b'APRIL 18 - MAY 15, 2022NORTH AMERICAS TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS N EWSPAPER 19Manager RORO Services North AmericaWestfield, NJJOB SUMMARY:Responsible for the North American technical and commercial operations for ACL RORO, breakbulk and project cargo. Also responsible for project cargo for the Grimaldi services to West Africa and the Mediterranean. Duties include pricing, vessel allocation, budgeting, sales visits to accounts and contract negotiations. You will prepare quotes and make bookings. Manage ACLs Eastbound RORO/Project activities, including direct supervision of one or more RORO Specialists. Participate with Sales Management to target project cargo accounts. Visit RORO/Project customers in North America and assist sales, when necessary, on our RoRo capabilities. Monitor equipment flows of RORO piecesflatbeds, mafi trailers, etc. to insure optimal utilization. Work closely with Customer Service to improve integration in RoRo Support Services.REQUIREMENTS:Working knowledge of project, out of gauge (OOG) and heavy lift cargo. Must be able to effectively manage a Trade area including pricing, marketing, sales, operational costs, equipment utilization, market trade and competitive pricing. Must be able to communicate ACL RORO policy, internally and externally and ensure policy is followed. Must have system knowledge to continue the automation of RORO cargo handling and management. Must be able to effectively deal with major accounts. Organizational skills are essential to handle multiple projects simultaneously. Budgeting and analytical skills required to prepare overhead & volume/revenue budgets. Management skills required to manage, motivate, and engage staff and colleagues. College degree or equivalent work experience.ACL contact:
[email protected](ENDORSEScontinuedsailings were cut off becauseatthePort:Asaresultofhasalineitemfor$110and exciting time. from page 14) the supply chain was out oftheinspirationprovidedbymilliondollarsdesignated spacetoaccommodateportsync, sailings were off sched- one of our late Harbor com- for a training facility like thisg ReenS hiPc ollaboRationoperationsandtheballpark.ule.Linercompaniesweremissioners,DavidArian,aright in our stateWe havewithP oRt ofS hanghaiHesaidthePorthadprevi- trying to make up timeWeformerinternationalpresi- puttogetherthelandand,Seroka explained that Los ously projected that the PortwitnessedtheCentralValleydent of the ILWU, we thoughtsubjecttoHarborCommis- AngelesMayorEricGarcetti wouldgrowtoa4-millionofCaliforniaespeciallytheearly on that we could createsionapproval,$40millionwanted us to come up with a TEUvolumebutcurrentlyranchers, farmers, and ag pro- atrainingcenterthatcoulddollars in cash to invest in thisgreenshipcorridortoreach were at 2.5 million so wereducers really rely on the Porthelpportworkersbroadlyparticular property as well asthegoalofazero-emissions nowherenearthatplannedofOaklandforexports.Anyand thats now going to comebuild curricula across a wideshipcorridorwithinthenext growth. support for that I am a strongtofruition.Withinmonths,varietyofjobcategoriesdecade.Whatwedidwas Henotedthatthereisadvocate for. Weve got to getwell be turningdirt on aOn the docks and around thetocomeuptoourfriendsin currently an unused terminalourexportersconnectedwith20-acre facility at the NorthPort every day about 100,000Shanghaitocreateapublic-at the Outer Harbor site thattheir customers. Weve got toendofthePortthatwillbepeople go to moving cargo. Inprivatepartnershipwithliner hadbeenpreviouslyrunbyuse every great asset we havethefirstgoodsmovementsthefiveSouthernCaliforniashipping companies and other Ports America and then shutin this great State of California,training center. It has the abil- counties there are more thancargo interests. We put out an down,because:themoneyincludingourports.Iamsoity to reskill and upskill long- 1 million jobs that are gener- announcement at the last C40 investment that was made insupportive of what Danny Wanshoreworkers.ItwillalsoatedbythisPort.Theneedmeeting in Copenhagen. (C40 the terminal was insufficientis doing in the Port of Oaklandtake truckers and put them onforinvestmentinthetalentis a network of mayors of 100 tocontinueoperationasaand Mayor Schaaf and all thea path to getting commercialis right before us every day.cities collaborating to address seaport.So,itisnowusedcustomers that they serve.driverslicensesandmanyWe are working closely withclimatecrisisissues.)Inthe forcontainerparkingandother areasIt is my hopethe schools, the families, thecomingmonths,wewillbe containerstoragewhichisn ewP oRt ofla w oRkeR we can take a youngster whocommunitiesthechurches,announcing milestones that we not the most efficient use oft Rainingf acility is just walking in who says Iand in addition to elected offi- willbemeasuredagainstand waterfront land. Seroka discussed the needwant to be a part of this Portcials, policy makers and thenthose participants that will be As a result, Wan has toldformoreworkertraining,complexI am so pleasedbringingtogetherastrengthjoining us. A very exciting time federal and state officials thatrecruitment and a new goodsthatCalifornia Governorsin numbers we have not seenright now in one of the worlds thePortofOaklandcouldmovementtrainingcenterNewsomsplannedbudgetbefore. Its a very interestinglargest trade corridors.help relieve the port conges-tioncrisisfacingthePorts ofLosAngelesandLong Beach: The Port of Oakland hasextralandcapacityand terminal space to develop.Theunusedterminalsite needsinvestment:Thister-minalneedstensofmillions ofdollars,ifnothundreds ofmillionsofdollars,to upgradeIfwehadmade that investment before today, we probably would have had some flex space to play with to relieve our congestion but, unfortunately,wedidnot make that investment. So, we need to make that investment with the upcoming federal and state investments that they are now willing to make. (JOBScontinued from page 16)Serokaalsoaddressedthecustoms brokers&freight forwardersbypassofportsbyocean carriersduetosupplychainwww . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041disruptions. Seroka said: In thePortofOaklandscase,'