b'18American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(CORNERScontinueddifferentdestinations,and(PEAKcontinued from page 10)from page 4) outsourcingshiftsgoonenforce the Commissions 3-year old Interpretive Rule on Detention and Demurrage Charges, couple months ahead Hebecauseofthat.Ithinkthesetting forth the criteria as to what constitutes a reasonable charge, and what does not. It could lead addedthathestellinghisother big thing thats changedto increased number of containers and bookings available to US exporters. It will create a less intimidat-customers that they will needistheresmorefoodserviceing means for importers and exporters to seek FMC review of disputed charges.equipmentinthe3 rd and4 th delivery taking place, whichThe larger question is will a new OSRA 2022 really resolve the knots in the supply chain? quarters this year not to wait,is also changing how thingsThe oceans carriers think not and are particularly leery of provisions in the House OSRA Iwouldntwaitthatlongare either purchased, movedbill which was passed last year. John Butler, President and CEO of the World Shipping Council for a couple reasons. One isor planned for, from a supply(WSC), said of the legislation, The deeply flawed bill passed by the House at the end of last year I think the supply chain willchain standpoint.would place government officials in the role of second-guessing commercially negotiated service getevenmoredisrupted.contracts and dictating how carriers operate ship networksan approach that would make the Numbertwo,theconstraintexisting congestion worse and stifle innovation.the supply shocks across the(ALLIANCEScontinuedButler and the WSC were not much happier about the Senate version. But recognize, as Peter globe will create(produc- from page 9) Friedmann said, who besides CONECT also represents the Agriculture Transportation Coalition ing) delays further upstreampurelyoperationalcompacts(AgTC) and the Coalition of New England Companies For Trade (CONECT) and so accurately fromtherawmaterialsup- thatenablecarrierstoshareframed the ocean carriers dilemma, You dont want to be on the wrong side of history, espe-pliers, not being able to getspace on one anothers ships,cially after such a historic year.materials delivered.whichincreasesefficiency Theproductiondelaysand supports more service toUnited States Imports - BL Houses by TEU(largely in China where mostmore ports than would other-oceancontainersaremade)wise be the case. Importantly,US REGION 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022*aremorelikelytooccurintheoperationalagreements themanufactureofreeferdonotincludecommercialWEST 10,049,030 9,497,604 10,041,862 11,640,818 1,737,946(refrigeratedcontainers). Ascooperation. Each member ofEAST 4,444,173 4,561,444 4,733,594 5,524,454 933,637Tuthillexplainsthemanu- a VSA or alliance determines facturingdelaysmightnotitsowncommercialterms,SOUTH ATLANTIC 4,349,177 4,559,203 4,561,398 5,497,484 937,521be on the container produc- includingprices,whichareMID ATLANTIC 1,787,830 1,835,894 1,771,106 2,102,037 342,896tion side, but on the refriger- notdiscussedbetweenalli-atedmachineryside.Ifyouance members. Every VSA isGULF 1,641,363 1,792,865 1,864,171 2,295,136 415,108thinkabouttherefrigera- filed, reviewed, and continu- PACIFIC NORTHWEST 1,553,228 1,445,399 1,384,760 1,684,826 274,524tion side of the business youously monitored by the FMC.need a machine to go into aCertainly,thereissomePUERTO RICO 211,645 170,904 195,504 220,003 32,316container,butthemachinestruth in Butlers remarks thatMIDWEST 3,533 3,666 3,371 4,240 517have copper, aluminum, theythealliancestructureisntGREAT LAKES 3,076 3,427 3,783 5,599 968requirenickelforproduc- whollytoblametothedis-ingsomeofthoseproducts.ruptions to the supply chain.SOUTH EAST 40 3 34 3 2TheyhavesemiconductorsStill the tripartite structure ofCARIBBEAN 6 0 55 31 0thatgointothecontrollers.the alliances operating global All of this is what I considerlinershippingisimpactingUNKNOWN 130 202 133 92 10upstreamsupplychallengescompetitionandbeggingTotal TEUs 24,043,231 23,870,610 24,559,770 28,974,722 4,675,444that will maybe create capac- regulatory interventionand ity issues. regulations,liketheflu,areUNKNOWNThechallengesforthehighly contagious.carriersiskeepingtheircon- workersas:theyaretruehadtwenty-fourpeopledieing center is for the younger tainersmoving,aproblemAmericanheroes;theyhavewithintwenty-fourdaysgenerationtoupgradetheir manifestedbybanslike(AGREEMENTcontinuedbeen doing this work for overourpeopleneverstoppedskillsgoingintothefuture. inRussiaandBelarusandfrom page 11) eightyyears.Ithinkifany- showing up to work and keptThey need to know that they theongoingdisruptionsinUnion (ILWU) president WilliebodydeservesTimeMaga- the cargo moving. We madecan get a job down here on China.MaerskhasalreadyAdamsandILWUCoastzines Person of the Year, itsure our stores and our hos- this waterfront and have the dispatchedavesseltohelpCommitteeman Frank Ponceis the men and women of thepitals, and the medical peopleskills. We are leaving some-retrievestrandedemptyDe Leon. mighty ILWU. got the supplies they needed. thingbehindforthemthat containersinRussia.ButSerokacommendedtheFrankPoncedeLeonistangibleThePMAhas addressingthechallengeofwork and sacrifice of longshoredescribed the hardships long- n ewt Rainingc enteR tostepup.Theyhavebeen keeping the assets movingdockworkers who had kept theshoreworkershadenduredSeroka discussed the plansmissing in action.within network isnt just aboutports of Los Angeles and otherduringthepandemic:ForforanewtrainingcenteratAdamssaidthatthe reacting to a specific eventWestCoastportsoperationalthe last two years, this periodthePortofLosAngelestoPort,theBidenAdministra-butratherplanningwellduring the pandemic. of COVID has been hard andupgradetheskillsoflong- tion,andtheStateofCali-inadvancetomitigatetheAdams described the con- painful.Peopledidnottakeshore workers.fornia have all supported the damage. Tuthill suggests thattributionoflongshoredocknoticeoftheportsuntilweAdams noted: This train- training center. lineroperatorsshouldstart thinking about maybe pulling some of the demand forecast forward,justliketheretail-ers have in the last year and a half, because the cycle times forgettingeithercontainers positioned or for making sure thattheyrereadyforhead haul demand and (adequately covered) seasonal demands.Andseasonaldemand isoftenbuiltaroundfruits andproducetemperature-controlledlogistics,essen-tiallyreefercontainers. WhenAJOTaskedTuthill abouthowstrongthereefer sectorhasbeenduringthis disruptive period, he replied, Obviously,therefrigerated marketsaresomuchmore resilientandconsistentand reliablecomparedtoany other market, just because of the whole premise that food is a necessity and not a luxury. It shifts the categoryshifts it a little bit so, during the reopening,youstarttosee differentproductsmoveto'