b'30American Journal of Transportation ajot.comACL AJOT_SailSchedule_2020_ACL2/27/209:33 AMPage 1Container ship service sets sailObetween Hamilton and Montreal ONNEESSHHIIPPHamiltonContainerTer- morecongesteddepotsinthe minal(HCT),inpartnershipGTHA. We have been creating with the Hamilton-Oshawa Portthe business ecosystem to bringC onCo nttaaiinneerrss,,RROORROO,,BBrreeaakkbbuullkkCCaarrggooAuthority(HOPAPorts)andthisservicetolife,saidHCT Desgagns,istakingthefirstPresident Amandeep Kaloti. We stepindevelopingacontainerhaveinvestedininfrastructure feederservicebetweenHamil- and established the right partner-tonandMontreal.Dockingatships for it to succeed. In addi-Hamiltons Pier 14 on June 10,tiontoDesgagnsandHOPA the M/V Sedna Desgagns madePorts, MSC is a key supporter of the new services first voyage. this service, Federal Marine Ter-Thisshipmentisthefirstminals as the terminal operator, ofwhatisexpectedtobeanand all export bookings handled increasinglyfrequentservicebyHamilton-basedfreightfor-forcontainermovementsonwarderAvancerInternational theGreatLakes.Thecon- FreightSystems.Suchexperts tainer feeder vessel will carrybringsynergiestomakethisRORO Customer Serviceapproximately350containersshortsea service a reality. A SERVICE AL1 SERVICE AL2 SERVICE 877-918-7676Cuto Friday Cuto Thursday Cuto Monday(350TEUs)originatingintheHOPAPortsPresident&FROM NEW YORK LOLO RORO LOLO LOLO Export Customer ServiceGTHA from Hamilton to Mon- CEOIanHamiltonbelievesTO Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time Transit Time 800-225-1235treal. These containers, carryingHCT is tapping into a wider shiftANTWERP 1620 18Export Documentation a diverse range of cargoes, willthat is creating new opportuni- DUBLIN 12888-802-0401Import Customer ServicebetransloadedinMontrealtotiesforGreatLakesshipping.BELFAST 13888-802-0403other vessels destined for vari- Highwaycongestion,green- GTEBORG 21Logisticsous overseas ports. housegasreductiontargets,HAMBURG 13 17 15 22 866-821-7449Since its establishment at thedrivershortagesalloftheseLE HAVRE17 Credit & CollectionsLIVERPOOL 9 13Port of Hamilton in 2015, HCTfactors are combining, so marineLONDON GATEWAY20 19 888-225-7747hasbeenbuildingitscontaineris making more sense for shortROTTERDAM11 20handlingbusiness,providingajourneys than ever before, said viable alternative to some of theHamilton. (NOTEScontinued fromThere are also a number of(EXPLOREcontinued from page 27) ports that remain on the list withpage 29)(REBOUNDcontinued fromof Guangzhou at 23.17 millionlist is defining the port itself. TheNA (Not Available) for 2020. Inrenewable energy technologies.page 27) TEUs and Hong Kong at 17.96geographyofbaysandriversmost cases, the AJOT was unableThe Biden-Harris admin-case scenario as 12%-13% ofmillionTEUscanalsoabsorboften make it difficult to separateto find verifiable numbers or onlyistrationhasenergizedthe the worlds global trade transitssome of the traffic.what constitutes the port regionpartialreports[partialfortheoffshorewindindustryby the 120-mile long waterway But the Yantian case, promptsfrom the scattered terminals. Weyear or missing data from otherannouncingthefirstever roughly 51 ships a day. And theanotherquestion,whatwouldneed only look at the San Pedrofacilities]. In many other cases,nationaloffshorewindenergy cascading impact on the supplyhappentotheglobalsupplyBayportsofLosAngelesandnewlyobtainedverifiablenum- goal,creatingaroadmapfor chain took months to unravel chain if a port like Singapore atLongBeachasanexampleofbers filled in a number of blanksthefutureofthisinnovative and arguably is still being felt36.87millionTEUs,Ningbo- two ports in one definable region.andupdatedolderreporting.industry, said BOEM Director today with late deliveries.Zhoushan at 28.72 million TEUsGoing the other way, the North- AnotheraspectofreportingisAmanda Lefton. Im excited to Atthiswriting,aCOVIDortherealmega-portShang- west Seaport Alliance of Tacomawhether figures are available forsee the Gulf be a potential part outbreakintheSouthernChi- hai at 43.500 million TEUs beand Seattle now combines thosecalendar years (CY) as opposedof this historic effort.nese Port of Yantian [part of theclosed for any period of time twoWashingtonStateportsto financial years (FY). For theTheGulfofMexicohas Shenzhenportclusterlocatedwhat would happen to the globalunder one banner. Chinas riverpurposes of consistency, our datadecadesofoffshoreenergy north of Hong Kong on the Pearlsupply chain?portsparticularly in the Pearlisreportedforcalendaryears.development expertise. Todays River] has essentially taken theSomewritershavesug- River basin that includes Guang- Finally,somereportsexcludedannouncementrepresentsthe port offlinea port-terminal thatgested that the Ever Given dis- zhou(Canton)andShenzhenempties but in the AJOT tabula- firststepinharnessingthat handled 13.48 million TEUs inruption to the supply chain [and[all within the Guangdong Prov- tions,emptiesareincludedandexpertise and applying it to the 2020. Potentially, the shutdownbyextensionthecurrentsitua- ince]is a good example of thearedeemedessentialtounder- renewable energy sector, said in Yantian could have far greatertionin Yantian]isjustanotherextended range of large containerstanding port throughputs. MikeCelata,regionaldirec-impactontheglobalsupplyexample of excessive globaliza- terminals covering a wide area.The sources for the A-Z porttor of BOEMs Gulf of Mexico chain than the Ever Given. Thetion. But while the vulnerabili- The same is true for the ports inchartwerenumerous.Amongoffice in New Orleans. Work-neighboringportsintheclus- ties to the supply chain inevitablyHo Chi Minh City region whichthesourceswereLloydsList,ingdirectlywithourpartners ter like Nansha (which handledincreaseasthescaleofglobaloccupyalargespreadandthisUNCTAD, Drewry, IAPH, vari- in the Gulf, we will make sure 11.9 million TEUs in 2020) andtradeexpands,containerportsyearweredividedoutassepa- ousportauthorities,terminalthat offshore renewable energy Dachan Bay (1.36 million TEUsand containership shipping haverate entities. And the same can beoperators,containershipopera- developmentproceedsinan in2020)cantakeupsomeofprovenremarkablyresilientassaid for the ports and terminals attors, investor presentations andorderly, safe, and environmen-the slack while the mega-portsthis Great Rebound attests. each end of the Panama Canal. government agency circulars. tally responsible manner.To date, BOEM has leased approximately 1.7 million acres intheOCSforoffshorewind developmentandhas17com-mercialleasesontheAtlantic, from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras.OncepublishedtheRFI willopena45-daypublic comment period to solicit indi-cations of competitive interest andadditionalinformation onpotentialenvironmental consequencesandotheruses oftheproposedarea.BOEM will consider data received in response to this RFI to deter-mine next steps in the renew-able energy leasing process in the Gulf of Mexico.Aspartofthisprocess, BOEMwillconvenetheGulf ofMexicoIntergovernmental RenewableEnergyTaskForce tohelpcoordinateplanning, solicitfeedback,andexchange scientificandprocessinforma-tion.BOEMwillholditsfirst customs brokers&freight forwarders task force meeting on June 15. The task force comprises mem-bers representing federal, Tribal, www . jfmoran.com: 800.944.1041 stateandlocalgovernments from Louisiana, Texas, Missis-sippi and Alabama.'