. Some Mostbreakbulkfor- mitting.Tomove200,000the tructionswefaforts ha ltoted address duringthe scific.tay-a t-hTheomeimmense windbutbecar- TheCalifornia Department con sregion electricityofTmustransportationwarders pounds, global powerin the Northriedtothesouththe Sena aretorTavoidinged Cruzportssaidhine according tofor th e Cinstance,ongressi onainl ordersbclimateut now change, has lifted r epotential where that theSwrotetatestric- freeway express lane project continues.British Columbia. Tacoma, Sarah Ladislaw Sea,forexample,necessi- demand is.andThereinfrastructureare a lot of plans to introduceleItgiss leitheration ResearchyouServ icance.Sgetom aepermitmem- tions we expect a nand upt iStephenck. Localcitiescontacts a aimstoic nightmarewithin to days.bBC, Naimoli, in a Center for Stra- transmissionprojects are continuing.municipalitiesin th at bureaucrat U.S.reli- bersof5Con g7ressha vIneeen tatesoverlongstatesand or en devery i and International Stud- distances to get toThe the centersSilicon betweenWaterwhichDistrictdo notcontinuesbenefit an caeotimingn Chi nissue,a for r ahereesaid,arth pushin gmove for y eisa rans f oindependentr the U.S. to tegic s anD anDa ggregates Valley mPortingadding: move. ies report of population. explainedMayr. element sThe used provincial reduceAsits r ae lresult,iance o then C hcostsina f oofr In April last 2020, yearcomparingthe Port reported 5 vesselits operations. directly,in the m agovnuernment itself doinga monthly tonnageF totalinan cofesand i nTvhees timmepnatcst:to thTheree Port issthquiteat wesomefacturinglistensof pro dtoucts inc luandd- the ele mbreakbulkents, part iincu BC,larly when after the two.generatingare r unresisning- arrivalsnot enough to industry itemsestr isittin 010 or 139,095. t eEU,w- Mo ntonnageingconsumerelectr.onics,trade rare ctionsgionn 2docks With iThenh ofiscal year etary co nstratiwntosbliumdigt etthse f or thtance.e fisc aThenl yea r.they Theinsistingfirst bud gonetthathcumulativeelectYriet,cvearlyehicl esin2020, on(DEPENDENCEdays, go- ever,therearehugediffer- pace of developmise natticnu mrreanntyleveunderls whigroundle the s eccables,ond onewhichand fig hthetertrucks for manycontin for 2020 is 1,845,153 metric tons.proj- BC s. introducedup exponentiallyued on page 11). enceTshei np rirmenee iwmapbolretsaernee srganyd andE Uag gcroeugnattreies s. Setcrotsn ga3d0if%fe rr-eductare extremely expensive.plan egovernment ion.newTheproject car corridor bill is partgo of a pushpermits for commercial vehi- inCongresstoshiftsupplyclestravelling betweentwo- LIBERTY GLOBAL LOGISTICS llcchains, particularly in indusGreater Vancouverforterminals,tries critical nationalLynnterm andFraserfromSurreydefense, away ChinaDocks,andwherehighway and back toward the U.S.16 crosses the border.Muchthelike AlbertaChineseTrucksusing the routes- SIMPLIFYING YOUR OCEAN TRANSPORTATIONCommunist Party hasthreatfromtothe cut twothe U.S.fromwereenedof fterminalsabsolvedcompletinglife-saving frommedicinesmadethetraditionalextraordinary in China, the Chinese Com-load approval process.munistPartycouldalsocut off ourBu taccess this ha tos b theseeen di smaterimissed-asasignificant approach byals,piecemealylthreatening thePortofVancouverand U.S. national security, Cruz, the BC Trucking Association a Texas Republican, said in a (BCTA)observing, among statement. The Ore Act will otherthings,thatthecorri-help ensure China never has doronlyappliestocargoes that opportunity by establish-movingtoandfromthose ing a rare earth elements and two terminals. Thus, if a load critical minerals supply chain meetingthesizerequire-in the U.S.mentsbutoriginatingfrom Thebillwouldcreate another port, such as Seattle tax incentives for companies or Tacoma, it cannot qualify tobuyrareearthelements for a streamlined permit - and within the U.S. It would also this can take up to 12 business requiretheDefenseDepart-days, admits the BC Ministry menttodoso,andwould ofTransportationandInfra-provide money for pilot pro-structure (MOTI).grams to expand the Ameri-In its latest salvo addressed can rare earths industry.totheprovincialministryin The legislation is among mid-September,theBCTA anumberofproposalsto stated:BCTAhasbeen strike back at Chinawhom requestingactiononfrus-manyRepublicans,includ-trationsexperiencedby ing President Donald Trump, membershaulingoversize-faultfornotactingsooner overweightloadsregarding to prevent the spread of the permitturnaroundtimesfor coronavirus.whichledto anumberofyears.Specifi-morethan280,000deaths cally, members have reported worldwideandmorethan processing times of 25 days 80,000 in the U.S.ormore,whenneighbour-CruzandotherRepub-ingjurisdictionsareissuing licanshavealreadyintro-permits for the same loads in ducedmeasurestoreduce much shorter timeframes and U.S.dependencyonChina insomecasesonthesame fordrugsandothermedical day.WehaveaskedMOTI equipment.Theyhavealso three times over the past two sponsoredlegislationtolet yearstodealwithananti-U.S. citizens sue China over quatedsystemthatcontin-harm caused by the virus and uestobeprimarilymanual, have called for banning live paper-based,understaffedand wildlifemarketswherethe far too complex. CONTACT US AT:Ports of call - Beaumont, Freeport, Jacksonville, Baltimore, virus may have originated.ThelikelihoodofthePhone: 516-488-8800 Wilmington, Livorno, Beirut, Aqaba, Jeddah, Jebel Ali, Abu China provided 71% of the internationalshippingcom- Website: www.LibertyGL.com Dhabi, Hamad Kuwait, Dammam, Karachiglobal rare earth elements pro-munity to use US ports and duced in 2018 and was the topFor Rate Quotes:
[email protected] Transshipment - Mersin, Alexandria, Bahrain, Mumbai,avoidBCbecauseofthese supplier to the U.S. that year,For Bookings:
[email protected] Abu Dhabi, Doha, Soharchallengesiswellknown.'