b'Lifting thestandard of efficiencyAPM Terminals Elizabeth: Enhancing your supply chain efficiency and capacityAt APM Terminals Elizabeth, were applying LEAN methodologies and operational excellence to lift the standards of our industry.Our engaged and empowered teammates elevate standards of proactivity by anticipating and adapting to customer needs.Investing in your success$300 Million in Terminal Upgrades since 2018Advanced infrastructure boosts productivity and speeds up cargo movement.Port Throughput LeaderHandling over 25% of the ports volume, our top-tier infrastructure scales operations to meet market demands.Accelerated Cargo FlowFast on-dock double-stack rail service supports thousands of supply chain jobs regionally and across Americas heartland.Lifting the standardof responsibility With a century-long legacy at the Port of New York and New Jersey, and together with the International Longshoremens Association, we will work to achieve net-zero emissions in the years to come. By reducing energy usage, switching to battery electric equipment, and using renewable energy, we meet todays challenges and tomorrows needs.Learn more atapmterminals.com/port-elizabethor scan this QR code.'