b'FEBRUARY 14 - MARCH 13, 2022PROJECT CARGO BI-ANNUAL 25(POTENTIALcontinuedA downwind turbine actually has thetaking so long? Is there a way to speedsteel towers that you can bring [to a from page 24) blades on the other side of the wind,it up or is this just the way things are?port]andassemble.Itdoesnttake totallynewbladedesignornacellesothewindhitsthetowerfirstandDagher:Therearetechnologythesameamountofspaceandreal design? Or is it likely to be an adapta- then goes to the blades. That designdevelopments that are needed, physi- estate that it takes to assemble a float-tion of what is now being produced? can have a yaw system, but you cancalinfrastructure,developmentofing hull, which are much bigger and Dagher: Weve worked with allhave the whole hull yaw. The wholeport facilities that are needed for themuch more complex. You need dedi-the turbine OEMs. Right now, wevehull actually yaws back and forth, soindustry. Finally, there are permittingcated facilities that can fabricate big been able to adapt the current turbinesthat the turbine is always optimized torequirements. Youve got technology,hulls like that. The existing fixed-bot-to the hull that we have. We can acceptthe wind. These designs have a singleyouve got port facilities and youvetom facilities havent been designed turbines from almost any supplier.mooringsystem,sothatinsteadofgot permitting. These are three differ- specifically to do that. You will need What we would have to do fromyawing just the turbine itself, youreent, separate issues, that really result inquite a bit of acreage if you wish to anadaptationperspectiveisreallyyawing the whole hull.the schedule youre talking about. Butbuildacommercialfloatingfacility, optimizingtheturbineforthehull.AJOT:Areengineersinvestigatingthe good news is that back in 2013, we50 to 100 acres and more, depending How you control the pitch and powerotherinnovationsforoffshorewindactuallyputthefirstfloatingturbineon what you are trying to do. generationoftheturbineisveryturbines? off the US coast. Weve learned a lotAJOT: Because the hull is made of important because if the turbine baseDagher: There are some designssince then and now were in the middleconcrete, is one advantage that it can be ismoving,youhavetoaccountforthat are looking at putting the genera- of doing one thats full-sized, biggerfabricated in Maine or wherever? that in the control center. So, the con- tor down at the base.than the Washington Monument. Dagher:Itcertainlycouldbe trols of the turbine are being adaptedAJOT:YouvesaidthatwithAJOT: Youmentionedtheneedfabricatedlocally.Wewantatech-tothehullsandthehullsarebeingfloating wind turbines, you can adaptforadvancesinportfacilities.Whynologythatcreateslocaljobs,and adapted to the turbine controls.current fixed turbine technology. Doescant we utilize existing facilities orthats really why we went to the con-Does that mean that you couldntthat include the new generation of 12the ones now under development forcrete hull, we have no ability to mass design a better turbine thats specifi- and 15MW turbines? fixed bottom offshore wind? Is it tooproduce these hulls at this time. And cally optimized for the home? ThatsDagher:Yes.Whenwestarteddifficult to adapt fixed-bottom facili- thats why we went in that direction, awholeotherquestion.Youcould.inthisbusiness,weweredoingtwoties to floating?right? The first of the concrete hulls But is it worth it? Is it worth it to gomegawatt turbines. The one that wereDagher: Its not just difficult. Inwe have are less expensive. outandreinventtheindustry?Youdesigningtoday,thatwereputtingsomecases,itsimpossible.YouveAJOT:Areyouconcernedthat can argue one way or the other.offthecoastofMonheganIslandingot to fabricate floating turbines dock- transmission issues, the technology, and AJOT: What are some other waysMaine,is11megawatts. Andweveside and these units are bigger than thetheinfrastructurenecessary,maylag to design a turbine? been able to adapt our designs, our cur- Washington Monument. How do youbehindthedevelopmentoffloating Dagher:Rightnow,themostrent turbines, to that. We are also look- get those in the water? You need deepoffshore wind?commondesignisthehorizontalaxising at 15 and 20 megawatt turbines aswaterports. YouneedfacilitiesthatDagher: The difference between turbine. Thats called an upwind turbine.wespeakandlookingatadaptation.have water depths of 30 feet or more,a floating turbine and a fixed-bottom Vertical axis turbines have been lookedAt least going from two to 11 [mega- because some of these will draft 25turbine is that the floating turbine has atforfloatingtechnologiesaswell.watts],ithasbeenpossible.Canwefeet. Maybe you could dredge somewhat we call a dynamic cable. It floats These are turbines that we call down- go from 11 to 15 and 15 to 20 [mega- existing facilities, but thats a wholein a water column, has buoyancy mod-wind turbines.watts] cost effectively? Going from 11other project.ules, and is fixed to the seabed. Each AJOT:Please explain the differ- to 15, Im very optimistic. Thats veryThe other thing is the fabricationturbineisgoingtohaveadynamic ence. doable. Going from 15 to 20, I thinkmethodsthatyouneedforfloatingcable and its typically a 66KV cable. Dagher: Upwind, the wind alwaysIll reserve judgment.wind turbines are different from fixedSo, its not low voltage, but its not hitstheturbinebeforeithitstheAJOT:Intermsofcommercialbottom. You need the port facilities toextremely high. Youre going to daisy tower. Theres a yaw mechanism. Ifadaptationoffloatingwind,werefabricate and assemble these hulls andchainthese,onetotheothertothe you think of the blades, they alwaysstill talking 2028, 2029, at the earliest,theyre different. With fixed bottom,other to the other, connecting five up see the wind first before it gets to theandthatsprobablybeinggenerous.you typically use mono-piles. Theseto 10 turbines on one line. So, each tower. Thats called an upwind turbine.Does it frustrate you that adaptation isareessentially20-25footdiameter(POTENTIALcontinued on page 31)LIBERTY GLOBAL LOGISTICS LLCThe solution to your cargo needs!516-488-8800 LibertyGL.com Rates:
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