b'14American Journal of Transportation ajot.comAsian auto exports down, but China booming Successful launch for hybrid Japans auto exports droppedhigh last month on the backexports to the European Unionro-ro vessel Finneco I40.3% in September from theofrobustdemandforsuchand Eastern Europe rose 41.8% previous year, as the COVID- autos in the global market. to $790 million and 18.6% toFinnecoIwillbehead- energy-savingsolutionsfora 19pandemicdisruptedtheThecountrysold34,823$449 million, respectively. ing on the Finnlines Biscay greener future. Lithium-ion bat-supply chain in Southeast Asiaeco-friendly vehicles last month,Bycompany,HyundaiNorth SeaBaltic Sea serviceterysystemswillallowzero-and a worldwide semiconduc- thelargest-everfigure,upMotor Co., the countrys lead- at the turn of the year. Respec- emission port visits as well as torshortageforceddomesticfrom 31.3 percent a year ago,ing automaker, saw its exportstivelythesecondandthirdmoderntwo-strokeengines, automakers to cut production,the data showed. dip11.8%,andHyundaisvessel in the series, Finnecoemissionabatementsystems, according to Japanese govern- The value of eco-friendlysmaller sister Kia Corp. postedIIandFinnecoIII,willbesolar panels and an innovative ment data released on Octobercarsshippedoverseasstooda 19.2% decrease.delivered in 2022. air lubrication system will cut 20th,asreportedbyXinhuaat a record high of $1.04 bil- ButexportsbyRenaultThe new vessels will beemissions further.News Agency. lion in September, up 46.8%Samsung Motors Corp. spiked238 metres long with a cargoThenewro-rovesselsare Apreliminaryreportbyfrom a year earlier. It is themorethanseventimesovercapacity of 5,800 lane metres.apartofFinnlinesongo-theJapansFinanceMin- first time that the figure sur- the period on strong sales ofAdditionally,cardecksingEUR500-millionNew-istry,saidthecountryscarpassed the $1 billion mark. the XM3 SUV in the globalhave a capacity of 5,800 m2buildingProgramme,which shipmentspostedthefirstSouth Koreas exports ofmarket, according to the data. andabout520TEUontheincludestwoeco-efficient year-on-year decline in sevenelectric cars marked a 12.4%Unlikeother Asianautoweather deck. Consequently,ro-paxvesselsinadditionto monthsthelargestdropon-yeargrowthto13,889manufacturers,Chinasautoeach of the new vessels canthe three hybrid ro-ro vessels. since a dive of 49.9% in JuneunitslastinSeptember,andexportsareupaccordingcarry about 300 trailers, 150The newbuilding programme lastyearduringtheinitialoverseassalesofplug-intoXinhuaNewsAgency.carsand500seacontainersis a collaborative project and shock of the pandemic. hybridmodelsmorethanThenewsagencyreportedpersailing.Incomparisonapartfromtheshipyardsit The tumble in car exportsdoubledto3,982unitsoverthatChinasautocompaniestotheCompanyscurrentlywill engage several suppliers led to a slowdown in rise ofthe cited period, according toexportedatotalof187,000largestro-ros,Breezeseriesfrom Finland and the Nordics.Japans overall goods exportsthe data. vehiclesinAugust,up7.5%vessel,thecargocapacityThesignificantinvest-inthereportingmonth. TheBydestination,exportsmonth-to-month and 1.6 timeswill increase by 38%. ment program is in line with total shipments in Septemberto North America went down(DOWNcontinued onFinnlinesnewultra-greenour strategy, says Emanuele sawa13.0%increasefrom30.4% to $1.33 billion, whilepage 19) vesselswillprovideseveralGrimaldi, CEO of Finnlines.the previous year and stood at 6.84 trillion yen (US$ 60 bil-lion), compared with gains of 26.2% in August and 37.0% in July.Although the chip short-agehashamstrungJapanese autoproductionthereare indicatorsthatrecoverymay be beginning.A Bloomberg reportnoted,ToyotaMotor Corp.,abellwetherforthe autosector,therearealso signs the worst is over in terms of production stoppages. The carmakerlastweeksettar-gets for November production above levels in recent years, even as it announced ongoing parts shortages.The struggles in the auto sectorarentconfinedto Japan and the US. According to South Korean news agency Yonhap, South Koreas exports of automobiles fell more than 20% last month, ending eight monthsofon-yeargrowth, amidtheextendedglobal supply shortage of automotive chips and fewer working days, data showed October 15th.Outboundshipmentsof automobilesreached151,689 unitsinSeptember,down 20.7%fromayearearlier, according to the data compiled by South Koreas Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.In terms of value, exports also marked a 6.1% on-year decrease to $3.56 billion, the data showed.The persistent global chip shortageandfewerworking days from the Chuseok holi-day appear to have caused the decrease in exports and pro-duction,theministrysaid inarelease.SouthKorea hadafive-dayholidayin mid-Septembertomarkthe countrys fall harvest celebra-tion.Domesticproduction ofcarsalsodropped33.1% last month to 229,423 units, anddomesticsalesdeclined 29.7%to113,932units, according to the data.Exportsofeco-friendly vehiclesreachedarecord Easyfairs_AXL21_7-6x9-8_RegWhite.indd 1 16/09/2021 09:48:58'