b'16American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(SUPPORTcontinuedtoitswebsite,thatSMRsreason:Ittakes15yearstoof which are related to energyof the essence when it comes from page 12) areunderlicensingreviewbuildanuclearreactor,hecombustion.Nuclearenergytoreducingcarbonemis-and transport HALEU. ThebytheNuclearRegulatorysaid,accordingtopublishedalsopresentsweaponspro- sions. Thats why a scientific $700 million in the new law,Commission (NRC) and willreports.liferation,meltdown,andorganizationcalledAchiev-he added, represents a downlikely be deployed in the lateWind and solar farms takewaste-disposal risks, accord- ing the Paris Climate Agree-payment on this effort. 2020s to early 2030s. twotofiveyearstodevelop,ingtoJacobsonandcon- mentGoalsadvocatesfora SMRsarebeingdevel- said Mark Jacobson, directortributetocarbonemissions,transitionto100%renew-sMr s opedbycompaniesliketheof the Atmosphere/Energy Pro- from the uranium mining andableenergyastheplanets The National AssociationPortland,Oregon-basedNuS- gram at Stanford University. refining processes. bestchanceforpreventing of Manufacturers (NAM) sup- calePowerLLC,whichhasSkepticsalsopointtoSupporters say SMRs willthe worst impacts of climate ports the expansion of nuclearestablished research and designnuclearshigherelectricity- lowerthecostsandenhancechange.ButU.S.climate powerintheU.S.asonecenters at Oregon State Uni- generationcostscomparedthesafetyofnuclearpowerpolicy is heading in a differ-componentofclimateandversity,theUniversityoftosolarandwindpower.generation.Insomeremoteent direction, as it continues energy-security policies, andIdaho, and Texas A&M Uni- According to Bloomberg Newareasof Alaskathatrelyonto promote the development specifically touts the benefitsversity. ThesecentersenableEnergy Finance (BNEF), solardieselgeneratorstoproduceofamixofnuclearenergy ofsmallmodularreactorsresearch and training relatedand wind are now the cheap- electricityatover$1peralong with renewables.(SMRs) and microreactors, ato the use of SMRs for flexi- estsourcefor91%ofelec- kilowatt-hour,newtechnolo-subset of SMRs. These tech- ble, secure, and safe operationtricityaroundtheworldandgies would reduce costs by at nologies,saidChrisMorris,and for electricity generation,areattracting10to20timesleast 59% initially, according(DOMINATEcontinued NAMsDirectorofEnergysaid John Hopkins, NuScalesmore investment globally thanto a report from the Nuclearfrom page 15)andResourcesPolicy,willCEO. The Department of Statenuclear.Theworldscheap- Energy Institute (NEI) and bywhen the opportunity comes, be crucial for next-generationand the U.S. Trade Develop- estreactors,inChina,BNEFas much as 86% eventually, asCampirano noted. nuclear power. But both ofmentAdministrationearlierfound,produceelectricityatthe technology develops.While business is boom-those technologies are yearsthisyearprovidedfinancialtwice the cost per kilowatt-hourResearch conducted in 2011ingforthePortofHouston awayfrombeingcommer- support to NuScales efforts tothan power generated by Chi- at the University of Chicago con- Authority,projectcargois cially available. establish another such centernesewindandsolar. Astudycludedthatsmallreactorsnot a high menu item now, The International Atomicin Romania.bytheLazardbankshowedcouldsignificantlymitigateJeff Davis, chief port opera-EnergyAgency(IAEA)that renewables make electric- thefinancialriskassociatedtionsofficertoldAJOTin definesSMRsashavingat hen uCLearM ix ity three to eight times cheaperwith full-scale plants and thatSeptember.capacity of under 300 mega- In France, nuclear has beenthan nuclear. The InternationalSMRs are likely to be safer,Overtime,windgener-wattsas compared to 1,000delivering a substantial propor- Energy Agency (IEA) forecastgiven their greater simplicityatingcomponentsandother megawatts or more for con- tionofpowergenerationforthatrenewableswillprovideof design. But research fromproject cargo have been a sig-ventionalreactors.Microre- decades, which has enabled the95% of the worlds new capac- StanfordsPrecourtInstitutenificant business for Houston.actors would produce up to 20country to resist Russias energyity,around305gigawattsperfor Energy, found that SMRsThis year, Houstons 800-megawatts of thermal energyblackmail that EU nations likeyear, through 2026. also bring greater economicpoundgorillaisimporting andwouldbefactoryfabri- GermanyhavebeenforcedLikeMacron,Jacobsonisand use-case challenges andpipetosupportoildrilling. cated and transportable. Thetoreckonwith.Nonetheless,concerned about the lead timesnovelsafetyandprolifera- Davis explained that the U.S. U.S.DepartmentofEnergy,PresidentEmmanuelMacronrequiredtodevelopnucleartion issues. oil industry may be on pause which has provided researchhasembarkedonapolicyofpower plants, as well as theInanycase,SMRsarenow, but orders for components anddevelopmentfundingencouragingthedevelopment7.1milliondeathsannuallynot yet available for commer- such as this pipe dont quickly forSMRs,says,accordingofrenewableenergies.Hiscaused by air pollution, 90%cialapplicationandtimeisadjust to oil production.GLOBAL OOG SERVICEEXPORT OVERSIZE SERVICE TO: North AsiaSoutheast AsiaIndia & PakistanNorth Europe The MediterraneanSouth AmericaIMPORT OVERSIZE SERVICE: Flatrack Unloading and Trucking to DestinationWe move the capital goodsthat move the world.Contact us today for your oversize shipment needs!New York | 516-829-0647 |
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