b'28American Journal of Transportation ajot.comPort of Oaklandgets new service to Asia,(STRESSEDcontinued from page 23) scanning and tracking for global air carri-execution plans. ers and ground handlers.includes Saudi Arabia TakeCapitalLogistics,atemper- Theres a finite number of people ature-controlled3PLbasedinWhitein the world to really understand in detail Asprawlingvesselservicebeginsworld transferred Oakland-bound cargo toPlains, NY. After the onset of Covid-19,some of the elements of global logistics, this week with 18 megaships linking theother vessels at intermediate ports. CapitalLogisticsassistedwithreefersaid Wood.Thetalent,thetechnology Port of Oakland to Asia, including SaudiTwoservicesalreadycallingOak- shipping and storage at a Westchester, NYand the customers and the revenue and the Arabia. A highlight of the new service:landwereconsolidatedbyONEintononprofit that is attempting to link shut- talent all have to go hand in hand in order the first-ever direct link between Oaklandthe Far East-Pacific 2, the Port said. Forteredrestaurantswiththoseinneedofto be successful. What were looking for and the Middle East. that reason, the Port declined to projectcooked food, particularly in the hospital- in an acquisition is a good combination The Port said that Japans ONE linethe impact of the new service on cargoity industry.in that regard, that adds something to our wouldoperatethenewweeklyservicevolume. ThePortsaidthatlargershipsCapitalLogisticsdeployedaDes- portfolio that we didnt have before and calledtheFarEast-Pacific2.ThefirstcouldresultinmoreOaklandfreightcartestechnology,alreadyintegratedbrings us something that is appealing to shipintheservice,theONEAquila,over time. Adding new port calls such aswith third-party services, to help map out shouldarriveatOaklandInternationalJeddah could help as well, the Port added. andservicethisnewventure.Because Container Terminal May 7. The Port said it expected cargo mixthetechnologyiscloudbased,Capital Each of the ships in the service hason the new service to be evenly dividedemployees now working from home could capacity to carry 14,000 20-foot contain- between imports and exports. Californiatap the technology with ease, according ers, the Port said. That places them amongfarm goods exported to overseas marketsto Greg Ackner, Capitals vice president. thelargestcontainervesselscallingatshould be a prominent part of the mix, theThe Descartes technology tool has given U.S. ports. Port added. us the ability to quickly adapt to the new NaturallywereencouragedbythisThe Far East-Pacific 2 eastbound portworking environment, Ackner said.development, said Port of Oakland Mari- rotation: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Singapore;Extendthisout.IfyoureCapital time Director John Driscoll. The size of theLaem Chabang, Thailand; Cai Mep, Viet- Logistics and, all of the sudden, every-ships means extra cargo capacity coming tonam; Hong Kong; Yantian, China; Longthingchangesintermsofyournormal Oakland and the Port rotation extends Oak- Beach; Oakland supplypatterns,youredoingbusiness lands reach in global markets. TheFarEast-Pacific2westboundonlanesandwithpartnersandparties The service reaches nine ports in Sin- port rotation: Oakland; Yokohama, Japan;you werent doing business with before. gapore,Thailand,Vietnam,Japan,HongHongKong;LaemChabang,Thailand;The customers you used to visit are not Kong, China, the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.CaiMep,Vietnam;Singapore;beforetheonesyourevisitingnow,Wood Stops at Saudi Arabias Jeddah port wouldheadingtoRotterdam,Hamburg,Ant- explained. Yet, visibility, span of control, be Oaklands first direct connection to thewerp and Southampton on the Europeanquality of service, all still needs to hold.Middle East. Until now, ships from the Arabportion of its rotation. D esCartese CLeCtiCC LienteLeDescartes clientele encompass a wide range of the industry. They include big-name shippers like Home Depot, CVS and Coca-Cola; ocean carriers Maersk, CGMKen Wood, Descartes CMAandHapag-Lloyd;truckingfirmseVP product managementCon-way,SchneiderandEstes;airlines British Airways, American and Delta; andour customer base.diversifiedlogisticscompaniessuchasThisstrategywillcontinue,Wood DHL, Panalpina and C. H. Robinson. said, with a target of three to four compa-DescartesisbasedinWaterloo,nies purchased a year.Ontario,althoughitsoperationsare global. While definitions of a 5PL vary,e-C ommerCeDescartesisaprimeexampleofone,Descartes has most recently beefed which constructs, organizes, and imple- up e-commerce-related technology. This ments logistics solutions and technologiesis aimed at B to C e-commerce fulfill-on behalf of multiple clients. ment,shipping,connectivityandomni-Descartes is on AJOTs list of Top 50channellogistics.Covidhasobviously IoS Market Innovators.boostedthistrade.Retailerswhoonly While it started as a software solu- marginally engaged in online businesses tions provider in direct store delivery andbefore have found themselves struggling final mile logistics, the companys offer- evenmorethanothers,astheirsupply ings now span the world of logistics, withchains were geared to physical stores. clientele spread across the entire universeEverybodyisre-evaluatingthose of transportation and logistics providers.strategiesrightnowastheyseemore It has technologies aimed at transporta- e-commercebalancecominginversus tionmanagement,routingandcompli- retail fulfillment, Wood said.The Evergreen Arkadia calling at the Ports napoleon avenue Container Terminal. ance. Descartes systems focus on globalWood, for one, believes the current trade,cargosecurity,e-commerceship- supply chain disruption will have long-pingandfulfillment.Sometechnologylastingeffectslongafterthepandemic Evergreen initiates new weekly servicesystems are specific to one particular task,retreats.Onechange,hebelieves,will from Port NOLA while others have elements that traversecome with a more rapid digitization of and link these various players.thefreightforwardingprocess,some-Evergreen Shipping launched a newsaw 13% loaded import TEU growth lastMaking it easier to transact acrossthing the industry has been toying with, weekly container service to and from theyear. This service will also further supportthosespheresisthecoreofourwholebut not yet fully embraced. That kind of Caribbean and the Port of New OrleansPort NOLAs import growth from over- strategy, said Wood, who hastens to add:business, Wood explained, is historically (Port NOLA) on April 29, 2020, with theseas markets. That doesnt mean you have a monolithicscaled by adding people to manage the Evergreen ArkadiacallingatthePortsPortNOLAscontainervolumestechnology platform that you try and stickincreased volume. Napoleon Avenue Container Terminal. remain strong despite COVID-19 impacts,everybody across all of that diversity ofHowever,withthecurrentcrisis, PortNOLAPresidentandCEOwithloadedcontainervolumestrendingroles in the supply chain. They have touchtwo things have happened: First, normal Brandy D. Christian said the new servicepositively to date through the 2020 fiscalpoints and crossovers that need to be opti- flowshavecollapsed.Second,inmany furtherstrengthensNewOrleansdirectyear. The addition of the Evergreen ser- mized to fulfill their function. instances, fewer people have been forced connectivity and offers additional options. vice continues to promote this trajectoryBeingabletoprovidesuchawidetohandletheserapidchangesinbusi-WearethrilledtowelcomeEver- andexpandsuponPortNOLAsdirectarray of technology not only allows Des- nessandbusinesspatterns.Efficiency greens new service to the Port and for theweekly container service count that nowcartes to attract a variety of businesses,becomes paramount.opportunity to provide our shippers withincreases to 13. but also enables it to service companiesPartofembracingdigitizationis increasedglobalconnectivitythroughThe addition of the Evergreen ser- withmultiplefunctions,say,ashipperreally about breaking the scalability con-Evergreensextensivenetworkofser- vice at this time underscores confidencewith its own fleet and outside transport.nectionbetweenmanagingfreightand vices in Panama, said Christian. in Port NOLAs and our terminal opera- Descartes also ranks among the big- [the number of] people in these 3PL, 4PL The addition of Evergreens inde- torsabilitytomovecargothroughoutgest such logistics technology providerstype businesses, said Wood. pendent CAJ service adds to their cur- theCOVID-19globalpandemicchal- around. For the fiscal year ended JanuaryThe current disruption is accelerat-rent offerings in and out of New Orleanslenges, keeping the health and safety of31,2020,thecompanyregistered$326ing that process, Wood said. Ive got on the Oceans Alliance Asia and Northourfrontlineemployeestopofmind,million in revenue, an 18% jump over ato get more efficient. Ive got less freight. Europe services. The new service willsaid Christian. year earlier. Some of its higher priority freight. I cant be handled by terminal operator PortsEvergreen Shipping Agency (Amer- Partofthisgrowthisthroughankeep throwing the same number of people America at the Napoleon Avenue Con- ica) Corp. is the North America generalaggressive acquisition strategy. Descartesat it, he said of his customers. tainer Terminal. The direct ports of callagentforEvergreenLine,oneofthehas acquired 11 companies in the past three3PLs, 4PLs are all thinking more now willbeManzanillo,Colon,Kingstonworldsleadingoceancarrier.Servingyears. These include large and small, nearabout automating systems, Wood believes. and Port Au Prince with connections to/ the international ocean logistics needs ofand far. For example, a year back, Des- Lets accelerate the plans around things from Asia, West Coast South AmericaU.S. importers and exporters since 1974.cartes acquired trade compliance softwarelikequoting,booking,tracking,settling, and the Caribbean. EvergreenShippingAgency(America)provider Visual Compliance for approxi- and get people out of that process as much The additional capacity will supportCorp. offers shippers one of the largestmately$250million,then,afewweeksas possible or make the people I have more Port NOLAs growing export business forintermodal networks in the U.S., includ- later, paid $21 million for Core Transportefficient so they can handle it, he said. commodities such as resin, poultry, for- ing worldwide ocean shipping and inlandTechnologiesNZ,aNewZealand-basedEvenifCovidgetsundercontrol,this estry and agricultural products. The Porttransportation services. technologyproviderthatspecializesinaccelerates that process because peoples'