b'6American Journal ofTransportation ajot.com(FOCUScontinued from page 2) on safety initiatives including advanced and 2050. safety systems, training programs, and Another factor to consider is thetechnology.Somespecificexamples cost of federal and state dollars thatinclude an Automated Track Inspec-would need to be spent on maintain- tionsystem,whichuseslasersand ing and expanding road infrastructurecamerasmountedontolocomotives if there were more trucks on the high- or railcars to inspect tracks as a train ways.Railisalsoabettersolutiontravels across the network.forenergyefficiencythantrucking,The system tests each foot of the according to Bailey. railroadtrack,detectingissuesthat In2022forexample,USrail- maynotbevisiblewhenatrackis roadsaccountedfortwopercentofnot occupied. The AAR notes that the transportation-related greenhouse gasuseoftrackinspectionvehicles,or emissions, while moving 40% of inter- trackgeometrycars,canmeasure city freight. Trucking moves one andhundreds of thousands of track miles a half times as much freight, but to doyearly.Machinevisioningtechnol-so generates 11.5 times more green- Source: AAR ogy is also in use by railroads. This house gas emissions, said Bailey. technologycollects40,000images per second of trains as they pass by s tRategiest od Riveg Rowthi n resentativeoftheAAR.Itofferstrucks to less expensive rail optionsatupto60MPH. Accordingtothe R ailm aRkets haRe shippersmanykeyadvantagesthatis making it easier for supply chainAAR, this technology reduces inspec-The rail industry plans to continuealign with overall operational and sus- managerstomakeinformeddeci- tion times to mere seconds.tobesafe,environmentallyrespon- tainability company goals. sions, with quantifiable savings. A series of algorithms that analyze sible, and good stewards of infrastruc- the images to identify anomalies, allow-ture. However, addressing lost marketR ailc oste fficiency d igitalt RansfoRmation ing railroads to resolve issues faster than share in 2025 will come through manyIntermodal shipping can providee nhancesR eliability theycouldwithmanualinspections efforts,includinganaggressiveplanamorecost-effectivealternativetoIntermodalshippingoffersflex- alone, said an AAR representative.to drive intermodal growth. The planfull truckload transport. By using railible scheduling with additional ship- Additionally, heat-bearing detec-includesadigitaltransformationtoforlong-distancehaulsandtruckspingtimes. Thisoptionhasbecometorsarestrategicallyplacedalong promotesafetyandreliability,andfor shorter distances, businesses canmore reliable in the past year, as rail- the right-of-way to sense overheating enhancedcustomerserviceintendedreceive considerable cost benefits. roadshaveembraceddigitaltrans- bearings, allowing engineers to stop a to make intermodal shipping an evenTheincreaseduseofTranspor- formation.Railroadshaveadoptedtrain when necessary.more compelling solution for shippers. tationManagementSolution(TMS)advanceddataanalytics,AI,and AccordingtotheIntermo- technology allows supply chain man- IoTsensorstooptimizeoperations,c ustomeR -c entRica ppRoachdalAssociationofNorthAmericaagers to use AI to determine the mostimprovetrainscheduling,predictTheunspokencustomerbenefit (IANA),totalintermodalshippingcost-effective way to move any ship- maintenanceneeds,andenhanceof safety strategies is that shippers can volumerose9.8%year-over-yearinment,basedontheserviceexpecta- overall network efficiency. count on railroads for safe, reliable ser-Q3of2024,thefourthconsecutivetionsandtheoptionsavailable.Byvice. The railroads are actively work-quarter of YOY growth in intermodal. turning less-than-truckload shipmentsf ocuso ns afetyp Reventsi njuRies ingtoprovideresponsiveserviceto Intermodal is growing in popu- intoasingletruckloadandmodeands eRviced isRuptions shippers to attract more freight volume larityforgoodreason,saidarep- optimization,movingfreightfromThe rail industry continues to focusand improve customer satisfaction.'