b'14American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(MARVELcontinued fromportinthecountry,andablethe agency to control all 345than $200 million to trans- handle the additional traffic, page 4) tomeetunprecedentedship- acres of the site. formthesitewithmodernallowingportoperationsto fellowelectedofficials,andpingdemandsduringunfore- PortAuthorityExecu- facilities,expandedcapacity,continue uninterrupted as we key stakeholders to come upseeable events like the globaltiveDirector,RickCotton,and sustainability upgrades reconstruct the ramp.withaplanfortheseoverpandemic. He added that thesaid the Port Authority takingcreating hundreds of new jobsAccordingtoPANYNJ, 100 acres that works for RedagreementsetsthestageforfullownershipoftheHow- andsmallbusinesspartner- the road works will in the first Hook, for Brooklyn, and forlong-term expansion of How- landHookMarineTerminalships, particularly for minority-yearsave700,000hoursof our entire city. land Hook that will help ensureis a win-win-win: it benefitsand women-owned businesses,travel time for vehicles using Asthetransformativethat the Port of New York andthe region, the City of Newandservice-disabledveteran- theportcomplexfollowing planbegan,thewholeoftheNew Jersey will remain com- York, and the Port Authority.owned businesses. projectcompletion.Another BrooklynMaritimeTermi- petitive globally throughout theBystrengtheningourHow- Lookingtothefuture,benefit of the estimated sav-nalincluding122acresofcoming decades. landHookMarineTerminal(MARVELcontinued oningsofvehicletraveltimes waterfrontinRedHookandThePortAuthoritycur- throughthistransaction,wepage 31) will be an improvement in air the Columbia Street WaterfrontrentlyleasestheHowlandare driving forward one of thequalityaroundthecomplex. District, including the existingHookMarineTerminalfromfundamental strategic imper- The changes are expected to BrooklynCruiseTerminal NewYorkCity;however,atives of the Port Authority,(BUILDINGcontinuedreduceaverageannualfuel came under the control of thethrough the terms of the agree- whichisthevitalityofourfrom page 8) consumptionbyapproxi-PortAuthorityofNewYorkment, the Port Authority willocean-goingcargocontainerCottonnotedoftheproject,mately70,000gallonsand and New Jersey. Mayor Adamsreceiveoperationalcontrolsupply lines. We look forwardReconstructingtheCorbinresultintheavoidanceof announcedaninvestmentofofthesite,whichwillbringtoworkingwithourprivateStreet ramp marks a signifi- approximately750tonsof $80millionintheBrook- the entirety of Howland Hookpartners to support Howlandcant milestone in our effort tocarbon emissions per year.lynterminaltostabilizeandunder Port Authority control,HookscontaineroperationmodernizeoneofthemajorOverall, the Port of New repair Piers 7, 8, and 10, and tosupporting its ability to driveand to plan its future. accesspointstotheEastYork/NewJerseyisagain fund planning for the 122-acrefutureexpansions.Agree- Coastsbusiestportcom- positioningitselftohandle waterfrontsfuture,includingment details show the city willcma-cgmath OWlaND plex.AddingThankstothe container volume surges an up to $15 million investmenttransferownershipof225h OOk the Port Authoritys detailedthat inevitably occur follow-to fund a new modern, electri- acres at Staten Islands How- In September 2023, How- planninganddiligence,ingdisruptions,whichalso fied container crane for opera- landHookMarineTerminallandHooksnewoperator,truckerswilluseacare- seem to occur with increas-tions at the terminal. to the Port Authority, allowingCMA CGM, committed morefully planned detour that caning regularity.Thispastsummer,the NYCEDC took over the man-agement and operation of the BrooklynMarineTerminal.CONECTIndoingso,theNYCEDC andNew YorkCityaimto embrace the future of modernCoalition of New England Companies for Trademaritime,growtheexisting specializedcontainerbusi- PRESENTS THE 23 RDANNUALness, enable the developmentNORTHEAST of a citywide micro-mobility strategy to reduce truck traf-fic, and work with the com-munity and key stakeholdersCARGO SYMPOSIUMon a master plan to ensure the long-term viability of the portCARGO SYMPOSIUMwhile incorporating important community amenities.The future of on-site coldNOVEMBER 6, 2024storagewasalsoaddressed withtheannouncementofaWestin Waltham - Boston, Waltham, MAcommitmentof$15million. The lack of cold storage in Red Hook has contributed toPost-election Update: Opportunities and Challenges Aheadtraffic,pollution,andother quality-of-lifeconcernsasKeynote Speaker Don Davis, ZIM Integrated perishablemerchandiseisShipping Servicetransportedinandoutof Brooklyn. By committing thisDont Miss!Peter Friedmann kicks off CONECTs funding,GovernorHochul2024 NECS with Now What? Yesterdays Election: isbuildingonherlong-termImpact on New England and National Trade and agenda to improving the qual- Transportation.ity of life in Brooklyn and in New York City. Additional Conference Highlights: Keynote Speaker Sonny Bhagowalia, Michelle Darling, W iN -W iNa greemeNt Trade session with Susan Thomas, ExecutiveDonald Davis, Assistant Commissioner,Director of InternationalFOrs tateNi slaND Director Cargo and Conveyance Security, U.S. CBPSenior Vice President Office of Information &Transportation, BJs Commercial, ZIM IntegratedTechnology (OIT) and CIO,Wholesale Club, Inc.Theagreementtomod- Artificial Intelligence Business Primer Shipping Service U.S. CBPernize the Brooklyn MaritimeExplore the intersection of artificial intelligence, Terminal also allows the Portcybersecurity, and the trade and transportation AuthorityofNew Yorkandindustry.NewJerseytodrivelong-termexpansionofHowlandFLOW: Freight Logistics Optimization Works Hook Marine Terminal. FLOW helps to identify and address potential StatisticsshowStatenbottlenecks in the supply chain before they occur. Island-based Howland HookHear three unique perspectives on the benefits of isoneofthekeycontainerparticipating in FLOW and the broader impact it terminals in New York Harbor,can have on our industry. Peter Freidmann, Susan ThomasLisa Yakomin,and it recently attracted its larg- FBB Federal Relations;Executive Director CargoPresident, Association of est-ever private investment. U.S.- China Trade: Current and Emerging ExportCONECT Counsel and Conveyance Security,BiState Motor CarriersKevinOToole,Chair- Controls Priorities U.S. CBPmanofthePort AuthorityofCurrent and emerging export controls compliance NewYorkandNewJersey,priorities for companies trading with China. said,ThePortAuthorityPractical insights into regulatory and legislative was created 103 years ago tochallenges; guidance on the state of the licensingREGISTER NOW ATbring a cohesive vision to ourprocess and governmental priorities. regions ports. Strategic invest- CONECT.ORG! mentattheregionsseaportPlus: by the Port Authority and ourSessions covering Transportation, a Keynote private partners has enabled itLuncheon, and evening Networking Reception. CCS/CES/MCS/MES points will be available.tobecomethesecond-busiest CONECT_100824.indd 1 10/18/24 2:27PM'