b'6American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(RISKScontinued fromfore,thecontracttermsmust page 4) beagreed to by underwriters with experience in the logis- in writing and premium must ticsindustryandtranspor- bepaid.Oneinstancewhere tationattorneysarehighlythis is typically occurs is when recommended.Itiscriticalthe shipper has a separate cargo to understand what risks areinsurance policy in place and beingassumedinanycon- desirestohavetheircargo tract and to properly evaluateinsurancedeductiblepaidin whatrisksyoucantransfercase of damage. This is called andwhatriskswillbecar- theinsuranceofadeductible riedbythetransportationlayer or a self-insured retention intermediaryinthecontractlayer. These layers are tough to language. Specific clauses thatplace in the insurance market transportationintermediariesas it is a contract requirement.should be particularly alert for include Hold Harmless, Liqui- s ub -C ontraCtori nsuranCedated Damages or Consequen-d ued iligenCe ise ssentialBoskalis heavy load carrier Target recently delivered four giant monopiles to Newfoundlands Port of Argentia.tial Damages, and Penalties. A practical risk manage-Photo courtesy of Port of Argentia Somecontractriskcanment action that every trans-Canadas Atlantic region targetsbe transferred from the trans- portation intermediary should portationintermediarytoantake is to verify the insurance insurance provider via a cargoofallsub-contractorsand offshore wind markets legal liability policy, but typi- look for gaps in coverage. Its callycontractualliabilityisnot enough to know that the excluded as it is above standardsub-contractorhasapolicy By Leo Ryan, AJOT terms and conditions found in(RISKScontinued on OnCanadasAtlanticCoast,recentini- on theTarget heavy load vessel operated bylegal liability coverage. There- page 8)tiativesatseveralportsincombinationwithDutch carrier Boskalis. The massive offshore internationalpartnersarerespondingtothewind components each exceeded 110 metres in fast-growing global expansion of offshore windlength and weighed over 2,000 tons.energyprojectstomeetbothdomesticandLocated on the Avalon Peninsula, the Port international demand. A major target of exist- of Argentia has embarked in this robust niche ing and planned monopile marshalling facilitiessector to capitalize on its strategic proximity to is the support of offshore developments on theU.S. offshore wind farms.northeast coast of the United States. Months of preparation went into the ves-Latestconcreteillustrationhasoccurredsels arrival at a port striving to position itself at the Port of Argentia in southeastern New- as a key player in the energy transition supply foundland, where in mid-August a shipmentchain. Afterdischarge,themonopileswere ofmonopileswasdeliveredfromGermany(TARGETcontinued on page 12)EUROPE - GREAT LAKES SERVICELiner servicebetween Europeand the Great LakesContainer service between Antwerp and Valleyfield, Cleveland and Duluth CONTAINERS Liner owned equipment door-to-door serviceBULK CARGOMore info:www.spliethoff.com orPROJECT
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