b'OCTOBER 11- 24, 2021MARITIME Section 13ACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1(INCREASEcontinued fromtheChinesefirmofTianqitoOpage 11) ironoreton- takea24%stakeinChilesONNEESSHHIIPPhighestJune-onlySQMtopursuetheextraction nage total since June 2014. Thatof lithium from the Atacama salt robustfloathelpedkeeptheflatsan upstream investment ports total tonnage 3.5 percentof sorts to support the export of ahead of the five-season averageChinas EV autos to Chile, theirC onand nearly 40 percent ahead oflargest market. Co nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggoothe 2020 pace through June 30. But these exports have been Duluth-Superiors total ironcomplementedbyhigherend ore tonnage through June toppedexportslikefruits(blueberries, 7 million short tons, putting it 10cherries and grapes) and wines. percent ahead of the five-seasonChileinturnhasbought average. Coal and petcoke ton- electronics, motor vehicles and nagealsocontinuedtoclimb,otherconsumeritemsfrom nearing900,000shorttonsinChina.Therelationshiphasnt June and 2.6 million short tonsbeenwithoutincident.Illegal season-to-date. Chinese fishing within EEZ, the Steel demand remains strongremoval of Chinese Ambassador andMinnesotasIronRangeXu Bu, for being overly aggres-continues to operate at full pro- sive and the rumors in the Chi- RORO Customer Serviceduction, which is a good thingnese media ofChilean produceA SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Mondayfor the state, the region and forbeingCOVID-19taintedareFROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO Export Customer ServicethePortofDuluth-Superior,among a few of the recent points800-225-1235TO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit TimesaidDebDeLuca,Executiveof contention. ANTWERP 1620 18Export Documentation Director,DuluthSeawayPortNonetheless, Chiles abilityDUBLIN 12888-802-0401Authority. The total number ofto navigate in the narrow spacesBELFAST 13Import Customer Service888-802-0403vessel arrivals in our port (243oftheU.S.-ChinatradewarsGTEBORG 21Logisticsthrough June 30) is up nearly 30stands out in the LAC. And forHAMBURG 13 17 15 22 866-821-7449percent over last season, whichthe U.S. to regain prominence inLE HAVRE17 Credit & CollectionsLIVERPOOL 9 13is another positive indicator intrade, it is clear from the ChileLONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747whatsbeenagoodshippingexample that more engagementROTTERDAM11 20season thus far. is needed.P orts oFi nDiana - B Urnsh arBorThe Ports of Indiana-Burns Harbor continues to see increased tonnage, said Vanta E. Coda II, ChiefExecutiveOfficer,Ports of Indiana. ComparedtoJune2020, weveseena52percentton-nage increase this June. Look-ingatallmaritimetonnage, Burns Harbor has more than a 36percentincreaseyear-over-year to date. Steel is up moreCLOSERthan 100 percent and limestone has climbed nearly 90 percent too. We look forward to addi-tional growth in the second half of the year, said Coda.(RECOVERYcontinued from page 12)trade has boomed. ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER IN WASHINGTON STATEt hEc hilEm oDEl thecitedFASTERChileisfrequently asamodelforhowLATAM nationscannavigatetrou-bled trade war waters of U.S.-China.Forovertwodecades Chile, through a succession of governments from both left and right,hasmanagedtobuilda trading relationship with China.DIRECT CONNECTIONS TO MAINLINE RAIL & INTERSTATE HIGHWAYSIt largely started with the 2005SMARTERTrans-PacificStrategicEco-nomic Partnership and later the 2018 Comprehensive and Pro-gressive Agreement for Pacific Partnership. In2018, Chile joined Chi-nas Belt and Road Initiative, and inJuly2019,thecountrywas accepted into the PRCs associ-ated institution for finance, theSTORAGE OPTIONS & FOREIGN TRADE ZONE SPACEAsiaInfrastructureInvestmentBETTERBank.Morerecently,in2019 Chile and China signed a multi-yearJointActionPlanthat highlightedfourteenareasfor advanced cooperation. Therelationshipwiththe PRCwasmorethaninkona paper,astradefrom2002to 2019 grew from $2.3 billion toON-DOCK RAIL & DUAL-SERVED BY BNSF & UP$39.2 billion. Chiles exports are largely commodities like copper (amountingtonearlyhalfof Chilescopperexports)and nitrates. China has also invested heavily in the extraction indus- CONTACT US AT
[email protected] | PORTOFLONGVIEW.COMtries and in 2019, Chile approved a $4.1 billion deal that enabled'