b'8American Journal of Transportation ajot.comPorts of Louisiana weather storms, bolstering facilities to meet demand GULF COAST PORTS 2021By Paul Scott Abbott, AJOTRespondingtorisingmillioninitspresentNapo-demand,portsofLouisi- leonAvenueContainerTer-anaareexpandingfacili- minal,includingsecuring ties while looking to benefitfour new ship-to-shore cranes inseveralinstancesfromfor June delivery, to bring its deeper channels. gantrycontingenttonine. PortsalongtheMissis- The endeavor is expected to sippiRiverexpecttogainnearlydoubletheterminals from the ambitious undertak- annualthroughputcapacity, ing to deepen 256 miles of theto 1.5 million 20-foot-equiv-river ship channel to 50 feet,alentunits.Byayearfrom from the present 45 feet, as farnow,theNapoleonAvenue as New Orleans by early 2022facility is anticipated to have and to Baton Rouge by 2024.a 50-foot-deep channel, com-TheU.S.ArmyCorpsofparedwithtodays47feet, Engineers kicked off the $250thankstoadvancementof million project in September. Mississippi River Ship Chan-Notthat2020wasallnel deepening.goodnews.Ahalfadozen(BOLSTERINGcontinuedOne of Port NOLAs newest tenants, Gulf Stream Marine, gets breakbulk operations under way at the ports Alabo hurricanesstruckLouisianaon page 14) Street Wharf.fromJunethroughOctober, includinghighlydestructive HurricaneLaurainAugust and Hurricane Delta in Octo-ber,addingtowoescreated by the COVID-19 pandemic.Generallylookingfrom east to west, heres the dish on ports of the Pelican State:s t . b ernardP ortTheSt.BernardPort, Harbor& TerminalDistrict, whileexpandingfacilities, mostnotablyisprovidingaA THOUSAND DETAILS ?potential home for future con-tainerizedcargooperations of the Port of New Orleans, which has seen its container volumesdoubleoverthe pastdecade.PortNOLAin December agreed to acquire nearly 1,100 acres of St. Ber-nard Port property, inclusive of its Violet Terminal, and is launchingatwo-yearstudy lookingatphaseddevelop-ment of $1.5 billion of facili-tiestoaugmentcapabilities ofPortNOLAsNapoleon AvenueContainerTerminal, situated 16 miles up the Mis-sissippiRiver.St.Bernard officialsseeanopportunity to secure additional land and developexistingproperties for complementary purposes.Meanwhile,St.Bernard Portstwo-year,$32.2mil- WE TAKE CARE OF THAT.lionexpansionandupgrade ofitsvenerableChalmette Slip enters its final phase. A federal grant and state fund-ing are each paying 40 per-centoftheprojectscost,You have one thing on your mind. Getting your cargo where it needs to go. As the leading transportation with 20 percent coming from the port and terminal operatorand logistics provider in North America, we take care of all the details - giving you a reliable end-to-end Associated Terminals. global supply chain solution. Small load, large load, consolidated or deconsolidated, local or worldwide - AlsoatChalmetteSlip, anew80,000-square-foot,you can trust us to get it to the people who matter most - your customers.food-gradetransitshedis beingbuilttoholdfinished product of ASR Group, for-merly American Sugar Refin-ing Co. P ort ofn ewo rleansWhile looking at expand-ingtoSt.BernardParish,Reach Farther.Call us today. | 1.888.668.4626| cn.ca thePortofNewOrleans, marketedasPortNOLA,is investingmorethan$100'