b'24American Journal of Transportation ajot.comPort of Huenemes Decas says fruit volumes and(PHASEcontinued fromto Pier 40 to support roll-on/page 18) roll-off cargo operations.autos rose in 2020 despite COVID-19 can be served in a more effi- Thelandandwater-cient way. sideimprovementstoHono-By Stas Margaronis, AJOT ThePhase1improve- luluHarborrealizedinthe mentsdedicatedincludedatwo phases of the Kapalama Port of Hueneme Direc- marily come from Peru. 3% over 2020 levels, she said. 65.9-acre container yard, sup- ContainerTerminalproject tor Kristin Decas told AJOT,ThePortisseeinganThecontainerbusinessport buildings, entry and exitwill benefit harbor users and We are very busy after theexpansion of warehouses out- isbeinggeneratedbyves- gates, security fencing, park- our friends and neighbors for Port saw a rebound in busi- side the Port and we distrib- sels operated by Del Monte,ing,gantrycranesandcon- years to come, said Director nessfollowingdownturnsute product to 15 states.Chiquita and Sea Land.tainerhandlingequipment,JadeButay,HawaiiDepart-related to the COVID virus inTotal fresh fruit shipments(VOLUMEScontinued onon-siteutilities,outdoorment of Transportation. The 2020. Decas expects volumesareprojectedtoincreasebypage 27) energy-efficientlighting,aKCTpier,designedat9.81-for autos to rise 1%and vol- truck weigh station, and otherfeet,addressessealevelrise umes for fruit to rise 3% overancillaryfeatures.Phase1whereweanticipatewater 2020 levels. alsoreconstructedpavementlevelheightsof3.6feetby leading to the existing inter- 2060.Phase2spierdesign a utoB uSineSSu p1%island cargo facility. alsoanticipateslessmainte-Decassaid,OurautoPhase2wasawardedinnance over the useful life of business continues to improvelate2020for$352.5millionthe pier structure compared to and we saw a surge at the endand will feature an 18.5-acreexistingpierdesigns.These of 2020 that has continued intocontaineryard,1863linearimprovements have been built 2021 following the downturnfeetofadditionalberthingtolastandwereexcitedto as a result of the pandemic incapacity,dredgingofthecontinue this modernization.2020The Port projects autowaterfrontandharborchan- Constructionofthenew importswillincreaseby1%nel, widening of Piers 40 andKapalama Container Terminal over fiscal 2020. 41 for wider inter-island ves- isfinancedbyrevenuecol-Decas said the Port alsosels, reconstruction of Pier 41,lectedfromharboruserfees, hasseenamajorriseinitsThe Del Monte Valiant arrives at the Port of Hueneme andstructuralimprovementsnot traditional taxpayer money.containervolumes:When IcametothePortin2012, we were doing 400 contain-ers per week. Since then, we have grown to 3,000 contain-ers per week in 2021. The portnowhastwostevedor-ing operations. One is run by Ceres and the other by Ports America. Together they oper-ate 5 mobile harbor cranes of which 3 are hybrid-electric.n ewl ow -e MiSSionl ieBherrC raneSF orC ereSareCeresrecentlyacquiredCLOSERtwo new cranes, LiebherrLHM420LitronicMobile Harbor Crane models, which each equipped with two electricmotorsinstalled oppositeofthelatestgen-eration of Tier 4 final diesel engines,meetingtheclean-estemissionsstandardsofON THE COLUMBIA RIVER IN WASHINGTON STATEthe EPA. 44 engines sig- FASTERAccording to a Port press release: Tier nificantlyreduceemissions ofparticulatematter(PM) andnitrogenoxides(NOx) to near zero levels. Relative topreviousemissionsstan-dards, Tierengines reduce emissionsbyover90%.DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO MAINLINE RAIL & INTERSTATE HIGHWAYSThesenewcraneswillplugSMARTERintothePortsnewelectric infrastructurecomingonline later this year.Decassaidthegrowth ofthecontainerandauto businessmeansthatthe Port is planning on building aparkinggaragetohouse carsbeforedistributionandSTORAGE OPTIONS & FOREIGN TRADE ZONE SPACEplanningtheacquisitionofBETTERshiptoshoregantrycranes to accommodate higher con-tainer volumes. i MportC ontainerS oFF ruitSandv egetaBleSg rowingDecas said, The growth of container business comes fromLatinAmericaandisON-DOCK RAIL & DUAL-SERVED BY BNSF & UPcomposed of fruits and veg-etables. Our volumes of fruits andvegetablesarecoming from Mexico, Central Amer-ica and South America. TheseCONTACT US AT [email protected] | PORTOFLONGVIEW.COMincludebananas,avocados andblueberrieswhichpri-'