b'ANTWERP XLAUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 5, 2021EUROPEAN TRADE 13ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1(PARADIGMcontinuedpallets, much as is done withOfrom page 11) oftheairfreight.ThiswouldofferONNEESSHHIIPPCOVIDexacerbatedshippersgreaterflexibility immediateimpactBrexitas well as minimize the pos-forseafood.And,aswithsibilityofbeingheldupat otherfoodstuffs,tradershadthe border because of another exportedseafoodandthenshippers carelessness.C onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggoostockpiled them as best theyShippersandhandlersas could before the new regula- well are counting on the pos-tions came into effect. sibilityofatrustedtraders Accentuating ill-feelings,scheme.Thiswouldenable theUKgovernmentpost- accreditedshipperstocross ponedreciprocalcustomsborderswithsimplified checks, so imported seafoodchecks, and possibly self-cer-didnt suffer nearly as much.tification, providing customs Accordingtoprovisionalauthoritieswithelectronic figures, first quarter importsaccesstoprocessingand fromtheEUweredowntransport.Itsbeingbandied invalueby17%,althoughabout as first a way to mini- RORO Customer Servicevolume dropped by 31%. mize disruption of trade fromA SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676As traders wrestled withBritain into Northern IrelandCuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday Export Customer ServiceANTWERP XLwaystoovercomethenewand, eventually, a method ofFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO 800-225-1235TO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Timebarriers,theyrealizedthattransportinggoodsfromtheANTWERP 1620 18Export Documentation 888-802-0401they needed to change someUK to the EU. DUBLIN 12Import Customer Serviceways of doing business. TheyHowever,theresnoth- BELFAST 13888-802-0403are being forced to digitalizeing to indicate that agreementGTEBORG 21LogisticsHAMBURG 13 17 15 22paperwork, for example. on such a scheme is anywhereLE HAVRE17 866-821-7449However,mostofthesenear completion and that wouldLIVERPOOL 9 13 Credit & Collectionsnewapproachestranslatedfavor only the biggest traders,LONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747intoadditionalcosts.Twonot the vast bulk of shippers. ROTTERDAM11 20thingshavechangedperma-nently.Oneisthatittakes longertogetproductinto Europethanitdidprevi-ously,saidMartin.Sec-ondly, it is more expensive.To be sure, UK seafood exportshaverebounded somewhat, and the first quar-terexportstotheEUwere downabout50%.Whats helped is that European con-sumers appear willing to pay more for their seafood.InJanuaryandFebru-ary,itwasdescribedutter chaos,saidMartin.From February onwards, Ive heard the industry describe it as a slightly organized chaos. So, things did improve. (ADAPTcontinued from page 12) FIND OUTnew 24-hour service from theMORE portofRosslare,Irelandto Dunkirk, France, close to the Belgium border and just three hours from Paris.7 - 9 DECEMBER 2021 Whiletheseferriesoffer bothdriver-accompaniedandANTWERP EXPO | ANTWERPunaccompanied trailers, theres SHAPING THE FUTUREa noticeable shift toward unac-companiedservice,according OF BREAKBULKto Flynn. This provides better efficiency. It also helps allevi-ate a driver shortage that is only becoming more acute over time as competition by both revived industry and delivery services cuts into long-haul.However,Flynncontin-ued, the land bridge has been coming back a little bit in the last couple months.a dapting to andp ost -BREXit c onditionsAstheycometogrips withcross-bordertradein the post-Brexit era, logistics specialistsareattemptingto offer solutions that can more easily handle these new reali-ties.Forexample,Leheny reported,freightforwardersHost sponsorwanttomodifythecurrentBOOK YOUR STAND NOWpracticeofsealingatruckWWW.ANTWERPXL.COMaftercustomsinspectionto being able toseal individual Easyfairs_AXL21_203x254_Findoutmore.indd 1 16/06/2021 10:23:35'