b'10American Journal of Transportation ajot.comMarino Groups MRS-CMC continues to grow with two new depot locations in Southeast regionThe Marino Groups Marine RepairMRS-CMCcontinuestostrengthen Services-ContainerMaintenanceCor- itsleadershippositionthroughout poration (MRS-CMC) announced thatthese regions. In addition to the new ithasexpandeditsfootprintinthefacilitiesinCharlotteandGreer, Southeast region with the opening ofMRS-CMC has depot locations in the two new depot locations, including afollowing markets: Atlanta, GA; Bal-30-acre facility in Charlotte, NC, andtimore,MD;Charleston,SC;Cran-a 12-acre facility in Greer, SC. Thisdall,GA;Dallas,TX;Dillon,SC, expansionreflectsthefamily-ownedJacksonville, FL; Memphis, TN; Nor-North Carolinas Port of Wilmington offers 2,600 feet of contiguous berth space, allowing forMarino Groups commitment to pro- folk, VA and Savannah, GA.simultaneous efficient working of multiple ultralarge containerships. viding unmatched services and solu- Toaccommodatethegrowingand tions to its customers. evolving needs of its customers, MRS-(DIVERSIFICATIONcontinuedCharleston handled 1,814,602 TEUs,Michael Wojnowski, MRS-CMCCMCsCharlottedepotwilloffer from page 8) puttingitonpacetofarexceedtheDirector, Carolinas Operations said,maintenanceandrepairservices, from China and South Korea via the2,309,995 TEUs moved in 2020 andAs part of the Marino Group family,mobilerepair,reeferservices,inter-PanamaCanal. Trans-AtlanticEuro- also surpass the calendar-year recordMRS-CMC continues to aggressivelymodalequipmentsalesandstorage. pean service is provided by Indepen- 2,436,184 TEUs handled in 2019. pursuegrowthopportunitiesthatLaunchingwithstorageservicesto dent Container Line. With such a dramatic rise in activ- expandourreachandenableustorespondtoanall-timehighdemand In August, a new Navis N4 ter- ity,SCPortsalsoisenhancingitsbetterserviceourcustomers,keep- for storage, the new Greer depot facil-minal operating system went live atintermodalcapabilitiesforgettinging the equipment safe and the cargoitycomplementsanexistingMRS-the Port of Wilmington, providing fullcargo to and from inland destinations. moving. CMCfacilityinthemarket,located visibility and tracking for shipments.Supported in part by a $25 millionWith 12 depot locations through- attheSCPAInland TerminalGreer, Meanwhile,anewstate-of-industry(CAPACITYcontinued on page 11) outtheSoutheastandtheGulf,which offers M&R and mobile repair.gate complex bodes to facilitate still greater efficiencies at the port, which already boasts truck turn times of 30 minutes or less for dual moves.Wilmington is within a days drive of such major U.S. Southeast markets asAtlanta,Georgia,andCharlotte, North Carolina. In addition, on-dock rail access to Charlotte is provided by the Queen City Express, a CSX shut-tleservicecarryingdouble-stacked containers. Plans call for extension by yearendofWilmingtonsinlandrail access to reach Chicago, St. Louis and Columbus, Ohio, via a CSX rail hub in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.Whenyouconsiderthechal-lenges on both [Atlantic and Pacific] coasts, shippers are looking for supply chain diversification, Clark said. At NC Ports, we can handle the big ships with speed and fluidity.(CAPACITYcontinued from page 8)facility is to offer 2.4 million TEUs of annual throughput capability.Asimilar2.4millionTEUsof yearly capacity is to be provided by the modernized Wando Welch Termi-nal, a four-decades-old facility that, in this latest $500 million renovation, is seeing its contingent of ship-to-shore cranes increase to 15 units with 155 feet of lift height, augmented by 65 rubber-tiredgantriesandastronger wharf. Thelasttwoofthosecranes are slated to be operational by early 2022.TheWandoWelchTerminal can simultaneously handle as many as four megacontainerships, each with a capacity of 14,000 or more TEUs.Furthermore, the nearly $600 mil-lionCharlestonHarborDeepening Project,fundedbystateandfederal dollars, is on track to achieve a 52-foot depth in 2022, to give Charleston the deepest harbor on the U.S. East Coast, capableofaccommodatingthebig-gest of boxships at any time under any tidal conditions.Allofthisputsusinavery uniquesituationtobeabletogrow without congestion, Newsome said. Wehavenocongestionrightnow. The port works very reliably, and we are able to get ships in and out fast.SCPortsalreadyhasbeenhan-dling record volumes. In the first eight months of calendar 2021, the Port of'