b'20American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(SAGAcontinued from lium was to close a financingendofthesaga.Noonefor the Port of Vancouver toFund program, the Vancouver page 17) packageandbeginsolicitingcanbuildonthelakebedinbe the worlds most sustain- Fraser Port Authority is lead-reversed course a year later.)bids,theprovincialgovern- Ontariowithoutseveralper- ableport.Wewouldalsoing the way in building infra-Meanwhile,residentsofamentofthenPremierDaltonmits from the Ontario govern- like to acknowledge the portstructures that are greener and smalllakesidesuburbsuedMcGuinty,whichhadbackedment, so it would be up to thecommunityfortheirongo- better able to respond to cli-theboard,accusingitofdevelopment,suddenlypulledOntario government to decideingsupportofport-author- mate change. overreach.Fortwoyears,the plug, and cancelled all proj- if it wants a far-offshore windity led projects that will helpThe National Trade Cor-theprojectwasstalled.Inects,claimingfurtherscien- development, said Kourtoff,strengthen our gateway whileridors Fund (NTCF) is a com-August,theOhioSupremetificresearchwasnecessary.in a follow-up email. He esti- enhancing its sustainability. petitive, merit-based program CourtcamedownsquarelyWhy it did so remains a mys- mated it would take an addi- It is part of a suite of gate- designedtohelpinfrastruc-in favor of the board. tery,althoughtheMcGuintytional four to five years afterwayinfrastructureprojectsture owners and users invest Before it can continue theadministration, facing electionsfinancial close to get the facil- acrosstheLowerMainland,inthecriticaltransportation project,LEEDComustnowlater that year, appeared to beity up and running. under the Greater Vancouverassets that support economic get its own act together. Thepandering to lakeside residents. Gateway 2030 strategy. activityinCanada.In2018 corporations two top execu- Trillium sued the govern- C haLLenGe of theG reat Slated to be completed byand 2019, the port authority tives have left for East Coastmentfordamages.In2013,L akes 2023, the Centerm Expansionreceived$300millionfrom projects and Fred Olsen man- anappealscourtdismissedConstructinglakewindProject and South Shore AccesstheGovernmentofCana-agement soured on the pros- most of the companys com- farmssharesmanyoftheProject have been designed todasNTCFtoadvancemul-pects because of the lengthyplaints,althoughitallowedsamechallengesasoceanichelpmeetincreasingdemandtipleinfrastructureprojects delays. toproceedthequestionofoffshorewindinstallations,for container trade through thethroughout the Lower Main-Trilliumscasewasevenwhether the government hadbutalsoexhibitsseveralportwhichhandledarecordland,includingtheSouth moreconfoundingandspecifically targeted Trillium. major differences. 3.7 million TEUs in 2021. ThisShore Access Project.disappointing.OntarioProv- The case dragged on. InThe advantages are numer- workwillincreasecontainer- Meanwhile,controversy inceopeneduptheCanadian2018,McGuintysformerous,Kourtoffsaid.TwoarehandlingabilityatCentermcontinues to surround the VFPAs side of Lake Ontario to windchief of staff was convicted ofobvious: Fresh water and insig- Terminalbytwo-thirds,fromlong-proposed Roberts Bank farm development in 2005 anddeliberately scrubbing emailsnificant wave size. The lack of900,00020-footequivalentTerminal2projectthatMr. Trilliumwasamongthefirstandphysicallydestroyedsalt corrosiveness, for example,unit containers (TEUs) to 1.5Silvester regards as essential tolayaclaim.TheToronto- cellphonestohideevidencereduces the cost of equipmentmillionTEUs.Byincreasingto meet Asian cargo demands basedcompanyidentifiedaofanothercancelledpower(SAGAcontinued on the terminal footprint by onlyby 2030. The federal govern-sweetspotofshallowwaterproject.Trilliumthenadded page 25) 15%andrearrangingtheter- ment has delayed a final deci-andstrongwinds,some10anallegationofevidenceminaloperations,DPWorld,sion for several years due to to 15 miles offshore. Its parttampering,calledspolia- theterminaloperator,willbeenvironmentalissues.And waybetweenPrinceEdwardtion, to its suit. A year back,(PLANScontinued fromable to handle a more than 60%GCTTerminals,operatorof County,insouthernOntario,a court ruled against Trillium,page 19) increase in containers. Deltaport(biggestterminal andOswego,NY,northofsayingsuchpracticeswerePort Authority (VFPA). ThisSustainabilityiskeytoat the port) is strongly oppos-Syracuse,withthepossibilitycommonplaceatthetimeawardagainhighlightsourdevelopingabetterCanadaing RBT2 with an alternative of plugging into grids on boththey took place, although thecommitment to developmentsand a better world, said the(expanding Deltaport with an sides of the border. As it waitedjudgesympathizedwiththethatsupportCanadastradeMinister of Transport, Omaradditionalberth)thatwould forenvironmentalclearances,wind developer. agenda in a way that protectsAlghabra.WiththeGov- bemuchcheaperandmeet Trillium lined up investors.Trillium is appealing thethe environment and consid- ernmentofCanadasfinan- any required capacity expan-ButinFebruary2011,decision. ers local communities, as wecial contribution through thesionwithoutenvironmental literallythedaybefore Tril- This is by no means theadvancetowardsourvisionNationalTradeCorridorsdamage.HWYH2O.COMW I T H O U R N E W A N DI M P R O V E D G A T E W A YI N C E N T I V E , T H E R E H A SN E V E R B E E N A B E T T E RT I M E T O S T A R T S H I P P I N GO N T H E G R E A T L A K E SW I T H H W Y H O2For more information:1-905-641-0309 or email
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