b'20American Journal ofTransportation ajot.comWill Congress repealJONES ACT 2024The Jones Act?TheJonesActlegislation[MerchantMarine Act, 1921 requires that ships calling between U.S. ports be U.S. owned, built, and manned] has long been a target of groups like the Heritage Founda-tion. With the Trump Administration soon to take office, will 2025 be the final year of the Jones Act?By Stas Margaronis, AJOTProject 2025 advocatestheglobalsupplychainhas whohadcampaignedforahadanimmediateandpro-radically reduced federal gov- nouncedeffectMean-ernment will be a major forcewhile, the CCP has expanded in the next Trump Adminis- itsinternationalpresence tration and one of their priori- into100portsgloballyand ties is calling for repealingpopulatedU.S.portswith or substantially reforming thecranes made in China, raising Jones Act.security concerns.Project2025advocatesThe Jones Act is funda-couldincreasepressureonmental to maintaining a fleet the House and Senate to sup- ofAmerican-built,-crewed port repeal of the Jones Act. (REPEALcontinued on That call was published inpage 22) Launched in 2024, the Federal Indiana is owned and operated by Fednav.the Project 2025 manifesto: Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise. byConcern by the U.S. mari- YOUR BUSINESS timeindustrywasexpressed themaritimenewsser-vice GCaptain: The Heritage Foundationscontroversialplan dubbed Project 2025 is pro-posing significant changes toSTARTS HERE theU.S.maritimeindustry, including a potential transfer oftheMaritime Administra-tion(MARAD)andasub-stantialreformorrepealof the Jones ActBottom line, Project 2025s implementation could have far-reaching impli-cations for the U.S. maritime industry, potentially affecting nearly 650,000 American jobs and$150billioninannual economic contributions the future of Americas maritime policy just might hang in the balance.TheJonesAct(akathe Merchant Marine Act, 1921) requiresthatvesselssail-ing between U.S. ports must beU.Smanned,U.S.con-structed, and U.S. owned. In June 2024, Jennifer Car-penter, President of the Ameri-can Waterways Operators and theAmericanMaritimePart-nership, highlighted the impor-tance of the Jones Act: 40,000+ ACRES READY FOR DEVELOPMENTTheMerchantMarine Actcommonlyknownas theJonesActisvitalto defendingAmericaninter-estsandsovereigntyJuneTHE PORT OF BROWNSVILLE ADVANTAGEmarked the anniversary of this bedrocklawandthefound-ingofAmericasMerchantBarge & Ocean-Going Vessel Service 19 General Cargo/Liquid Cargo DocksMarine.Theseinstitutions enableournationsindustrialForeign Trade Zone No. 62 24/7 Secured Facilitesbase and naval power to safe- Direct Access to USMCA Corridor 4M+ sq. ft. Open/Covered Storageguardglobalsupplychains, preserve military readiness andHeavy Haul Corridor Skilled Workforce protect our homeland security.The Chinese Communist Party has long understood the importanceofitsmaritime industry, funneling hundredsCONTACT USof billions of dollars in sub- 1000 Foust Road Brownsville, TX 78521sidies into its shipyardsand+1 (956) 831-4592 shippingcompanies.Chi- portofbrownsville.comnasambitiontoextendits influenceandcontrolover'