b'SEPTEMBER 28 - OCTOBER 11, 2020forest products 25(BLOCKCHAINcontinued fromis TradeLens. page 18) Maersk and IBM announced their tobeexpensive.Forexample,withintention to build a digital platform at moreandmoree-commercedrivingTHINK 18 in San Francisco and by international shipments, data breachesAugust 2018 TradeLens was officially becomeamajorthreat.Steamshiplaunched.Theplatformitselfcame lines have already experienced cyber- on-stream shortly later in December attacks to their systems, as have retail- andbyJuneof2019wasactively ers and manufacturers. And the stakesbuilding the networks membership.are getting higher. These breaches areTheconceptbehindTradeLens gettingmoreandmoreexpensiveinwastoestablishanopenandneu-the current economic environmentatral industry platform underpinned by recent report indicated that it cost anblockchain technology which would average of $7.3 million per data breachbe supported by major ocean carriers in the healthcare sector this year. Whileas well as other players in the supply this is a high number today, such costschain. While there is nothing new about are soaring. And there is the other longestablishing an IT platformMaersk Siemens Gamesas 14-megawatt (MW) wind turbine. term issuewill my tech failure cost me a customer? Size matters in offshore wind:From the big picture perspective, the supply chain is now evolving rap-Why costlier 14 MW turbines actuallyidlyno doubt the Covid-19 impacts are part of the reasonas new tech-reduce the large-scale farm bill nologyisbeingdeployedinevery segment of the supply chain ranging Siemens Gamesas massive 14-mega- lation scope. from a host of new sensors to terminal watt (MW) wind turbine is set to becomeRystadEnergyanalyzedthecostautomation and AI. What is being cre-commercially available from the mid- of using turbines of differing sizes forated today on a daily basis will render 2020s, furthering the industrys pushthe case of a 1 gigawatt (GW) offshoreobsoletemanyofthestandardprac-for larger and more efficient facilities.project. The SG 14-222 DD model willtices of just a dozen years ago. And A Rystad Energy analysis shows thatleapfrog GEs new 12 MW Haliade-Xblockchainisbecomingabuildinghad already been down this road with although they are more expensive toprototypeandbecomethelargesttur- block of the new supply chains effortthe development of INTTRAthe real manufacture,choosingthesegiantbine available, globally. At the moment,to address the demands of higher vis- differencewasdevelopingablock-turbines actually reduces overall coststhe largest turbines to be commissionedibility in logistics, better security andchainplatformspecificallydesigned for large-scale offshore wind farms. between 2020 and 2021 have nameplatelower costs. Blockchain improves thefor the supply chain. IBM and GTD Their added costs are expected tocapacities of up to 10 MW. accuracy by taking third party verifi- Solution Inc., undertook the task and be mitigated by fewer required unitsUtilizing 14 MW turbines insteadcation out of the process, which alsocreated the TradeLens platform.andtheefficiencygainsassociatedof 10 MW ones, the number of unitslowers costs while the decentralizationTheadvantagethatMaerskhad with the newer, more technologicallyrequired for a 1 GW project falls byof the transaction improves security in the venture was that the other M advanced turbines. For every project,28 units, from 100 to 72. Moving toall factors central to making the supplyin the 2M ocean carrier alliance was there is also the cost of manufactur- a 14 MW turbine from a 12 MW tur- chain both flexible and efficient. MSC [Mediterranean Shipping Com-ing a number of foundations, so thebine still offers a reduction of nearlypany] the second largest boxship car-reductioninthenumberofturbines11 units. Overall, the analysis showst rade l eNs rier behind Maersk. With the weight will also lead to fewer array cablingthatusingthelargestturbinesforaOne of the promising initiatives to(BLOCKCHAINcontiued on runs, which in turn reduces the instal- (COSTLIERcontinued on page 27) apply blockchain to the supply chainpage 27)STRATEGICALLY LOCATED YEAR-ROUND PORT SPECIALIZING IN FOREST PRODUCTS, STEEL, WIND ENERGY, HEAVY LIFT AND DIMENSIONAL CARGO Pulp & Paper Users & Producers located in close proximity On Dock Heavy Lift Rail 1,200 psf Dock Load Bearing Capacity Ample Open Storage Space 300,000 SF Sprinklered Storage Space 2 Liebherr Mobile Harbor Cranes 390,000 lb. Tandem Lift Capacity Reliable and Experienced Stevedoring Customs & Border Protection On-Site Served by CSX and Canadian Pacific Railroads Excellent Rail Clearance Routes Less than 1 mile to Interstates 87 & 90 We are undertaking several infrastructure improvements. Contact us to find out more!Richard J. Hendrick, Sr.Georgette Steffens, Chairperson CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Stevedore & Terminal OperatorAlbany Port District Commission Federal Marine Terminal, Inc.Maritime Business Development Manager Bill Ring P: 518.463.0237F: 518.463.0238Albany Port District CommissionTony Vasil
[email protected]: 518.463.8763F: 518.463.8767P: 518.463.8763F: 732.841.8827
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