b'JUNE 21 - JULY 25, 2021WAREHOUSING & DISTRIBUTION 11(INFILLcontinued from page 4) of the propertys salient features is that the most active investors in the West lastthe building covers just 27% of the prop-year, according to Lippow. He expectserty. Other 2021 acquisitions, from Bell 2021s volume to surpass last years,Gardens, California, near downtown Los as the company zeroes in on port andAngeles, to Secaucus, New Jersey, in the infill properties that help solve e-com- Meadowlands, across the Hudson River merce supply chain challenges. from New York City, were bought with But CenterPoint has not neglectedthe same attributes in mind. In the case the East Coast, becoming one of the larg- of the Secaucus acquisition, the building est landlords in New York City outsidecovers 11% of the three-acre property.of Manhattan in 2020 when it acquiredTheMeadowlandsispredomi-Frontrunner in innovation: DB Schenker invests in the development of autonomous mobile robotsthreelast-milefacilitiesinBrooklyn.nantlycomprisedofhighercoverage by Gideon Brothers (Picture credit: Gideon Brothers) KnownastheFlatlandsPortfolio,theproduct that is older and functionally DB Schenker invests in autonomousdealcovered925,000squarefeetofchallenged,saidLippow.Secaucus, mobile robotics pioneer Gideon Brothers space. In December 2020, the companyamajorsubmarketinnorthernNew completed the acquisition of four build- Jersey, has limited available and suit-ingsinMiami-DadeCounty,Florida,ableinfillpropertiesandalsosuffers DBSchenkerandGideonBroth- dling solutions to serve our customerstotaling 1.46 million square feet. from high entry barriers due to a high ers have announced an investment byin the most efficient way. Our collabo- One feature of CenterPoints infillpercentage of institutional ownership. the global leading logistics service pro- ration to date with Gideon Brothers hasstrategy is to look for low-coverageCenterPointsrecentMeadowlands viderintotheCroatianroboticsanddemonstrated real use cases in inboundproperties, where the building occu- acquisitionfeaturesproximityto AIsolutionscompany.DBSchenkerandoutboundprocesseswithinthepies a relatively small proportion ofmajorarteriesservicingManhattan, joins a 31 million USD Series A invest- warehouse environment. We also seethetotalacreage,leavingroomfornoted Lippow, and the existing park-menttoacceleratethedevelopmentwider applications and are excited atparkingandoutdoorstorage.Withing component made it ideal for tenants and commercialization of its AI & 3Dwhat this technology affords us in cre- thegrowthofe-commerce,saidlooking to service New York City.vision-based autonomous mobile robotsating the Warehouse of the Future forLippow,demandforlow-coverageAll of these conditions point to the (AMRs).Thetechnologyhasalreadyour customers. Together with GideonfacilitiesnearmajormetropolitanlikelihoodthatCenterPointwillsee beenimplementedinDBSchenkersBrothers we aim to challenge what wecities is at an all-time high. a handsome return on its New York-warehouse in Leipzig, Germany. Xavieralready have in practice at DB Schen- Thats one reason, along with thearea investment in the form of elevated Garijo will become a member in Gideonker and revolutionize logistics businessdeclineofbrick-andmortarretailinrents. JLLs Campbell expects the trend Brothers Board of Directors. models, added Xavier Garijo. some locations, why millions of squareof increased rents for industrial spaces This investment in the develop- MatijaKopi,CEOofGideonfeet of big-box retail space has been con- to persist as low vacancy rates con-mentofautonomousmobilerobotsBrothers,said:Thepandemichasverted into storage space in the last year.tinue to set the stage for a competitive onceagainprovesDBSchenkersgreatlyacceleratedtheadoptionofWhile demand for low-coverage facili- leasing environment.ambition to be the frontrunner in inno- smartautomation,andwearereadytieshascatalyzedthistransformation,The CBRE report concurs, while vation, says Xavier Garijo, Membertomeettheunprecedentedmarketsaid Lippow, its still in its infancy. rentersmustovercomethesticker oftheBoardofManagementfordemand. The best way to do it is bySo, for example, in May 2021, Cen- shockofhigherrents,occupancy ContractLogistics,DBSchenker.marryingourproprietarysolutionsterPoint closed on a 112,000 square-footcostsremainalowportionofover-Our partnership with Gideon Broth- with the largest, most demanding cus- commercial building in Norwalk, Cali- all supply-chain costs. This will give ers secures our access to best-in-classtomers out there. Our strategic partnersfornia, 20 miles northeast of the portslandlords room to continue increasing 10.0 in.robotics and intelligent material han- (INVESTScontinued on page 13) of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Onerental rates for the foreseeable future.Greater access8.0 in. to more consumers.Only here. The Port of NY & NJ is the preferred gateway to one of the most concentrated consumer markets in the world. With access to more than 134 million consumers within 36 hours by truck or rail, the largest rail lift capacity of any U.S. East Coast port, and the availability of over 1 billion sq. ft. of on-port and near-port warehousing and distributionspaceyou can be condent that your goodswill quickly reach a vast consumer market in key local and inland destinations.Visit www.portnynj.com to learn more.The Port is a facility of The Port Authority of NY & NJ21PAM0006_B-PAPPort Authority_PA 10 81151408 DMAmer. Journal of Transportation 206107 EditClose: 5/11 Insert 6/21 05/19/21 09:11 AM DM4C Internal 2/01 of 1 1/2 Page AdK Samanka A Lazo V Roberts R Strazzeri'