b'22American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(RELIABLEcontinued fromtonnes(1.1%)above2020results. page 16) Inayearthattestedsupplychains The Port of Green Bay is proudaroundtheworld,thecorporate tocontributetotheefficiencyandreportcommentedthattheSeawayHWYH2O.COMresiliencyofshippingontheGreatremainedabeaconofunwavering Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System,reliability. Seaway users could depend said Dean Haen, Director of the Port ofon the System to deliver their goods, Green Bay. Coal is just one of severalallowing them to maintain operations commoditiesthatwereplayingin an environment of strong demand.anintegralroleindeliveringtotheSeveral Seaway staples bounced Midwest and Americas Heartland. back after being negatively impacted duringtheCOVID-19pandemic, l akes uPerIor includinggeneralcargoshipments, Limestoneandgeneralcargowhichimprovedbyanimposing shipments provided the June highlights73%over2020,asNorth-American forthePortofDuluth-Superior,manufacturersonceagainturned according to spokesperson Jayson Hron. totheSeawaytoensuretimelyand HronsaysthatDuluth-Superiorreliable delivery of critical steel and welcomed 433,143 short tons of theslab imports.versatile chalky rock from Michigan,Also,theliftingofCOVID-19 whichpushedtheseason-to-datecontainment measures allowed liquid limestone total above 1 million shortbulk cargoes to gain back a portion of tonsand14.3percentaheadofthethe ground lost during the pandemic.five-season average. Thecategoryclosedtheyear Inbound wind energy cargoes andwitha5%increase.Beyondbeing bagged minerals delivered the generaladependablesupplychainfortheir cargoboostinJune,withnearlycorebusiness,SeawayuserscountW I T H O U R N E W A N D13,000shorttonsarrivingattheon the Systems adaptability to takeI M P R O V E D G A T E W A YDuluth Cargo Connect facilities. ThatadvantageofopportunitiesofferedI N C E N T I V E , T H E R E H A Sfloat lifted the season-to-date generalbyinternationalmarkets.In2021,N E V E R B E E N A B E T T E Rcargo tonnage total past 27,280 shorttheseincludedamyriadofexportT I M E T O S T A R T S H I P P I N Gtons,whichexceedsthefive-seasoncommodities such as iron ore, whichO N T H E G R E A T L A K E SaveragepacethroughJune30byaincreased 13% year-over-year, as wellW I T H H W Y H Orobust percent. as coke and potash which contributed2to the 8% increase of the Dry Bulk s t . l awrences eaway segment.Theseexceptionalresults The Port of Ogdensburg receivedmore than offset the substantial 20% twoshipmentsofwindenergydrop in export grain shipments, caused equipmentduringJune,bolsteringby a drought event that affected crops New York States status as a leadingin key growing areas.destination for green energy materials.Here in Ogdensburg, were proudt erenceB owless uMsu Pv IsIonto play an important role in advancinganda cHIeveMentsNew Yorks green energy initiatives,Inhisintroductiontothereport,For more information:saidSteveLawrence,executiveTerenceBowles,presidentandCEO,1-905-641-0309 or email [email protected] the substantial investments through andPortAuthority.Thiswouldntthe years allocated to modernizing and be possible without the hardworkingoptimizing the Seaways operations.men and women on our docks who areThese improvements, he noted, always up for the task, no matter howhave strengthened its position as an busy the shipping season gets.essentialtransportationcorridorforcontribute to the creation of a Green theefficientmovementofproductsCorridor and help respond to global betweenNorth Americanandworldsupply chain disruptions.(GOALScontinued from page 20) markets. Intermsofrevenue,Bowles season. Through improvements and theexplained that the Seaway ended 2021 Approachingmid-season,Aubry- use of technology, the St. Lawrenceat C$83.6 million, plus $7.7 million Morin noted there have been strongSeawayManagementCorporationinrevenuegeneratedfromlands movementsofU.S.grain,potash,(SLSMC)hasreduceditsGreenadministeredbytheCorporation. coke and some liquid bulk products.HouseGasEmissionswellaheadThis allowed the Corporation to fully Ontario grain has also shown strength,ofthetargetssetbytheFederalcover$52.3millioninmanageable offsetting some of the decline in grainGovernmentfortheyear2030,costsandcontribute$39millionto fromwesternCanadaduetolastwhich is helping drive sustainability.asset renewal.years smaller crop. Movingforward,wewillcontinueEachyear,millionsofdollars These are all indicators that nourishto promote the use of vessels versusarespentonAssetRenewalPlans, our hope of finishing the 2022 season aotherlessenvironmentally-efficientincluding$75.7millionin2021/22. little above last year, he stated. modes of transport, work with partnersThis level of spending not only ensures Seawaytrafficreached38.2inthemaritimeindustrytofurtherthereliabilityoftheinfrastructure, milliontonsin2021,0.4millionreduce Green House Gas Emissions,butprovidesemploymenttomanyTerence Bowles, president & CEO, contractors who carry out this work,St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corp.especiallyduringthewinterworksOvertheyears,alongwith period of January to March. producinghydro-electricpower,the On the safety front, the SeawaysSeaway has taken steps to reduce its MakingSafeChoicescampaigncarbonfootprint,includingadding hasbeensuccessfulininfluencingelectricvehiclesandequipment. As employeeperformanceandsafetymentioned earlier, the Seaway is well focus. For the 2021/22 fiscal year, theahead of the 2030 targets set by the Corporation attained the milestone ofFederalGovernmentforgreenhouse over one million hours worked withoutgas emissions.lost time injury on a Seaway site. Lookingtothepresenthorizon, WeatherconditionsweresuchBowlesacknowledges:Thereare that the 2021 navigation season closedstill many unknowns in relation to the withoutanyconcernsaboutice. Aspandemic,consumerhabitsandthe part of a five-year pilot program, forRussia / Ukraine conflict. Nevertheless, the third consecutive year, the Wellandwecontinuetoexploreopportunities Canalsseasonwasextendedtoto increase existing commodities, and early January. With climatic changeswork with shippers, carriers and other andimprovementsbeingmade,thepartners to attract New Business, as Seawayisnowworkingtowardsathe current Seaway locks and channelsAlgomas Captain Henry Jackman is 35% more fuel efficient than older vessels, an example oflaterclosingdatefortheMontreal- caneasilyaccommodatea50% leveraging technology by Seaway carriers to bolster green shipping.Photo courtesy of SLSMC Lake Ontario section. increase in tonnage.'