b'OCTOBER 25 - NOVEMBER 7, 2021NEW YORK PORTS11(MODERNIZATIONcontinuedthroughthreecontractphases.TheSeaboard Marine Port of NY&NJ service frompage 10) first contract, worth $340-million, for recommendedmovingtoamoredesign-build services to replace fourconnects Red Hook Container Terminal efficientoperatingmodeltomeetbridges and lengthen five more over aircargoindustryperformancetar- theexpresswayandtoreplacetwoto South America and the CaribbeangetsandJFKland-useefficiency.ramps, was awarded in July to a joint KeyfeaturesofthereconfigurationventurebetweenPosillico,Inc.,andSeaboardMarineenhancedtheirasecondshipforweeklyservice. will include a major consolidation ofEl Sol Contracting and ConstructionNorthAtlanticservicestoincludeaThe ACRUX N, a 1,740 TEU capac-facilities,notablyclusteringcargoCorporation, both Long Island-basedweekly service at the Port of New Yorkitycontainership,embarkedfrom facilities in the north area of the airportcompanies,andDewberry,anengi- and New Jersey, connecting Red HookPuerto Cortes, Honduras, arriving at where there is convenient road accessneering firm based in Virginia. ThisContainer Terminal, Brooklyn to keyRed Hook on May 13. The two-vessel to off-airport cargo operations. Theproject is anticipated to be completedports in Central America. The Northstringcarriesgeneralmerchandise consolidationsultimatevision,theat the end of 2023. AtlanticNorth Central America ser- cargo including produce and apparel. reportsaid,willpromotethemostContract 2, which is in the pro- vicecommencedon April29,2019,SeaboardMarine,whichoperatesa efficient use of space and manpowercess of being let, is a $460 millionfrom Santo Tomas, Guatemala.fleet of over 25 vessels and more than and good governance. The redevel- undertakingtoretrofitandreplaceThe weekly service directly con- 60,000dry,refrigerated,specialized opment process will extend well intofour Long Island Rail Road bridges,nects Brooklyn, NY with El Salvador,containersandrelatedequipment, the 2030s. modifyanotherbridge,reconstructGuatemala,Honduras,andNicara- providescargoshippinginover28 V anw yCK ConstraInt the Van Wyck Expressways servicegua.Servicestartedwiththe2,000countries in the western hemisphere. roads, and replace certain superstruc- TEU class Seaboard Atlantic, whichThe addition of this service allows the JFK critics have long noted thattures and substructures. That projectarrivedatRedHookContainer Ter- Port of New York and New Jersey to developingmodernizedon-airportis also expected to reach to the endminal on May 6, 2019. The follow- tap into an expanding market for fresh cargo facilities when the airport is dif- of 2023. ing week, Seaboard Marine launchedproduce imports.ficult to get to is of little help. ThatsContract3,whichrepresentsthe where the expansion of the Van Wyckactualcapacityimprovementstothe Expressway comes in. expressway by adding a fourth high-ANYSDOTprojecttoimproveoccupancy vehicle lane in each direc-interchangeswithnearbyparkways,tionandreconfiguringentranceand designed to draw passenger vehiclesexit ramps, was presented in the form away from the Van Wyck, has beenofadraftrequestforproposalslast ongoingforseveralyears.ThreeofJuly, and is estimated to cost $1.2 bil-four phases of that project have beenlion.Thatprojectisexpectedtobe completedandPhase4reachedacompleted by the end of 2024.milestonerecentlywiththecomple- Itremainstobeseenwhether tion of two reconfigured ramps in theNew York States $2 billion will be KewGardensInterchangewiththewellspentbyincreasingtheveloc-Grand Central Parkway. ity of cargo movements to and from Theactual$2-billionexpan- JFK. And, while new cargo process-sion of the Van Wyck, on a 4.3-mileingfacilitiesmayprovideapartial stretchbetweentheKewGardensanswer to JFKs cargo woes, the ulti-Interchange and JFK, is now just get- mate optimization of cargo operations ting underway, and will be proceedingat the airport is still a long way off.The Seaboard Atlantic sails into the Port of NY/NJYour Global Logistics SpecialistSSL operated as a multi-service Maritime logistics providerCompetitive Ocean PricingRO/ROInland HaulageProject CargoCustoms BrokerageBonded Warehousing & Transportation Title ClearancesAES FilingDOD, DOS & DLADocumentation (Notary)AtlantaChicagoHoustonLos AngelesMiamiNew YorkOaklandSeattle1986-2022 26 Years of ExcellenceServicing 7 continents supported by anCorporate Officeestablished global network of affiliates Sea Shipping Lane114 Maple Avenueproviding a complete transportation package Red Bank, NJ 07701(732) 560-2085www.seashipping.comLicensed'