b'22American Journal of Transportation ajot.com(PACIFICcontinued from page 19) Thecargotosupportthoseprojects fromtheOaklandAsbaseballteam.to some extent offset the slowdown in The Oakland As have proposed to turnindustrial activity, he said.Howard Terminal into a ballpark andInaddition,Lyndenmustcope condominiumcomplex.Thestadiumwiththeunusualnatureofalotof would hold around 35,000, with up tosupplies delivery in Alaska, often low 1.77 million sg/ft of commercial devel- densityandisolated.Manysmall opment, a 400 room hotel and perfor- communitiesin Alaskaarenotcon-mance venue with a capacity of 3,500nectedtoahighwaysupplychains and 3,000 residential condo units.and that introduces unique logistical Theproposalhasbeenwidelychallenges,itsmuchdifferentthan attacked by both waterfront labor andthe Lower 48, said Burdick. management, shippers and local resi- Justmaintainingregularbusi-dents as being detrimental to the Portnessduringtheinitialstagesofthe and for safety concerns(see box onpandemicwasnteasy,butvital. As page 20). Nevertheless a showdownthepandemicunfolded,ourfocus on the future location is shaping upwas really on keeping delivery routes over the location of the new stadium. open,suppliesmovingandcommu-nitieshavinguninterruptedservice,Roberts Bank area of the Port of Vancouver where a major project is encountering delays.said Burdick. We provide a lifeline (CRITICALcontinued fromtomanycommunitiesutilizingour page 21) barges,trucksandplanestoremoteCanadian West Coast ports shy of $1 billion, slightly down fromdestinationsthatfewothersgoto. ayearearlier.LyndenisunusualasThat was one of the key priorities. weathering pandemic challengeswell in its breadth of owned assets forTheHawaiianeconomyhasalso deliveryeverything from long-haulbeen hard hit by a slowdown in tour- Leo Ryan, AJOTandfull-truck-loadtolastmileandism, although this was mitigated in part LTL. It is one of the few large multi- as well by a surge in home constructionDespite the unprecedented global3.5 million TEUs, an increase of 2% modalconcerns.Itsarrayofequip- and remodeling, Burdick said. In 2020,challenges of COVID-19, the leadingcompared to the previous year.mentincludesnotjusttrucksandLynden boosted its Hawaii service asports on Canadas West Coast are stillThe port authority recently updated barges,butC-130Herculesaircraftwell. It expanded its fleet with the pur- enjoying robust trade with Asia. Van- its container forecasts, and indeed the and hovercraft. chase of two high-capacity barges. Thecouver and Prince Rupert even brokeyear-to-datefigurestoend-February As it did elsewhere, the pandemicnew barges each are 438 feet long, 105cargo records in 2020, with containerappeared to justify the optimism, with itselfintroducedmanychallengesfeet wide and a deadweight capacitytrends continuing to show strength inthe two-month total at 604,863 TEUS to the supply chain in Alaska, issuesof16,869tons. Theyhaveincreased2021. AndthePortofNanaimo,in up an impressive 21%.that continue to reverberate through- capacity on the route by 35%. Thesepartnership with DP World, is expand- In response to rising international out the operations. The mix of goodsvessels also enabled the carrier to shifting a major regional, shortsea projecttradedemand,theportauthorityis changed, sometimes dramatically, asterminals to a new location at Barberswith a container-on-barge service. continuingtoadvancethecritical did those receiving them. While muchPoint,Kapolei,HI,which,Burdickinfrastructurerequiredtoaccommo-ofthetrade-orientedeconomyhassaid, offers more delivery efficiencyp ort oFv anCouver date this growth. Working with indus-recovered, the pandemic continues tofor Hawaii customers, as its closer toThe Vancouver Fraser Port Author- tryandgovernmentpartnersacross wreak havoc on some businesses. a large industrial park. ityreportsthattotalcargovolumethe Lower Mainland, the port author-through Canadas largest port in 2020ity is leading the development of more l ogiStiCalC hallengeS C uStoMizing theB ox increased by 1% from 144.2 to 145.5than $1 billion worth of infrastructure Mostnotably,AlaskastourismLynden prides itself on equipmentmillion metric tons over the same periodprojects, including two container ter-industry, which is a big economic driver,innovations and it has notched severalin 2019, with new annual records set forminal projects and a number of road has been decimated. Cruise ships can- over the past year or so. One involvesgrain, potash, and containers. and rail infrastructure projects.celled their sailings in 2020, and couldthecustomizationofmarinecontain- ChinacontinuestobetheportsHowever, construction of the ports well do so again this year. (Regulationsers, which, Burdick said, enables fea- largest trading partner, with two-wayproposed multi-billion Terminal 2 con-require that cruise ships sailing from thetures that are more common to highwaytradeclimbing18%in2020.Chinatainer terminal project on Roberts Bank US mainland to Alaska make a stop intrailers.Theseincludelargerinterioralone accounted for 34.9 million tonshas run into delays in face of mounting Canada, which has banned the ships thisdimensions and a Kaptive Beam deck- of exported and imported cargo. Japanopposition from environmental groups year and CDC regulations so far prohibiting system, which is an adjustable, inter- and South Korea rank second and third. and the City of Delta as well as oppo-operations.)Thishashammerednotmediate decking within a container. ThisDuring what was most definitelysition from Global Container Terminals just cruise ship depots, but everythingenables pallets to be double stacked,a year that will be in the history books(GCT). The latters Deltaport operation that depends on the trade, from res- without running the risk of crushingamid a myriad of challenges and globalwould simply be enlarged whereas the taurants to curios shops. Lynden itselfthe cargo on bottom, and provides foreconomicuncertainty,thevalueandRBT2projectwouldrequirethecon-supports a lot of the major suppliersmuchheavierpayloads.Theyhaveresiliency of Canadas largest port hasversion of some 400 acres of intertidal and retailers into the tourism business. proved popular on the Seattle-Hawaiicertainly been showcased, said Robinandsubtidalhabitattobuildanew Project cargo is an important com- run, he said. Silvester,PresidentandCEOofthethree-berth terminal, expand an existing ponent of Lyndens business and thatsThen, of course, theres the Pisten- Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. causeway and a tug basin.changedaswelloverthepastyear.Bully snow cats, which were originallyFor the fifth year in a row, globalSignificantly enough, the Port of Oil fields cut back to essential person- designedforwintertimetrailgroom- demandforCanadiangrainresultedVancouver is currently working on a nel, new exploration and developmenting, but which Lynden has modified toin a new annual record of 35.1 mil- response slated for this summer to a projects put on hold and large indus- enable it to haul heavy payloads overlion tons of grain shipped both in bulkfederalenvironmentalreviewpanel trial projects deferred. Some of that hassnow-coveredicytundrainwintershipsandcontainers,anincreaseofreportthatconcludedtheproject been substituted by a surge in goodsand spring. Last year, these machinesfully 24% compared to the previouswouldresultinnumerousadverse and supplies to support retail growth,moved more than one million poundsyear.Increasesinwheat,up25%,residualandcumulativeeffectson such as home improvement, includingon the North Slope, including cementcanola, up 45%, and specialty crops,Dungeness crab, Chinook salmon and lumber,Burdickreported,withbothmixers,front-endloadersandafireup 12%, contributed to the record. (WEATHERINGcontinued on vesselsandtrucksmakingtheshift.truck destined for Barrow Airport. Container traffic attained a recordpage 23)SHIPPING TO ALASKA OR HAWAII?'