b'16American Journal of TransportationNOVEMBER 20 - DECEMBER 17, 2023FCCNY celebrates its 109th Annual Steamship Night Dinner HWYH2O.COMOn10/26/23,theForeignCom-merceClubofNewYorkrecently celebrated its 109th Annual Steam-ship Night Dinner at the picturesque LibertyHouseRestaurant,Jersey City,NJ.Specialguestspeakerfor the event was the distinguished Cap-tain Alexandra Hagerty, Fleet Super-intendent, The Pasha Group, Founder of the non for profit Captains With-out Borders, and current student at MITs Executive MBA program. Capt Hagerty said, Im honored to be asked to speak at the FCC NYs 109thAnnualSteamShipNight, and thrilled to share the fantastic ini- tiatives by Captains Without Borders andthePashaGroup,drivingthe maritimeindustrytowardsamore sustainablefuture.Fromhydrogen fueling to micro grids, wind walls to regeneratingcranes,educationand LNG powered trucks, were chartingW I T H O U R N E W A N Da course for a greener world. I M P R O V E D G A T E W A YAs part of the FCC NYs charita- I N C E N T I V E , T H E R E H A Sble mission a check for $1000 was pre- N E V E R B E E N A B E T T E Rsented to Captains Without Borders.T I M E T O S T A R T S H I P P I N GCaptHagertysaidThischeckO N T H E G R E A T L A K E Swillprovideyoungunderprivileged W I T H H W Y H Omariners a scholarship in need.2(PROVIDERScontinued fromAstheTRACIntermodalcase page 14) studyarticulates,Thechassispool participateinchassispoolswhichsectorisevolutionary,astheemer-are designed to maximize equipmentgenceofnewpoolswithdifferent flexibilityandefficiency.Thereisaownership structures and management confusinglylargenumberofchassistypes indicates.pool models: Single Chassis Provider;Howthesevariouschassispro-Gray PoolIndependent Pool Man- visioning models fare addressing theFor more information:ager; IEP CooperativePool of Pools;challenges of a post-COVID economyE ail
[email protected];PrivatePools;is as they say, a work in progress.emPortPools;andsomenewerpool models like the SACP 3.0. [See page 11 George Lauriat Is a New Chas- (CONTROVERSYcontinued from sisBusinessModelEmergingfrompage 10)the Launch of SACP 3.0?] And newany. The parties would have 15 days(POSITIVEcontinued from page 8) customersresulting in an even more chassis pools are emerging to addressto do this. If they cannot come to anour other joint ventures are doing well,diversified revenue base.specificdemands.Forexample,inagreement,theCIRBwoulddecideincludingourmarinetransportation late October, FlexiVan announced itswhat activities need to be maintainedservicestothenortherncommunities,C urrento utlook l ong - terMnewFlexiVanAtlanticChassisPoolwithin 90 days. which are having a very busy year inr unway (FACP), offering a dedicated fleet ofWhat many observers see as a dis- terms of cargo carried to the Arctic. AccordingtoPaquin,thethird chassis at various locations for Oceantinctly cumbersome feature of the pro- This quarter, our marine servicesquarterresultshighlightthelong-NetworkExpress(NorthAmerica)posed legislation is the clause that it willteam further strengthened their effortsterm runway for LOGISTEC, driven Inc. (ONE) customers, with the oper- only come into force 18 months afterto organically grow our business, pro- byouruniquecombinationofan ational area for located in Georgia andit receives Royal Assent (final cabinetvideinnovativeservicesacrossourextensivenetworkofmarinetermi-North Carolina. approval upon passage in parliament).extensivenetwork,andattractnewnals, innovative environmental solu-tions, and our peoples ingenuity. As welookahead,thesecompetitive advantageswillbeanessentialele-mentofourcontinuedgoodperfor-mance - against a backdrop of strong secular demand drivers.Ourmarineservicesteamwill continue to add to its range of solu-tionstoaddresskeychallengesand respond to customers needs. In order to support fluid and resilient supply chains, they will capitalize on a grow-ing network of port terminals in North America, a depth of expertise in cargo handling,stronglong-termpartner-ships, and innovative solutions.Meanwhile,anothermajorchap-terofthecompanyshistorywill soon be completed following its sale onOctober16,2023for$1.2bil-liontoNewYork-basedinvestment firms Blue Wolf Capital Partners and Stonepeak.Thetransactionslatedto closeinfirst-quarter2024willmark the end of Paquin family control since LOGISTEC was founded in 1952 by QuebecentrepreneurRogerPaquin. The present management teams are to remain in place, it was noted when the deal was announced.'