b"oCToBer 12 - 25, 2020latin america trade bi-annual 5(RECESSIONcontinuedagricultural products and aimsiconicIDBitself.Withthemore problematic, should the from page 3) to import $200 billion worthretirementoflongtimeIDBUSvoterschoosecandidate nearly 27%. Additionally, theof American goods in the nexthead Moreno, the bank electedJoeBidenoverincumbent paper noted that the Chinesetwo years. The plan states thatMauricioClaver-CaroneasDonald Trump in the Novem-banks(ChinaDevelopment$76.7 billion will be importedthe new President. Before hisber election. BankandChinaExport- in 2020 and $123.3 billion inIDBelectionClaver-CaroneAndthereistheLatin ImportBank)havebecome2021. While it looks unlikelywasDeputy AssistanttotheAmericanviewpoint.Does thelargestlendersinLatinthePRCwillhitthetargets,President Donald Trump anditreallyhaveachoice America. Accumulatedloansthe increase in Chinese agri- SeniorDirectorforWesternbetweentheUS,Chinaor amountedto$137billionculturalproductpurchasesisHemisphereAffairsattheevenEurope?Thearticle, from 2005 to 2019 underway.National Security Council. Inentitled El no alineamiento AndChinasincreasingLatinAmericawasathisrole,Claver-Caronewasactivo:unacaminopara engagement with Latin Amer- beneficiaryofthetradewarthe U.S. Presidents principalMauricio Claver-Carone,AmricaLatinaorActive ica through trade and investmentbetween the US and China. Foradvisoronissuesrelatedtonew President ofthe IDB NonAlignmentastheWay has alarmed Washington.example, Argentina and BrazilCanada,LatinAmericaandForward for Latin America, Upuntilrecently,theboth increased their exports ofthe Caribbean. Claver-Caronesaidthattoputs forth the thesis that Latin U.S. has had little to offer assoybeans to China as a result.Washington pressed hardpull the LAC (Latin America- Americacouldandshould theAmericaFirstpolicyThe increased US agriculturalfor his appointment as part ofCaribbean)outofitsworstadoptapolicyofactive hashadlittleappealsouthpurchases by China undoubt- theadministrationsgeneralrecessioninhistory,thenon-alignmentasanalter-of the border. Back in 2018,edly will impact Latin Ameri- push-backagainsttheper- region would need anywherenativetobeinguncomfort-USSecretaryofStateMikecan producers. The same canceivedgrowinginfluenceoffrom $5 billion to $10 billionably hitched to the policies of Pompeomadeanumberofbe said for Chinas purchasesChina in Latin America. Thereper year in loans and guar- either US or China. While not commentstothepoolofof grain, oil & gas and otheris a certain irony in the moveanteesfromtheIDB,whosea new notion, the timingin reporters on his Latin Amer- minerals where Latin Ameri- as included among the IDBscapitalizationtotaled$176.7the midst of a pandemic and ica tour that antagonized Bei- can nations are core suppliers.non-borrowingmembersisbillion at the end of 2019.recessionmightbemore jing,whenChinacomesaAnother potential shift inUS,SouthKorea,CanadaStill,howtheIDBsdifficulttobringtofruition calling, its not always goodtherelationshipbetweentheandofcourse,China.Inanleadershipwillfareunderthanduringthegoodyears, for your citizens and WhenUS and Latin America, ironi- October1 st interviewwithClaver-Caroneisanopenbut conversely, is there really they [Chinese] show up withcallymightbeginwiththetheJapanesepaperNikkei,question,thatcouldbecomean alternative?deals that seem too good to be true, its often the case that they, in fact, are, and repeat-edlywarningofChinas debt trap policies.Secretary of State Mike Pompeo REACH 3 coasts,But rhetoric aside, Wash-ington has done little to alter the new dynamic in the rivalry15 ocean terminals,withBeijing.Intheafter- FARTHER. 23 inland terminalsmathoftheTrumpAdmin-istrationswithdrawalfromand growing.theproposedTrans-Pacific Partnership(TPP)freetrade agreement (FTA) the remain-ing 11 TPP signatories, whichPRINCE RUPERTincludedChile,Mexicoand Peru,concludedthepactPRINCE GEORGEwithoutUSsupport.AndinEDMONTONthevacuum,ChinanowhasSASKATOONFTAswithChile(upgraded in2019),CostaRica(alsoVANCOUVER CALGARY WINNIPEG MONCTONbeingupgraded)andenteredREGINA QUEBEC HALIFAXintonegotiationswithPeruMONTREAL SAINT JOHNin 2017. China also supportsDULUTHVenezuela which has become ahotspotintheUS-ChinaCHIPPEWA FALLS TORONTOrivalry in Latin America.ARCADIA DETROITt erms ofe ngAgement CHICAGO JOLIETBut the terms of engage- DECATUR INDIANAPOLISment may be shifting. In Janu-ary, China and the US inked Phase 1 of a trade deal. UnderMEMPHISthe terms of the trade deal, the US agreed to gradually cut tar-iffs on select Chinese goods,JACKSONincludingadecreasefromNEW ORLEANS MOBILE15% to 7.5% on $120 billion worthofChinesegoodsset in 2019. Both China and the UnitedStatesplannednew tariffs that were set to go into effect at the end of the year,CN is focused on collaborating with our customers, our supply chainhowever, these were canceled inresponsetothePhase1partners and our communities to create a stronger North American economy.deal. Perhaps the most impor-tant feature of the dealpar-ticularlywiththeupcomingWe're ready to help you reach farther. Contact us today. | cn.caelectionliterallyjustaround the corneris the purchase of"