b'26American Journal of TransportationNOVEMBER 20 - DECEMBER 17, 2023(NICHEcontinued frombox business.page 24) The 200-acre Ocean Ter-house, substantial sitework forminal has operated for more rail and roads, as well as prod- than 40 years, handling a mix uct handling systems and roll- ofbreakbulkandcontainer ingstockThesecondphasevessels.GriffLynch,GPAs willinvolvetheconstructionexecutive director, said most ofasecondwarehouseonbreakbulkcargowillshift thenewlyacquiredproperty,toitsPortofBrunswick, Chandler explained. includingbreakbulkservice WhileberthingfacilitiesprovidedbyWalleniusWil-exist at the adjacent site, thehelmsen Ocean.new facility would be servedThe Georgia Ports Author-byanentirelynewberth,ity is focused on its two-pillar heexplained.Thefacilitysstrategy of specializing on the capacity will be more than 1container business in Savan-million tons per year. nah and the (roll-on, roll-off) Leveragingourstrate- breakbulk business in Bruns-gic infrastructure in partner- wick, which is reflected in our shipwithNorfolkSouthernPort of Brunswick, Georgia investmentstrategy,Edward to expand our reach into theFulford,managerofmedia breakbulkspaceisalogicalstructedwithasubstantialdry bulk products and is nowchain need in the Southeast. relations at GPA said.next step for our high-servicefootprint (wide and deep) toconsideredthelargestinde- The railroad anticipatesOceanTerminalcontin-culture, Chandler said. allowfortheefficientandpendentliquid anddrybulkthat Colonial Terminals newues to handle some breakbulk safehandlingofcommodi- facility in the U.S. Southeast. state-of-the-artfacilitywill(NICHEcontinued on tiesthatmayrequiremoreAtlanta-basedNorfolkfillaneedforSavannahspage 27)space to maneuver to or fromSouthern,with19,335routebreakbulk market, said a NS avesselonthedock.Themiles across 22 eastern U.S.spokesperson.facility will have at least 40states and Washington, D.C.,Chandler agreed that the feetofdraft,whichshouldaccessesmorethan800rail capacity to move products accommodate any vessel thatindustrial sites and more thanintoNorfolkSothernsnet-calls on the market, he said. 175 general warehouses. work will be unparalleled.Celebratingitscenten- Kathleen Smith, NS vice nialin2024,ColonialTer- presidentofrealestateando Ceant erMinalt ranSitionminals started with a 21-acrebusinessdevelopment,saidInlate2022,theGeor-deepwaterterminalontheNS sees its real estate assetsgiaPortAuthoritysboard SavannahRiver.Focus- asastrategicopportunity,approved a plan to realign the ingoriginallyonpetroleumand the partnership with Colo- docksatthePortofSavan-Ryan Chandler imports and exports, the ter- nialTerminalsfurthersthatnahsOceanTerminalinto minal has branched out intomission, aligning our organiza- an all-container operation toGriff Lynch, executive director, The berth is being con- a mixture of liquid bulk andtions to fulfill a critical supplysupport the ports burgeoningGeorgia Port AuthorityEUROPE - GREAT LAKES SERVICELiner servicebetween Europeand the Great LakesContainer service between Antwerp and Valleyeld, Cleveland and Duluth CONTAINERS Liner owned equipment door-to-door serviceBULK CARGOMore info:www.splietho.com orPROJECT
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