b'oCTobEr 12 - 25, 2020Carolina ports 7(ADVANCINGcontinuedyardhasnearlytripledthe from page 6) number of on-terminal reefer Imeanitwholeheart- plugs to 775, with additional edly when I say its a team,expansion planned.the team being the person inWevekindofjust my job and the folks here attouched what we think were the port who are most impor- capable of over time, Cozza tant,Cozzasaid.Butwesaid of the Port of Wilming-couldnothaveachievedtons reefer business. Exports these things if we didnt getinclude pork, chicken, turkey support from a lot of differ- andsweetpotatoes,joined ententitiesaroundthestatein recent years by imports of ourgovernorsoffice,ourfresh produce.generalassemblymembers,Wewanttocontinue our other political leaders inon the fresh side to see that and around the state, federalgrowth, Cozza said. Were and local as well. The state isdoingfruitsandvegetables behind this at all levels. now,becauseeveryloaded Criticaltoadvancementreeferinisguaranteeda hasbeentheunderstandingloaded reefer out, and we see thatinternationallogisticsmoreandmorepossibilities isasignificanteconomicthere as time goes on. A recently expanded turning basin facilitates accommodation of megacontainerships at the North Carolina State Port driver,Cozzasaid,notingThePortof WilmingtonAuthoritys blossoming Port of Wilmington.that port activities in the Taralso is beefing up its intermo-Heel State support more thandal connections. containershuttlebetweenin Rocky Mount by the endof expanded service to such 87,700 jobs.In 2016, the Port of Wilm- theportandtheCSXinter- of2021,openinguppros- MidwestmarketsasCleve-Cozzaexpressedtotalington got its first intermodalmodal terminal in Charlotte.pects for daily trains betweenland, Columbus and Chicago.faiththatClark,aformerservice in three decades withAnd CSX looks to completethe port and that new hub and(ADVANCINGcontinued APMTerminalsexecutiveunveiling of a double-stackeda 330-acre intermodal facilityofferingtocontainerlineson page 8)whohasbeenchiefoperat-ing officer of NC Ports since June 2017, and his team will keeptheorganizationcon-tinuingtomoveforwardat light speed.Much of the efforts of NC Ports revolve around handling someoftheworldslargest containerships,suchasthe MVHyundaiHope,witha capacityof13,154twenty-foot-equivalentunits,whichAn called Wilmington in May.Onthecontainerside, theultimateachievementisincredibly thatwereclearlycompet-ing with the ports around us incapabilitiestotakethese ultralargeneo-Panamaxves- satisfied sels, Cozza said. That is our strategy,anditwasabitof catch-up. We needed to catchcustomer up very quickly to be able to show those capabilities.Itsallthoseinvest-ments we made to show proofwas here. of concept and to show were in the game, he said. At the(BRIEFLY)sametime,wevealsokept thattop-notchlevelofser-vice,withunparalleledport productivity, on the berth, in An Incredibly Satis ed Customer Was Here AJOT 8x 10 No Bleed 1/10/20the yard and at our gates. We have the best productivity onWelcome to done.the East Coast.NCPortsreportstruckLess congestion. More opportunity. turn times of 30 minutes orAll at the speed of business. This is less for dual moves and ship- North Carolina Ports.Having the to-shore crane moves easilyTitle:Pub:Trim Size:Bleed Size:Close Date:fastest turn times on the East Coast is inthe40spercraneperjust part of our story. Were also known hour, he said. Wilmingtonsfor unbeatable service and unparalleled gantrycontingentincludesef ciencies. With a wider turning basin threeneo-Panamaxcranesthat allows vessels up to 14,000 TEUs and NCP 14318 - Satis ed Customer - AJOT - 8x10 NC Ports 14318 InDesign CC 4Caddedin2018and2019expanded refrigerated container capacity, tofourship-to-shoreunitsweve grown to help you do the same. already in place.Efficienciesareantici- Were never donending better ways patedtogetafurtherboostto help you discover the power asrevampingoftheportsof DONE. Learn more. containerinterchangearea App: File Name:Client:Job #: Colors: movestowardcompletion800.213.4430in mid-2021, when 13 truckNCPorts.comlanes are to be available.Temperature-controlled cargosareattheforefront atthePortofWilmington, whererefrigeratedcontainer volumehasalmostquadru-pledfrom2015to2020.A newrefrigeratedcontainer NCP 14318 - Satisfied Customer - AJOT-8x10-1.0_mech.indd 1 1/6/20 10:28 AM'