b'18American Journal of Transportation ajot.comPost-pandemic recovery invigorates Canadian ports CANADA PORTS 2021By Leo Ryan, AJOTA year ago at this time,vessel calls. Specifically: we thegreatmajorityofCana- handle10to12container dian ports were suffering cargoshipsperweek,thereisno declinesasthedevastatingwaiting time at anchorage.COVID-19wasinfullflightWhile Europe remains Mon-andtheglobaleconomywastreals largest market, maritime being hammered by the worsttradewithAsianowrepre-downturnindecades.Trafficsents nearly 28% of the ports levels were plunging at levelscontainer business.rangingfromthelowsingleWe see this rising trend digitstohighdoubledigits.from Asia continue in 2021, Pretty exceptional was the per- Iacono indicated. Our carri-formance of the Port of Sept- erscontinuetoincreasethe Iles, whose iron ore-dominatedAsiaofferingviaconnec-trafficgrowthofnearly13%tionsthroughMediterranean wassparkedbyasignificantports(transshipment)which rise in commodity prices(seeopened AsiatoOntarioand separatereportonpage20).Quebecsshippers.Astwo-Fortunately,theoutlookhasthirds of Canadas population improved substantially as vac- lives in Quebec and Ontario, cinationroll-outsaccelerate(INVIGORATEScontin-rapidly and caseloads diminishued on page 19) Container traffic at Port of Montreal benefitting from congestion-free operations and low dwell-timesin the advanced economies.Thus,followingapan-demic-ravaged2020,Can-adaseconomypickedup steam in the first six months of2021.Afteradeclineof 5.4% in 2020, Canadas GDP is forecast to grow by 6.1% this year by the Organization forEconomicCo-operation andDevelopment(OECD). U.S. economic growth could attain6.4%whileglobal output could progress 5.8%,A THOUSAND DETAILS ?accordingtotheOECDs latest revised assessment. So Canadianportsareableto givepriorityonceagainto enhancing their competitive-ness by expanding capacity.Below are brief highlights of Canadian port developments:C anadiane aSTC oaSTp orTSAtMontreal,Canadas second largest port after Van-couver, various positive fac-torsarefuellingoptimism. After seeing its volume drop in 2020 by about 14% to 35 million metric tons and con-tainer cargo decrease by 6% to 1.6 million TEUs, the first halfof2021wasshowing recovery momentum.theThereturnoffluidity,WE TAKE CARE OF THAT.with a dwell time of less than two days in June, demonstrates robustnessofourPort ofMontrealmodel,noted,Multimodal temperature-controlled transportation and logisticsfirstofall,RosettaIacono, DirectorGrowthandDevel-opment.Containervolumes are coming back to Montreal,You know your product. We know how to ship it. Whether importing, exporting or shipping locally we have despitethepastyearchal- dry, cold, heated multimodal service to get your products on the shelves quickly. With end-to-end visibility lenges, with a strong forecastedand a full range of complementary services such as cold storage, consolidation or deconsolidation, LTL, last month of June.Another factor in favormile delivery, and customs brokerage - CN temperature-controlled multimodal transport is your full-service ofourrecovery,Iaconosupply chain advantage. Trust us to get your products to the people who matter mostyour customers. said, is the absence of vessel congestion.Unlikethe West Coastportswithweeksof vesselcongestionandEast Coastportsstrugglingto managethecontainerbottle necks, the absence of vessel congestioninMontrealcan beexplainedbytheopti- Reach Farther.Call us today. | 1.888.668.4626| cn.ca mal use of our 11 container berths,providingplentyof capacitytohandlemultiple'