b'12American Journal of Transportation ajot.comPOH_127_x_152.qxp_(AJOT)09.07.2113:46Seite 1Once the worlds busiest port, London aims to revive its river trade rootsCathryn Spain spends most of hertrying to capitalize on this shift. Gate-workdays motoring up and down theway, opened in 2013, is a modern con- YOUR PORTRiver Thames, a senior harbor mastertainerfacilitywiththreeberthsand making sure goods flow through thethreemoreplanned.Tilbury,which Port of London without incident. openedin1886andhaswelcomed A typical day for me is respond- generationsofimmigrantstoEng- JUST ONE CLICK AWAY.ing to things that go wrong, so hope- lands shores, handles containerized, fully that doesnt happen too often,bulk and general cargo, hosts cruise shesaidonemorningonpatrolinships and opened a new freight ferry early July.terminallastyearaspartofa250 ThatsSpainsmodestwayofmillion ($345 million) investment.sayingsheensurestrafficbring- Meanwhile, Amazonfacilitiesare ing goods from the other side of thespringingupalongtheriverbankeast world, or from just across the Chan- of the city. The port authority is buying nelmovesefficientlyandsafely.up land and old wharfs, and planning to So ships find their way in the fog. Orhelp develop Londons first shipyard in paddle boarders dont wind up on theacentury.Cruiseshipbookingsfrom wrong end of the tide. Or jet skiersTilbury this year and next are rolling in respect the massive container vesselsagain. The delivery giant DHL is run-thathelpedmakeLondonsportthening packages daily from a point upriver biggest in the U.K. last year for thenear Heathrow airport to Bankside wharfPORTOFHAMBURG.COMfirst time in two decades. in the center of town. CEVA Logistics The authority, set up in 1909 tostarted in June delivering medical sup- Port of Hamburg Marketing nationalize the citys hodgepodge ofplies up and down the river. Pickhuben 6, 20457 Hamburg, Germany private docks and be the caretaker forThe freight moving on the riverPhone: +49 40 377 09-0 thewaterway,hopesthepandemicis small-scale for now, but MortimerE-Mail:
[email protected] a turning point to change bothsays more companies are looking to perceptionsandreality.Asthreehavetheirlogisticsservicescloser nationallockdownsboostedonlinetocities,reversingthedecades-long shopping over the past 18 months inmarch toward cheaper real estate and the U.K. like most other places, thetransport costs connected to cities by demandforportserviceslikeware- trains and trucks. Warehousing, distri-housinganddistributionclosertobution centers and light manufactur-population centers took off, too. ing are moving closer to the city as(ADAPTcontinued from page 11) goods dont enter the EUor vice-Londonsmajortradeterminals,a way to reduce truck traffic and airgeneral manager of the Freight Trans- versaunchecked.TheIrishSea DP Worlds Gateway and the Tilburypollutionso the river may see moreport Association Ireland.effectivelybecomesaborderclear-docksoperatedbyForthPorts,arelocal cargo traffic because of it. ButFlynnandothersemphasizeance, with British goods now checked that logistics on both sides of the newat the Northern Ireland ports of Bel-UK-EUborderareadaptingasbestfast and Larne. itcan.RoutesarebeingrefinedandSo far, at least, the winners have VMA INTERNATIONAL TRADE changed. Methods and procedures werebeen Northern Ireland exporters. In the 18TH ANNUALtinkered with and improved. Its drivenfirst quarter of this year, exports from SYMPOSIUM digitization and advanced tracking andNorthernIrelandtotheIrishRepub-tracing,forexample.Itsforcedship- licjumped60%,despiteaCOVID-pers and haulers alike to become moreinduced economic drain. By contrast, Sept 29- Oct 1, 2021 | Norfolk, VA efficient and cut down on the numberBritish exports to Ireland fell by 13%.of pick-up and delivery points, easingBritishauthoritiesunilaterally In-Person & Virtual! Register now! layers of red tape. decided to delay their inspections and The East Coasts Premier Conference for Ports, Logistics, & Trade You want to remove as much ofcertificationonfreshfoodsboundfor the admin as possible, said Leheny. Northern Ireland until a four-step phase-in. ThatbeginsinOctoberwithfresh p andEmicR EpRiEvE meat checks and could last until 2023. One of the great ironies about theThat decision has irked EU authorities transition is that the pandemic actuallyand appears to be simply an excuse to providedsomebreathingspace.Thepostpone the day of reckoning. THE RESILIENT SUPPLY CHAIN Britisheconomyin2020fellalmostltERnativEs to tHE and10%, the worst performance in centuriesauK lConfirmed Speakers Include: and the steepest decrease among prettyB RidgE2muchalldevelopedcountries.ThatGetting goods from Britain through AJC Georgia-Pacific RecycleGodecline continued into the first quarterNorthern Ireland to the Irish Republic Big Lots Griffin Strategic LawThe Suarez FirmBlume GlobalAdvisorsTradelens Maersk GTDof2021,althoughitsturningaroundhas already meant significant additional Cargomatic GTT Universal Corporationnow. Second quarter saw an increase ofpaperwork,however.ArchieNorman, ChainGo Tech S.L.IBM University of Maryland4.8% from the previous quarter, whilethechairmanofMarks&Spencer CMA CGM (America) Kuehne + Nagel Virginia Port Authority the Bank of England predicts the thirdsaid on the BBC last month that the Corn Refiners Association Lululemon Wayfair quarter will be up by about 3%. departmentstoreandgrocerychain U.S. Delegation of theMehlman CastagnettiWine and Spirits ShippersThe economy was so suppressedmust now complete 40,000 pages of European Union Rosen & Thomas Association because of COVID, it afforded peoplecustoms documents per week to move DuPont Norfolk Southern ZIM American Integratedand businesses [time]to really getBritish goods into Ireland. That will Flexport OEC GroupShipping a grip, said Flynn. One was tryingtriple, he said, in October. One mis-George Mason University Ocean Network Express .and more! tofinddecentcustomsbrokersandtake on a form, Norman said, could Perdue agents that would help their business.triggeranentiretruckof650items Check out the latest speakers& announcements online! And two, putting new plans in placefrom being denied entry. in terms of supply chains. Thefateoftheso-calledland Northern Ireland represents one ofbridge remains uncertain. For most the most criticaland controversialcommerce, this is the long-preferredaspects of the free trade agreement.route in which goods travel by truck Panels &Maritime101 stAnnualGolfUnderwhatistermedtheNorthernfrom Ireland to Britain and then onto Speakers Mixer Cruise Maritime BanquetOuting Ireland protocol, borderless trade andthe EU and vice versa. But since the HOSTED BY: movement continues between Irelandadvent of Brexit, the prospect of cus-REGISTER NOW! and Northern Ireland, which is part oftoms checks into and out of Britainwww.VAmaritime.com/Symposium2021 the UK. That means Northern Irelandhas suppressed demand.THANKS FORstill abides by EU rules and regula- Ontheotherhand,sincethe SPONSORING: tions,especiallywhenitcomestobeginningofthisyear,directferry foodstuff and live animal transport.servicefromIrelandtoFrancehas So, customs must now take placebeen a huge success. This includes a inNorthernIrelandtoinsureBritish(ADAPTcontinued on page 13)'