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b'8American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comSupply chains in 2022:(PROFILEcontinued fromthe next few months. We alllar interests?on the role page 6) knowthatthereisnoquickWhen I took from point of pickup throughfix to this multilayered melt- at WSSA, I was able to con-Wings of a butterfly to delivery in a single immu- down, and the committee willtinue to reside in Maine and table window. beworkingtogetherfortheeventually built a great team COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc with theMy hope is that the prof- nextfewyearsinaresults- thatworksvirtuallyinVir-supply chain but are there problems inher- itsachievedbycarriersinfocused format.ginia,NewYork,Georgia ent with the system? the past year can be used toHow did you get into theandMaine.Wedeveloped improve visibility and moveglobal shipping business?awork-from-homemodel8 togethertowardadoptionofShipping is indeed in myyears prior to COVID!By George Lauriat, AJOT blockchain technology. blood.MyancestorswereLivinginMaineallows Congratulations on beingsea captains, merchant mari- me to follow my passion for M akingS enSe ofC haoS number of TEUs that passednamed to the Federal Mari- ners, naval officers and ship- healthylivingandthegreat ItseemseversincethethroughthesupplychainintimeCommissionsnewlyping agents, and I got drawnoutdoors. As a lifelong com-20,000TEUboxshipEver2021,thedamagewasmin- formedNationalShipperinto the business at an earlypetitiveathlete,Ienjoythe Givenwedgeditselfacrossiscule,albeitsignificantforAdvisoryCommittee.Whatage and have been living andabilitytorun,bike,swim, the Suez Canal, on March 23,containerized freight headingrole do you see this commit- breathingshippingforoverhike and ski in the amazing 2021, the global supply chainforEuropewithinthetime- tee playing? 35 years.clean air and natural environ-hasreeledfromonedisrup- frame of the accident. Thank you, and I am hon- My aunt was one of thement of Maine.tiveeventtoanother.TheNotably,despitetheinci- ored to serve on this commit- first female licensed customsWhen you relax in front COVID-19lockdownsaredenttheSuezCanaltraffictee. I am incredibly impressedbrokers,andIamproudtoofyourfireplace,whatis theobviousmonkey-wrenchdidntsufferasetbackinwith the depth of knowledgecarryonthelegacyofbothyourfavoritebeverageto in the supply chain but there2021,asthewaterwayhan- andintelligenceamongthethefamilyandoffemalehave in hand? areothersnags,largeanddled20,649shipscomparedmembers.leadershipinamale-domi- Greatquestion!Itend small,thathavecontributedto18,830shipsrecordedinThecommitteeisatitsnated industry.to be a purist, and, whether to a dysfunctional system. 2019. Andalmostasafull- formativestagesandwillHowisitthatWSSAisitbeaperfectmartiniora Foreverybodyinvolvedcircle footnote to the year, onbedefininghowtoprovidebasedinPortland,Maine,glassoffineBordeaux,I in the process, from the fac- (WINGScontinued onaviableimpacttobenefitandhowdoesthelocationsavorquality,avoidsugar torytotheconsumer,therepage 14) theshippingindustryoversuit your active extracurricu- and sip slowly!is a yearning for a normality that seems just out of reach. Butwhatisnormalfor thecomplexglobalsupply chains that move our goods? Justliketheweather, thereseemstobeaclimate change underway to the very eco-systemoftheglobal supply chain.In 1972 MIT [Massachu-settsInstituteofTechnol-ogy]MeteorologyProfessor Edward Lawrenz wrote a land-mark paper entitled Predict-ability:DoestheFlapofa ButterflysWingsinBrazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?. The paper introduced the but-terfly effect to illustrate how seeminglyinsignificantor unexpectedeventscancause unforeseen consequencesor chaosfar out of proportion to the initial action. LikeLawrenzsbutter-fly effect, large scale supply chain disruptions are frequently the result of a culmination of smaller, often seemingly insig-nificant actions.TaketheEverGivens stranding.Ifthecontainer-shipwasnthitbyacross-wind at that very moment, or at that very place in the Suez Canal, or had the containership been 10,000 TEUs rather than 20,000 TEUs, or had the crew reacted better, would the chaos of a global $10 billion disrup-tiontothesupplychainever happened?Wellneverknow for certain but while there were many obvious issuesand a fairamountofpost-accident finger-pointingtherewere also many seemingly inconse-quential events that contributed to the stranding.And while the Ever Given stranding was a major disrup-tion to the supply chaincar-rying freight largely destined forEuropefromabig-pictureperspective,itreally wasntcatastrophic.Within six-days the Suez Canal was cleared of the obstruction and business returned to normal. Inproportiontotheglobal'